
9 Template's Characteristics

The sound of my breathing was resounding in the room as I was performing my daily training in Kanoh Agito's template. I could do 500 of the push-ups, sit-ups, 1000 crunches as of now. As the synchronization increases, my strength will continue to increase to that of the original anime character, honestly I have never tried to interact with the system and its functions too much, but as I found out more about the template system the more intrigued I became.

I now had the synchronization rate of 25.9, with every second I spend in Kanoh Agito's body and test his limits, it continues to increase, the more control I get on the template the better the synchronization rate.

As I was using the template more, I came to notice that the template's characteristics also take effect when the template is in use, for Kanoh Agito, he has two facets, one is clueless and stoic and the other one is sadistic and ruthless. When ever I use his template, the desire to fight a strong opponent would fill my mind. This seems to apply to all the templates I would get in the future. But due to my wish of a powerful mind, I can control the desires.

These could be said to be side effects of using a template of a character, but as I improve the synchronization rate to 100% the side effects would disappear for the said character. I have to be careful to not lose my mental faculties, as it could prove disastrous when I am using a strong template.

(Earlier Today)

'System show me my stats' I said expectantly as this is the first time I am seeing my stats, I felt like a fool getting lost in Kanoh Agito's template that testing system's functions never occurred to me.


Name : Leon Beckfield

Age : 5

Inventory (Locked)

Templates : Kanoh Agito[25.9](In Use)

Draw (Unusable)


Huh? Did it say Inventory is locked? So I had an Inventory?

'System, how do I unlock the inventory?'

[Synchronizing a template to 100% would unlock the Inventory function and the side effects of equipping a template would be eliminated]

'So that's how it is, system what is draw and why is it unusable?'

[Draw is a function to draw new templates, it activates when host has achieved major synchronization rate with the in-hand templates or matures in age. Host is given a chance to receive new templates by completing a challenge/mission from system]

'Noice, how do I boost my synchronization rate and how to travel to other worlds?'

[To boost the synchronization rate the host has to use and improve the host's control on the template. Different templates have different opportunities to enter their world and complete a mission to increase the synchronization rate. After completing all the missions and finishing the synchronization rate to 100% for a template, host can visit that world anytime, but the original world's time flow would not be disturbed and would continue]

'So these are the conditions that ROB mentioned. Okay let's keep a goal of unlocking the inventory first.'


As I finished my training, I took a shower and slept in my room, I had to be prepared for the evening party Carlo is throwing, it is going to be my first official gambling match with the underground members and leaders of L.A.


As I woke up in the evening, I was prepared to leave for the party, I dressed in a black suit and kept the gun on me, I kept on practicing poker face the whole night yesterday and I can say that I perfected it, no one can read my bluff now. Even though Kanoh Agito has a poker face, he did not practice it, it is his natural face as the fucker doesn't feel anything as he is Stoic and clueless most of the time, he becomes a beast when he uses his formless style and let his sadistic side take over.

Mr.Hrist arrived near my hotel to pick me up, and we made our way to Carlo's party, the already dazzling mansion was even more dazzling this evening as glamorous ladies were stepping out of their super cars with exposed clothing. Some were hookers, some were rich and some were powerful among them.

The latter were in a minority as the majority of the beautiful women were partners, girlfriends, or wives of the crime bosses in the town.

'I have to buy a house like this in the soon' Honestly with my IQ and comprehension talent I could crack the lottery system or hack bank accounts in a jiffy, so I was not so worried about this small dream not being fulfilled. Anyway, becoming rich was never my goal to begin with, it was to enjoy life, experience different things that I have missed in my previous slave life, maybe even try immortality while at it.

I smiled as those thoughts passed my mind.

"What are you smiling at?" asked Mr. Hrist as his face was making a disgusted expression seeing Kanoh Agito's small smile, honestly my guy would be better looking with visible eyebrows.

'Oh, I need to keep my poker face,' I just shook my head as an answer to Mr.Hrist's question.

He did not question it further and got to his work of setting up a meeting among the most powerful people in the town, he said his job was being the legal help to Carlo as he had done law and knew the loopholes in the system. The table was set and the big shots of the town sat around a blackjack table as their ladies sat beside them. Their job was just to look pretty and complain about stuff, and they were doing an excellent job I must say.

There were five people around the table and one of them was a woman, she did not have anyone sitting beside her, she looked to be in her early 40s, the other four were men around the age of 40–60. As they sat and exchanged pleasantries with cold faces, Carlo came into the room with a huge fake smile.

"Greetings gentleman and women, thank you for accepting my invitation.." he started with basic pleasantries, the six people are in an alliance according to Mr.Hrist and they own businesses and share profits among themselves.

'According to their body language they came just to give Carlo some face and not hurt his ego as they were not as powerful as him, sure no one would want to waste their Saturday to see his fat face, and they are not even doing a good job hiding it'

As I was insulting Carlo in my mind, he started introducing me to his partners in crime.

"This big guy goes by the name Greek, he is working for ME. I hired him for his gambling talent..." Carlo said as he began to introduce me, I did not miss him stressing that I was working under him, he did this to boost his ego by reminding me that I was lower than he.

'Sigh... seriously, this guy is getting on my nerves, I seriously want to go on a rampage and smash his face to the ground. This is going to be a long evening....'