
Tempest of the Steel Mecha

Suppressing miracles Concealing the truth Eternal fervor and passion An immortal legend of tyranny!

Daoist5LB6oW · Spiele
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98 Chs

The path of Sun

The silver and white metallic palace, with its exaggerated lines and shimmering multicolored lights, signifies a world of high-tech civilization. Its vast space is capable of accommodating tens of thousands of people, with all sorts of robots busy at work. These robots take on various humanoid forms, ranging from mechanized to human-like to various biological forms, indicating the incredible level of technological advancement of this world.

Despite the remarkable development of this place, there seems to be something missing – vitality!

The entire room is filled with all kinds of robots, but no humans!

After a while, a golden circular toy with small wings flew out, followed by a chubby little boy wearing a silver robe. When the little boy appeared, the eyes of all the robots in the palace shimmered with respectful light, but when they saw that the boy ignored them, they continued to work.

"Xiaojin, don't run around. Wait for me." It is obvious that the little boy loves the toy, which is still bouncing around. His arrival has brought a little bit of life to the otherwise stiff and rigid palace.

It must be said that although this place looks very magnificent and advanced, it is also too stiff, with everything made of shiny metal that lacks texture. A few green plants would make it more comfortable to look at.

"Master, come and catch me. If you catch me, Xiaojin will sing you a song."

The small robot flapped its wings and laughed. Its big mouth split open, and its head looked as if it was going to split in half, but it was really cute and made people want to give it a pat.

But this time, Xiaojin's master didn't go after him as happily as usual. Instead, he was stunned for a while, which made Xiaojin a little confused. Despite being small, Xiaojin is far more advanced than the robots around him. He is the latest product of the Maya Empire, specially designed to serve the great prince. For a robot, this is the ultimate honor. In this realm, Maya technology has reached its peak and is invincible in the interstellar arena. Regardless of spiritual civilization, technological civilization, or other exotic civilizations, none can resist the Maya army. However, a thousand years ago, the Maya Empire stopped its advance because the king had discovered the ultimate secret of becoming a god – in the birthplace of Maya civilization on Earth.

Recently, it has been reported that this plan has been realized. In fact, under the current level of Maya Empire's technology, as long as they can think of it, there is nothing they cannot do. The only thing they need is time.

The lovely little prince silently looked at Xiaojin and suddenly grabbed him. Xiaojin didn't have time to escape because his master's strength was something that no robot could resist.

The little prince looked at Xiaojin in his hand and his eyes flashed with a trace of reluctance. But he still fiercely held onto his favorite toy and walked to a well-like object beside the palace.

The prince looked into the well, which appeared to be a mirror, reflecting the ordinary situation inside the palace. Just then, footsteps were heard outside the palace. The little prince gritted his teeth and threw Xiaojin towards the mirror-like surface before he could cry out.


The mirror did not shatter, but it rippled like a water surface. Xiaojin disappeared without a trace.

And there stood a middle-aged man, wearing a crown of authority, with a hint of anger on his face in front of the little prince. Beside him was a woman, whose beauty was indescribable, beyond the reach of language. There was no flaw to be found in her, and even if there were any that you disliked, they would be perfected by her consciousness.

"Kater, do you know what you're doing?" the middle-aged man's angry voice echoed throughout the hall, causing the working robots to cower in fear. Some even burst into sparks.

"Kater, what you are doing is wrong. The parallel mirror connects to other horizontal universes, which are completely different from ours. If Xiaojin manages to escape the judgment of the law, it will bring imbalances to that universe's development!"

The little prince didn't show any signs of fear. He smiled slightly and said, "Father, Mother, you have both said that even we cannot resist the laws of parallel universes. Xiaojin only has a theoretical chance of one in a hundred billion quarks."

Although the emperor's anger seemed to have not subsided, the queen beside him held him back and said, "Your Majesty, today is a big day for us. Let's not blame the prince. My darling, today, our Mayan civilization will reach its final glory, and soon we will become true gods, the only one in this universe!"

When it came to becoming a god, the king's expression finally softened.

"We will become light, the universe is us, and we are the universe. No more distinction between us!"

"Let's go, my dear child. Let us become light!"

The king and queen pulled the prince, one on either side, and walked out of the hall. The huge doors of the hall opened, and a dazzling light shone on the entire world. In sight was a massive altar floating in mid-air, burning with milky-white light. Under the altar were endless legions of mechanical troops!

