
Teen Wolf: The head of the Spider

The Phantom Troupe has entered an ancient ruin in The Dark Continent. Just as they begin to move deeper, violent whispers violate Chrollo's mind and he falls unconscious. After he wakes up, he finds himself in the middle of a forest. Where is he? Where are his friends? What will he do? ..... I am doing something like this for the first time, so go easy on me. English is my second language and if i make grammar mistakes, please correct me. The cover is NOT mine and if the owner recognizes it, contact me. Happy reading!!! No romance and no harem. If you want to support the novel, follow me on p.a.t.r.e.o.n: patreon.com/SENYSONAMEN

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13 Chs

Chapter 12

At night, Jackson and Lydia were in a car, in front of a movie store, arguing about what movie to watch.

''Lydia, I'm sure you'll like it.'' Jackson begged.

''No.'' Lydia simply denied.

''It's the best sport movie ever!'' Jackson was staring at her.

''No.'' Lydia replied the same.

''I won't watch 'The Notebook' again!'' Jackson said with authoritative tone.


''Excuse me! Can somebody help me find 'The Notebook'?!'' Jackson was in the store asking for a movie, but nobody responded. ''Is anybody here?!''

Seeing nobody replying, he started to look around, when he saw feet on the ground, behind a shelf.

Confused and afraid, Jackson checked and was the corpse of the store employee. Amidst all the blood, Jackson could see that the employee's throat was slashed. He panicked and hastily moved backwards, making him hit a ladder, which was used for fixing the light in the store.

The ladder fell. While falling, it hit multiple cables, connected to the lights, resulting in occasional turning off them, covering the store in darkness. The only remaining source of light was the occasional flicker, here and there.

As if planned, Jackson heard a low growl. He turned around and saw a pair of scarlet eyes looking at him. They belonged to a big and black monster. 

Jackson, immediately, hid behind a shelf. He heard sound, like things are crashing to the ground. 

The terrified young man set off to the exit, sadly the shelves were faster and fell on his legs, rendering him motionless, with face to the ground.

He heard something heavy was coming towards him.

''Are you going to kill him?'' Jackson heard a unique voice, instantly realizing to whom it belongs.

''H-Help me. P-Please, help me.'' Jackson weakly begged Chrollo, too afraid to do anything else.

''..It's you again.'' The Alpha too recognized Chrollo. ''And someone else is here.''

''Yeah, there is.'' Derek Hale announced his presence.

''..Follow me.'' The Alpha commanded and ran off to the woods.

Derek went to Jackson, grabbed him by the hair and threatened ''You will keep your mouth shut. If not, I will kill you.'' Derek let go of him and started chasing the Alpha, with Chrollo next to him.

Running through the forest, the monster stopped in front of the Hale house. Several seconds later, Chrollo and Derek appeared.

Instead of the monster, they saw a man with neck long brown hair and blue eyes. 

''Well... now, we can properly introduce ourselves, right?'' Peter Hale, the uncle of Derek Hale, the only survivor of the Hale fire, proposed with a smile.

''You... It was you.. HOW COULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN NIECE!?'' Derek directly attacked him, without waiting for a response.

Derek used the claws on his right hand to slash Peter's face, but the Alpha easily blocked it. ''I wasn't conscious, when I killed her! Do you know what it's like to be six years in pure agony?! IN THOSE SIX YEARS, EVERY SINGLE MOMENT, I FELT HOW I WAS HEALING!''

Peter grabbed Derek's harm, with which he used to attack, and threw him away. ''I couldn't move or scream, just silently suffer! The only thing I could do was thinking how to kill the ones, who set up the fire!''

Derek ran up to him. He slashed again, Peter, but he neatly dodged by stepping back.

Peter saw the opening. The Alpha kicked Derek, making him fall to the ground.

''One day, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the forest. My hands were covered in blood. Next to me was the corpse of Laura.'' Peter revealed. ''As I said, I wasn't conscious, when I did it.''

''Even if you are telling the truth, how a Beta was able to kill an Alpha?'' Chrollo took part in the family meeting.

''..I only remember bits and pieces. I remember how surprised she was, when she saw me. You can't blame her, after all, not every day you get to meet your dead-like uncle. It was probably due to it that she didn't want to hurt me... but, she didn't realize that she saw only a shell of me in that time.''

A tear was streaming down on Peter's face. ''B-By the time she realized, it was too late..."

Derek stopped attacking and silently looked at him.

Chrollo thought 'Things became a bit tricky. If Derek doesn't kill Peter, he remains the Alpha. This has its pros and cons. The good news is that, instead of one, I have two werewolf allies, one Alpha and Derek. The bad news is that, if they become enemies, it will be harder to kill them. For now, I will see how thing go.'

 ''Derek, do you really think I would kill my own niece, my own family?'' Derek saw Peter, his face telling no lies. ''I will answer every question that you have, after we decide what to do with this young man''

Peter asked Derek ''Haven't you wondered what is he? How he was able to cross mountain ash, yet have supernatural powers? As you know, the Caddel family is the only thing in the world immune to the bite. But did you know that even among them, very rarely, they can gain powers, while remaining humans. As far as I know, there has been no more than 3 such people. Well, 4 now. They have an ability, a god-like one. That is to consume the power out of supernatural creatures.''

Derek looked at Chrollo, startled and a little afraid. ''Is that true? Is that why you chose to help me?''

Chrollo answered ''Yes, I have such an ability, but there are many restrictions. And yes, that is one of the reasons why I decided to help you.''

Derek asked ''What are the others?''

''Even if I were as strong as an Alpha, I still would need allies. From what I have read, there are many strong beings that I can't defeat alone, should I ever come across one, for now.'' Chrollo finally shared his thoughts with Derek.

Peter told Derek ''He's right. That is also why I'm so eager to recruit Scott and you. But I don't see why we should trust hm. Heh, for all we know, the next thing he does is to help the Argents hunt us.''

Chrollo proposed ''Why don't we make a deal, then. Not only, I won't help the Argents, I will even help you. In exchange, I want only one thing.''

''What is that?'' Derek asked.

Chrollo smiled and turned to Peter ''Your blood. An Alpha's blood.''