
Template system in the multiverse

A man gets transmigrated in naruto with a template system. disclaimer: there will be stupid stuff and no struggle if you dont like that leave, there will be little to no plot and character development. writing for funz.

Cringe_Author · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

2 years later

I woke up and was greeted by my loving wife's hips jumping up and down.

"Um, what are you doing?" I asked whilst groaning.

"Well, we need to do it until I get pregnant." She said in between moans.


1 month later:

I was working in my bar serving drinks, I thought about how I will become a father.

I got her pregnant through our 'sessions' and now I have to take care of her all the time – not that I mind.

But I was pulled out of my thoughts, when a person wearing marine clothes came – not that I was surprised, he was not the first, though he didn't seem scared – all the previous marines ran away when they saw me. (Let's say he got a bounty of 2 billion, because he killed half of the marine members)

To my surprise he didn't start threatening or attacking, he just sat on a stool.

"Want a drink?" I asked and he said "Some bear"

I prepared it and then I finally saw his face. "Hahaha, your welcome."

He smiled and said "Thank you" I grinned and said "No problem, 'Gramps'"

I asked, "How's life been treating you, Garp?" and Garp answered "Meh, I resigned from the marines, thanks for saving my boys again."

"It's cool, Luffy is technically my captain." I said, Garp smiled and said "Well, then he'll be fine with a crewmate like you."

We talked about our lives, and he left not long after.

2 Years later:

"Dad, wake up" a little voice said.

"5 more minutes, Jason." Said a tired voice.

"NO, wake up, you promised to show me your friends."

"ARGH, okay okay." Nova woke up and grabbed Jason.

They walked out and saw Esdeath preparing breakfast, Nova hugged and thanked her, and they all ate.

"Are you ready to meet our 'Captain' after 2 years." I asked and she nodded.

"Pack some clothes, I'll teleport us to their ship." I said.

Jason looked confused and asked "port?" I laughed and explained "Teleport – I can bring us to any place instantly" Jason made a [ 0-0 ] face.


We stepped out of our the portal – me holding Jason whilst talking. But a kid looking deer bumped into me.

I handed Jason to Esdeath and said to the deer "Hey, by any chance do you know where the straw-hat's are?"

He said whilst crying "YES! Are you one of us?" I nodded and he said, "Then help me find Robin." I nodded putting him on my shoulder and said, "Lead the way, Esdeath follow me with Jason."


We ran and heard shouting "Chopper!!" he got happy and jumped off of me and hugged Nami and Usopp.

Nami came to me and asked "Who are you? Why did you carry Chopper?"

I acted hurt and said "You already forgot about me? Here's your 50% interest." I said with a smile.

She realized who I was and hugged me "It's so good to finally meet you, thanks for saving Luffy and who is this boy."

I smiled and said "My son, Jason. Jason come say hi." He came shyly and Nami started hugging him whilst saying "SO CUTE!" I held Esdeath's shoulder and whispered, "It's fine." Because she was glaring at Nami.


We got on their bubble ship and started flying.

(Sorry if i fuck up the timeline i'm watching One Piece)