

Fantasy Romance
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What is Telius

Lesen Sie den Roman Telius des Autors Sujashree_Roy, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.The world of Telius, much like our Earth. A single landmass divided into 5 kingdoms, each having their own specialty, magic, cold arts, songs, wisdom, destruction. Home to humans, dwarves, and elves.C...


The world of Telius, much like our Earth. A single landmass divided into 5 kingdoms, each having their own specialty, magic, cold arts, songs, wisdom, destruction. Home to humans, dwarves, and elves. Calia, a girl living in the kingdom of magic, which was now fallen, after the great war, had never believed what the history books said. She always wanted to find the truth of the world. When a terrible incident happened to their family, separating her from her sister, she sought out to find her. But little did she know, this world was nothing like the one in the history books. A journey to restore homeland. Here's to justice, love, betrayal, friendship, and more importantly, adventure.

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I Have My Own System: The Lovely Ruler

A programmer who had died without realizing it suddenly woke up in a different body named Kaeso. From his new body, he acquired foreign memories. Based on these memories, he was able to adapt quickly, and then the Ruler's System, which took the form of a bracelet, connected with him. The Ruler's System was an artifact belonging to absolute entities. The artifact was believed to have been stolen by someone. The saints of the Sacred World Federation received orders from each absolute entity to summon heroes. The summoned heroes would later become tools to hunt down the thief and return the lost artifact. This caused the whole world to be in chaos, because the heroes were very powerful, so every country they visited would certainly obey the order to check the identities of the residents. Because of the mass activities that kept everyone busy, many jobs were neglected, causing the economy to become unstable. The three major countries that were the core power of the Nozica continent chose to unite their forces to fight against the heroes, which was tantamount to declaring hostility towards the Sacred World Federation. Kaeso was not someone with a heroic spirit, even those who were called heroes acted otherwise. Due to his decision to hide the fact that he was the one who possessed the sought-after artifact, war broke out. He didn't want to feel guilty, besides, the Ruler's System that he called Lily gave him a mission to prevent the war from happening, so he finally took action after hiding himself from the world for too long.

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