
Tell me everything boss

Raised in an orphanage, Lily has always worked hard in her life. Throughout her life, she has lived by the motto "Nothing in this world is given to you. You have to go out and get it!" This has shaped her into a hardworking and independent woman. However, everyone makes mistakes, including Lily. At one point, she succumbed to the temptations of her boss, which led her to become dependent on him. She became deeply infatuated with her boss, being treated like a queen where her every desire was granted. However, one day Lily saw her boss with another woman! Filled with jealousy and anger, Lily followed them to a hotel, growing increasingly furious. She confronted her boss, expressing her anger and stating that she no longer wanted to see him, resigning from her job. In the following week, Lily, having completed her resignation process, decided to apply for a position and entered the interview stage at a private company. She applied for a secretary position, plunging herself into a new and complicated relationship with a handsome man! Will Lily experience the heart-fluttering emotions once again? Or will this man make Lily feel warmth in her heart once more?

Luwly · Urban
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9 Chs

Got a job 2

"Okay, I have to leave now, Cindy. I don't want to be late. Thanks for helping me. You're my best friend," Lily bid farewell to Cindy warmly.

"Don't mention it, Lily. Friends always help each other. Now, go ahead and have a safe journey," Cindy replied. "Have a great day. Don't forget to keep me posted." Cindy said goodbye to Lily warmly.

Lily grabbed her bag and walked towards the apartment door. She glanced back at Cindy and smiled. Cindy also smiled and waved.

"Bye, Cind. See you later," Lily said as she opened the door.

"Bye, Lily. See you later," Cindy said as she closed the door.

Lily exited the apartment and ran towards the bus stop. She hoped the bus wouldn't be late, eager to arrive at the office on time. She was excited about her first day at Delima Putih company.

Cindy entered the apartment and sat on the sofa. She felt happy that Lily got the job and was no longer stressed about her ex-boyfriend.

Cindy took her phone and sent a quick message to Lily.

[Cindy: Lily, remember your promise. Treat me to a big meal after you finish your work. Don't forget, okay!]

Lily, waiting for the bus, heard the notification sound. She opened Cindy's message and smiled.

[Lily: Sure, sure, I won't forget. When have I ever broken a promise?]

Lily and Cindy exchanged emojis and smiled reading each other's messages.

The awaited bus finally arrived. Lily boarded and found a vacant seat near the window. She sat down, placing her bag on her lap.

Lily took out her phone and put on earphones, choosing her favorite song for the journey. She also opened her notebook and pen from her bag, preparing for the day ahead.

She diligently jotted down important notes about Delima Putih, making sure to leave a positive impression on her manager and colleagues.

Lily also wrote down questions she wanted to ask her manager or colleagues.

She wrote with focus, unaware of time passing quickly. It wasn't until the bus driver announced their arrival at Street X that she realized.

Lily quickly closed her notebook and put it back in her bag. She removed her earphones and turned off her phone. Standing up, she walked towards the bus door, got off, and looked around.

She saw tall buildings around her, people rushing by, and the hustle and bustle of cars, motorcycles, and public transportation. She felt the hot and humid air.

Spotting a striking pink building among others, she saw the gleaming Delima Putih sign.

Lily confidently walked towards the building. Arriving at the entrance, she saw a reception desk in the middle of the lobby. Approaching, she greeted the woman behind it politely.

"Good morning, Miss. I'm Lily, the new assistant at Delima Putih. I need to collect my work supplies. Can you assist me?" Lily said politely.

"Good morning, Miss. Welcome to Delima Putih. I'm receptionist Miss Dina. Nice to meet you," the receptionist replied warmly.

"Thank you, Miss Dina. Nice to meet you again," Lily responded warmly.

"Alright, Miss. I'll assist you. Please show me your access barcode. I'll check your identity and provide you with the uniform and other work supplies," the receptionist said, pulling out a pink bag.

"Okay, Miss Dina. Here's my access barcode." Lily took out her phone and showed the access barcode from the earlier email to the receptionist.

The receptionist took Lily's phone, scanned the QR code in the email, and the tablet beeped, displaying Lily's data.

"Okay, Miss. Your data is registered in our system. You're the new assistant to our main manager, Mr. Fary. You'll be on the 15th floor, room 1501. Here's your uniform and work supplies. Please wear this uniform every working day. You'll find a desk, computer, and phone there," the receptionist explained, handing the bag to Lily.

"Thank you, Miss Dina. I understand. I'll wear this uniform and bring these work supplies," Lily said, accepting the bag.

"Alright, Miss. Have a good work. Best of luck at Delima Putih. If you have any questions or issues, please contact me or the security at the entrance. We'll be happy to assist you," the receptionist said warmly, returning Lily's phone.

"Thank you, Miss Dina. You're very kind. I'll contact you if anything comes up. Have a good day too," Lily replied warmly, taking her phone back.

Lily then put her phone in her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. She walked towards the elevator in the lobby.