The light did not come from the sun, but from these countless mechas, any one of which had the terrifying power to conquer a planet. It was these forces that made the Mayan Empire invincible and unstoppable!

The entire earth was covered with densely packed robots… not a single living being, all robots. The eyes of the robots were all looking at the one and only altar and their one and only king!

Outside the earth, the entire solar system was filled with massive interstellar warships. All soldiers on board were standing solemnly, looking at the altar on the screen, and the appearance of the king, queen, and prince… all soldiers were also robots.

The interstellar warship extended from the solar system and still could not see the end. This was the invincible fleet of the Mayan civilization, and no civilization could resist their attacks. They could destroy an entire galaxy with ease.

Today, all soldiers of the Mayan civilization and their vassal states were about to witness a glorious moment. Their great king was about to become a god, become light, and forever shine on this universe!

Looking at the sacred altar, the king raised his hand. All the soldiers lifted their weapons in unison and shouted, "Long live the king!"

This voice quickly spread throughout the universe. In this dimension, the Mayan civilization was invincible!

But the Mayan civilization has only these three individuals left, and now they must achieve their ancestors' ultimate goal: to become one with the divine and the cosmos.

This is a solemn and grand moment, as countless robots dressed in pure white robes begin to recite scripture, representing the magnificent history of the Mayan civilization. At this moment, all the people will witness together.

The three individuals slowly fly towards the altar, their bodies completely unrestricted by gravity. Soon they arrive at the entrance of the altar, where white flames burn brightly and the future flickers before their eyes.

This is the ultimate power of the Mayan civilization. Only by merging with the universe can they reach their final destination: the ultimate fate of the Mayan civilization.

The king, queen, and prince quietly glance at each other, placing their solemn hands on their heads. Then, the king gently removes his head and says, "At this glorious moment, let us face the world with reality!" After speaking, he slowly tears off his hair and facial skin, revealing a semi-circular transparent vessel containing a pulsating red brain inside."

After the King had completed his task, the Queen and the Prince also accomplished this grand feat of returning to reality.

Their bodies respectfully raised the brains in their hands, slowly pushing them out, and the three brains that bore the last imprint of Mayan civilization flew towards the center of the flames.

Silence. There was not a single sound in the entire world.

As if time and space had stopped, but in the next moment, the soaring flames violently compressed and instantly disappeared, followed by a white light soaring into the sky, ascending into space. The white light spread out and everything was merged into it.

Breaking through the limitations of time and space, everything turned into light, followed by a thunderous explosion. The solar system disappeared from then on, and the existence of the Mayan civilization would forever become history. A faint sadness seemed to linger in the universe.

In the early period of the Mayan civilization, there was a great king named Nietzsche who claimed he was the sun…

The universe is not three-dimensional or seven-dimensional, but infinite-dimensional. Its origin lies in a starting point, and the universes derived from it are parallel universes. They have a common source but different outcomes. For example, from the moment the earth was born, it had countless possibilities for development. Each possibility would form a universe space. On one earth, the dinosaurs became extinct, and a mammal called humans ruled the world. However, in parallel universes, the dinosaurs might not have become extinct and they continued to survive.

Every possibility can give rise to an existence, and parallel universes can be similar or completely different. For instance, on some earths, there never existed any life, while on some others, the earth developed into the ultimate civilization. Similarly, there are possibilities that are even more subtle. For example, humans still dominate the earth, but the First Emperor of a Unified China was not called Ying Zheng, and Einstein did not invent the theory of relativity, but instead, it was his father. Such possibilities abound.

And all of this is parallel universes. There are unbreakable universal laws between parallel universes. Even when the Mayan civilization developed to such a point, it was still impossible to violate this rule. Any object that dared to challenge it would be destroyed in transit. When this conclusion was reached, the Mayan civilization lost its goal of survival.

But as the Prince said, when technological power reaches its peak, this rule is not entirely unbreakable, but the probability of success is almost zero. Even if one succeeded by chance, both living and non-living things would lose more than eighty percent of their functions. In the calculations of the Mayan civilization's mainframe, this was entirely meaningless.

It is unclear what it means to become light, but the Mayan civilization, like the emperor of old who wanted to become the sun, was annihilated. This also triggered a cosmic explosion. The chain reaction of energy affected the portals of parallel space, which could not be calculated by numbers.

A small, golden dot, which could be easily ignored, suddenly disappeared at the edge of destruction. When it reappeared, a blue planet was before their eyes…