
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


The sun shined from the window as the person inside removed the blanket and got up.

After taking a bath, Nova wore the new clothes that he had specially bought for today.

After eating breakfast, he left his house running towards the Ninja School.

Today is the enrollment day for the Ninja Academy.

Nova, reaching the minimum standard for attending the Ninja Academy was notified to report to the Academy.

Arriving at the playground of the School, Nova saw a lot of kids around his age.

"Kakashi" thought Nova as he looked at the kid standing alone at the corner wearing a blue mask that covered his face till his nose and white hair, with a grim expression as if he was in debt.

Nova spotted a lot of familiar faces like Obito and Guy.

Soon, a person wearing a green vest and Konoha headband arrived as he motioned everyone to stay quiet.

"There will be a test to determine whether you'll be in the best class or the worst"

After a few minutes, equipment for the test were placed at the ground.

The proctor announced the first exam - Shuriken Proficiency Test.


"Nova Kimo Grade A" announced the proctor with surprise, probably not expecting it from me.

After Nova's performance The kids around started to gossip as everyone was surprised by Nova's grade.

Soon, it was Kakashi's turn, he also got Graded A.

The children were surprised again by the emergence of another talent.

Kakashi ignored everyone's admiring gaze and looked towards Nova with fighting spirit burning in his eyes.

Nova feeling Kakashi's gaze looked back and smiled at him.

Soon, it was the endurance test, which was to run around for 10 laps.

Nova and Kakashi both finished their laps though the difference was Nova didn't get tired in the least, while Kakashi sat down tired of running.

"This guy..."Kakashi looked at Nova and couldn't believe that he lost.

After a brief rest, the Proctor announced the third exam which was the Ninjutsu test.

Nova got a C grade in it while Kakashi got another A.

"Looks like no one is perfect" some jealous kids breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm still trash at Ninjutsu, not that it matters" thought Nova as after acquiring the Template only his chakra capacity increased.

After the last kid completed the test, the proctor announced the students class and Nova was sorted in the best class.

After the test Sarutobi arrived as he fed the children lies making Nova smile as he knew of Sarutobi's schemes.

After the speech, Nova arrived at his class and after ignoring the noisy kids he sat at a seat near the right end.

Nova felt a Shadow over him and saw Kakashi standing in front of him.

"?" looked Nova, confused.

Kakashi didn't answer and just sat on the seat next to him. "Hey aren't those two who performed the best at the exam" said Obito to Asuma sitting beside him.

"They are nothing I can defeat them both" said Asuma arrogantly as his father was the 3rd Hokage So he thought he was the best.

"They are so Handsome!!"

The girls looked at both of them with shining eyes.

Looking at the girls, the boys gritted their teeth with jealously.

"Those bastards...."

"Shut up!!"

Among the jealous boys, Asuma spoke loudly as every girl was looking at Nova.

Soon, the Chunin teacher entered, and everyone got quiet, and the teacher introduced himself and asked for everyone's introduction.

"My name is Nova Kimo, I'm destined to be the Strongest person in the world. " said Nova as his words sounded arrogant to everyone, but Nova knew as long as he grew up he'll do wonders.

The Teacher was surprised since Nova didn't look very outstanding, but how could he know that Nova had a system which would help him grow tremendously.

After the introduction, the teacher started explaining the History of Konoha, including Hashirama being the strongest Hokage.

Soon, the first day of the Academy came to an end as Nova went home.

When he was walking home he heard Zarathos' voice that sounded slightly sad "so we were all just fiction, created by you humans?"

I understood what he meant and nodded. "So, I guess I'm staying with you, because it seems I'm permanently stuck with you, nor can I directly influence you. And you need to grow stronger faster, because right now most of my powers are sealed."

I nodded, and after our talk I went to bed.