
Template System: I am Overpowered!

Our MC dies and gets to meet ROB - ROB : blah blah blah so it was partially my fault you died, so blah blah blah to compensate I'll let you reincarnate in another world with some gifts. MC : Can't you just turn back time and give me back my previous life? ROB : Well...sure I can. [Warning! This is a fanfic I am writing for fun, I cannot promise to update regularly, some people may find some parts of the story morally or ethically wrong.] [The cover doesn't belong to me]

Dao_Of_Craziness · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

16 Accepting the challenge

I approached the guy with a frown, as I demanded

"You better have a reasonable explanation doc, or you won't like what I am about to do"

"You monster! What have you done to the girl?" He exploded with tears in his eyes as he grabbed my collar.

"Sigh...If it was me, do you really think I would save her? I am now starting to doubt the level of competence from the doctors of this hospital" the guy was taken aback by my comment and looked at me plainly.

"So? Just how incompetent were you to let her die after all the trouble I went through to save her?" I asked the guy demanding an answer.

He looked at me trying to retort back but seeing my intense stare he backed out and replied

"I-I would request you to not jump into conclusions about my patient! Her condition may not be stable yet, but she has a 30% chance to make it" hearing this I relaxed the pressure I was releasing through my mind onto him, I can do that now after a lot of training.

"How much time until you can be sure?"

"48 hours" he said gulping in relief.

"I see, take me to her"

"Visitors are strictly for-" he could not finish his sentence as my fist landed beside his face punching the wall, his eyes widened in surprise and his knees gave out in fear.

"I-I'll call the s-security!"

"I'll say this once, never disobey a person more powerful than you. If you do, be ready to face the consequences. Now, take me to see the girl" I said in a smooth tone, trying to make him obey me.

"Y-Yes s-sir"


We started walking into the hospital and soon arrived in the room where the girl rested, she had all kinds of devices attached to her and her head and most of the body was covered in bandages.

"Whoever did this was a monster. Most of her body were of burn marks and bruises, she was tortured physically and mentally, she was strangled while swallowing the food she was eating..."

"...And two of her ribs were broken, honestly how brutal can someone be, if you were a little late the ribs would have punctered her l-lungs." he said and started crying again, looks like he is fairly new to this considering his age, maybe he was assisting a senior doctor in this case.

"Do you know who did this? We could file a complaint and sue them, I would definitely want to see them behind bars"

'Yeah, good luck with that' I said inwardly but replied.

"I don't, I found her in a trash bag 200 meters north of here in an abandoned area" my reply made him lose hope of finding the culprit.

"How is that possible? Can you tell me where that location is exactly? I will call the cops, and we could..." he started his speech as I went towards the girl and touched her head, this was my main reason to be adamant about visiting her. In my recent breakthrough in mind arts-is what I call my mental training- I figured a way to influence a person's subconscious mind with my mental energy. I cannot hypnotize or make them do anything they reject but just hint at an idea subconsciously. I call this technique 'Mind Rap-' just kidding! I call this 'Subconscious Seep' something I am very proud of as I did not depend on a template to achieve this.

As I touched the girl's head I started using the technique Subconscious Seep as I influenced her subconscious mind for a period of time.

'I WANT TO LIVE'-this sentence will repeat in her subconscious mind for a period of time and her will to live will soar during her comatose stage. She might have given up her will to live after going through torture and abuse for 9 days, so I gave her the push to stay alive.

'I don't know if this will work or not, but it's worth a try' I thought to myself and removed my hand from her head.

"Are you listening? What are you doing?" the doctor whose name I did not bother to ask said.

"What's your name doc?"

"Uh.. it's Robert, Robert Hines, what about yo-" I cut him off by saying.

"Well Dr.Hines, take care of her. I'll be back to check on her after sometime. Don't worry about the hospital fee as I'll pay it at the counter" I said and walked off the room ignoring what Robert had to say. After filling some formalities at the counter I paid the fee with a cheque and walked towards my home.

I could hear a lot of sirens as I was walking on the street, it must be because of the mess I have made. Well, I could try being a vigilante once in a while too, it's honestly not bad. I'll have to think of a name for that.

I walked and entered my house without anyone noticing and jumped the gate to my own house

As usual the mailbox was filled with letters and my Aston Martin was parked in front of the door. I unlocked it and entered the bathroom. After a cold shower in my 5-year-old physique I sat on the chair and called out the system and accepted the challenge it displayed.

As soon as my eyes focused on the challenge and I mentally accepted it I got sucked into thin air leaving nothing behind.

'This is going to be fun!'