
The young me.

I don't remember the time I was born and I guarantee you that you can't remember as well but there is our mother who tells us about where we were born and how we were in kids she shows us the picture book that treasures like some valuable thing she feels happy talking about the time we were born and deep down she was more happy when we were born she gave us birth, she taught us how to walk, she taught us how to behave, she always show us the right path. She is someone whom you can rely on. She becomes your friend when you need to play. She becomes angry when we pull up stupid stunts. I really Don't believe in God but I believe in the power of mother love. Mother love is something you should always treasure and it is the most valuable and most precious thing that you get from your dear mother. No matter how rich or poor our mother is her love for us is far beyond any greed and power. When I was small my mother used to tell me that my father was an army and couldn't come home yet. When I used to ask When my father will come home she always used to say next year but that next year never came. When I grew up became an teenager I learned about my father. He was dead after I was born because of illness. When knew the truth about my father I became angry at my mother for keeping it a secret. I cried all night that day without showing it to my mother. I always dreamed my father would come to someday and bring me lots of chocolates like other father does when they arrive. When I was at eighth grade my teacher asked me about my father I have always told my friends that he was an army and he is far away from us. He really was far away from us really far where we couldn't even see him nor talk to him. At that day I didn't know what to say to my teacher I just learned about my father and this is what i get asked about? When I was keeping my mouth shut one of my friend said his father is an army after hearing that from my friend it really broke me I felt a terrible pain inside my heart. I wanted to cry at that time but I couldn't I wanted to shove like a little baby my tears were at the corner of my eye. When I went to home after that I cried and cried and cried till my eyes turned red. My mother asked me what's wrong with your eyes? I said that it's because I woke up just now. I didn't wanted my mother to worry about me. All my childhood I always prayed to God that I wanted a father I wanted my father to come back to me I wanted to see my father how he was like?