
Teen Wolf: The head of the Spider

The Phantom Troupe has entered an ancient ruin in The Dark Continent. Just as they begin to move deeper, violent whispers violate Chrollo's mind and he falls unconscious. After he wakes up, he finds himself in the middle of a forest. Where is he? Where are his friends? What will he do? ..... I am doing something like this for the first time, so go easy on me. English is my second language and if i make grammar mistakes, please correct me. The cover is NOT mine and if the owner recognizes it, contact me. Happy reading!!! No romance and no harem. If you want to support the novel, follow me on p.a.t.r.e.o.n: patreon.com/SENYSONAMEN

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Chapter 4

After they stopped running, Scott, breathing heavily, leaned on a tree ''Who were they, Derek?'' 

"Hunters, they have been hunting our kind for centuries.'' The man, whose name is Derek, answered. ''Ours?! You mean yours! You did this to me!'' Scott yelled.

"Is it really so bad, Scott? That you can hear and smell better. That you are stronger and faster, than any human could ever hope. The bite is a gift, Scott'' Derek persuaded. 

"I don't want it.'' Scott replied. Derek reassured him ''You will. And you're gonna need me if you want to control it. So, me and you, Scott... We are brothers now.''

''I have a question. How can I transform, like you and Scott, to a werewolf?'' A heavenly voice joined their conversation. Chrollo, then revealed himself from the darkness.

Startled, Derek and McCall turned their heads to the direction of the voice. ''Yo-You're Chrollo! What are you doing here?!'' The young werewolf nearly had heart attack.

Derek had his guard up against the unknown man. ''Who are you and how did you escape my senses?''

Chrollo locked eyes with Derek ''My name is Chrollo Caddel and I am Scott's classmate. As for your second question, I guess I can hide better than your senses could detect me.''

''I was bitten by a big, dark monster and as you said, I obtained better senses than normal humans and a significant increase in strength, speed and superior reflexes. However, I can't transform into the form that you and Scott can.'' Chrollo explained.

''Which leads me to the question I asked- How can I transform, like you and Scott, to a werewolf?'' Derek silently looked at Chrollo and questioned ''Do you not feel anything right now?''

Chrollo denied ''No, what should I feel?'' Wary, Derek clarified ''During the full moon, the beast part of a werewolf takes over the mind and often, that ends up in somebody getting killed.''

"Interesting, then what is happening to me?'' Derek stared at him. ''It means that you aren't a werewolf, but something else.''

''Something else?? You are telling me there are other things beside werewolves??'' Scott couldn't believe it. ''How can I know what I am?'' 

"I have a theory, but hearing that you have powers beyond human limits, I doubt it.'' Derek revealed.

''Please tell me.'' Chrollo responded.

"There is a hunter family called Caddel. They are one of the most famous families in the world, due to a few things. The most important one is the immunity to the bite. 'The bite either kills or transforms you', that is the undenying law of nature. There hasn't been anyone immune to the bite... With the exception of the Caddel family. Every single one of their family members is with total immunity, every one. Meaning that they remain human with no changes, as if the bite never happened.''

''I see why you ruled out the option... Anyway, thank you for the information. And just one more thing. Can you tell me your number?'' Chrollo pulled out his phone.

"Why do you want it?'' Derek asked. ''I want to spar with you, so that I can get used to my newfound abilities. And perhaps figure out what I am.'' Chrollo smiled.

Derek outstretched his palm. Understanding the indication, Chrollo gave away his phone. Receiving it back, Chrollo said goodbye to both of them and returned home.


The next day, in the Caddel household, Chrollo and his aunt sat to eat breakfast. He bluntly asked his aunt ''Aunty, are we the Caddel hunter family?''

Adriana choked on her food and drank water. She looked at him up and down and calmly responded ''How do you know? Did someone tell you?''

Chrollo recounted his experiences from the appearance of the big monster. Throughout his story, his aunt made various expressions. After hearing the whole thing, she stayed silent for nearly 10 minutes. ''You had quite the adventure, didn't you?'' 

"That werewolf was right. We are the renowned Caddel family... Not even a week passed since you came here and you discover the supernatural. '' Adriana massaged her temples.

"Are Mom and Dad also hunters?'' Chrollo asked, knowing the answer. ''Yeah, They are.''

''Why didn't anyone tell me?'' His aunt enlightened him. ''There is an ancient tradition called Rite of passage. When a family member becomes 20 years old, he or she will be bitten by an Alpha, the thing that bit you, with no prior knowledge of the supernatural. This will not only show them the secret part of the world, but also giving them a taste of what comes, should they want to thread on this path.''

''What happens when someone learns about the supernatural?'' Chrollo had his entire attention on her. ''Nothing. That person just learns early, that's all. They are going to be bitten either way, so nothing big happened.''

Adriana stopped smiling and asked him in a serious tone ''Do you want to become a hunter? If a family member declined, they are forced to forsake the Caddel family name. So think carefully-''

"I accept. The supernatural is fascinating and I want to learn more about it.'' Chrollo cut her off.

She chuckled ''I see, before you ask me anything, I must explain to you what does it mean to be a Caddel, from the beginning'' 

''The Caddel family is an ancient family that has been around for nearly 300 years with Welsh origin. We aren't a normal hunter family. We are bounty hunters and mercenaries, meaning that unless there is a job, we don't get involved with supernaturals. For example, If we are on a job and an Alpha werewolf nearby goes on a killing spree, we let him be.''

''Do you understand?'' She asked. Seeing Chrollo nodding, she continued. ''Thanks to this, a big part of the supernatural community has a somewhat favorable impression of us.'' 

''Of course, most hunter families despises us, according to them, we are scum, who wasted their gene and turned their back on humanity. It is ridiculous, but from a certain point of view, they are right.''

His aunt took a bite from the breakfast. ''Next is the Rite of passage. After it, the family member decides if he or she wants to become a hunter. If not, like I said, they are forced to give up the family name. However, if they decide to become one, they are assigned a teacher. Usually it's someone you see for the first time. Anyway, right after they choose one, the master takes the apprentice to various jobs. That is where they will be taught to survive and hunt. This is called Graduation test and passing it means that you are officially a full-fledged Caddel hunter. Failing means that you have to wait a year to retake it, with a different master, of course''

''You didn't tell me about why I have supernatural abilities, and I guess it is also the reason why your heart is beating like that.'' Chrollo reminded. Adriana deeply looked at him ''...The only reason I know this is because your father and I are the children of the current Patriarch, your grandfather. As far as I know, there has been only 3 people like you, throughout the entire history of our family. The first one was the first Matriarch of the Caddel family, Jane. The second and third one were twins, two men, Harry and Hanry. And finally, you, the fourth one, Chrollo. ''

''Not many people, even within the family, know this. To be honest, the real purpose behind the Rite of passage is to find someone like you. Again, not something many people know.''

'That sounds annoying.' Chrollo was deep in thought ''What is supposed to happen now?''

''Now, I contact your parents and the elders. Then we will see.''