
Tejas – Chapter 4

Khara holds Tejas by the neck and lifts him in front of him.


"You were saying something"

Tejas was scared and said, "Tick...no..."

Khara hits Tejas in the face with the pitcher in his other hand.

Tejas hits the far wall and falls on the ground.

moving towards him

"I will keep hitting you like this until you fulfill your wish."

Tejas is unable to open his mouth, "Ahhh…you…."

Khara then attacks Tejas by turning his donkey on him.

Frankly and cruelly, "Say something more...man."

And Tejas falls away with great speed. Terrible blood is coming out from Tejas' body.

Tejas starts crying due to the pain in his body.

"(No...this...injustice...no...) "


Khara hits the bones of Tejas' spine. Tejas hits one of the iron rod of the bridge.

Tejas by itself

(Ma (Mother)... Bapuji ( father)... please put me to sleep... in..)

Khara hits the head of Tejas

"Complete that sentence"

Tejas is unable to say anything after that. true is mother again

true dying again and again

dying true

"Complete the sentence…..say…..say…..say….it"

Tejas takes his last breath from that continuous beating.

boss from outside

"If you die like this then a person will probably die."

(by driving)


that's it, it dribbled out

( Easy )

His dead body will have to be cooked for dinner today.

A dark place where there is no light.

Tejas is crying with his hand on his hand

Tejas crying

"Mother… Bapuji… we are your sins, whatever teachings Yamraj gives us, we are ready to suffer.

By leaving you alone, we have committed a sin and only a sin.

Tejas crying

voice like a demon

"Hey why are you crying? You are not a sinner.

"You are a hero."

Tejas got up stiff with surprise

"What…who…is it? We are dead, he is not dead."

demon voice

"Don't ask this question, we are your well wishers.

Listen, do you want to come out of all this?"

Tejas is confused

"My brother is dead...so"

monster agility

"You are almost killed, you can kill sometime but there is a way you can escape."

Tejas getting very excited

"Who? "

the monster sneakily

"Give us your body."

Tejas listen to the strange answer

"Hey, how can I give you a body like this, some chocolate."

The voice of the second demon was quite loud.

"Because you are only your body to us..."

Rest in peace friend monster

Tejas shockingly said, "Who is this?"

The second monster said calmly, "Calm down, man."

Tejas said in a surprised tone, "Who is this?"

the second monster getting upset

"You friend... I will answer your questions. Do you want to send the money to your parents tomorrow or not?"

Tejas's eyes were shining, "What money... will I be able to serve my parents?"

the second monster getting upset

"Oh yes brother, you will be able to do it if you give me your body."

Tejas curiously

"How "

monster in peace

"So go into your Shravan Asan and close your eyes."

Tejas didn't understand anything and he is thinking about the matter.

The monster is upset but in a calm tone

"Lie down and we'll take care of it."

....to be continued.....