
Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

California is infested with vampires but in a town called Beacon Hills exists another apex predator. The Werewolves. Vampires fear Werewolves because of their venomous teeth and superior strength. Lucien is part of a hunters family dating back to the 1500s that gained their fame by killing the infamous Dracula and another monster called The Beast of Gevaudan who reign supreme back then, There exist multiple companies that buy Vampire teeth due to their medical breakthrough on healing properties and thus these companies buy Vampire fangs as well as werewolves and any other creature for the development of humans, of course, this goes all under the public's eyes. Lucien was turned at a young age and will have to deal with his change. He will become a Hunter an Alpha Hunter. ..... Reas Auxiliar Chapter Before diving into this kinky book .... By the Way, there will be Sex, a LOT of it. a LOT of unconditional sex friends would do anything for Lucien, even kill themselves. The plot? The plot is trash, I'm going with the wave, I planned this after watching Day Shift. I have to say. Teen Wolf world doesn't have Vampires but since it doesn't have Vampires then that gives me more world background in the future as I introduced these Day Shift vampires in the world. Harem Yes, this is Harem so if you don't like that don't read it, I don't wanna see low reviews there just because it's a harem, I'll delete those mfs so be warned. You can review my trashy fic but not just because it's a harem, besides Harem, there will be cheating and netori . No women will cheat on MC of course. You know me I don't do da shet. Again, I only own my MC everything else belongs to their respective authors or directors. Names here that are alike in the real world is just coincidence and don't relate to the real world. OUR world. All of these characters are fictional characters. Also, I downloaded the pic from google but can't find the original author, I however only changed the eye color to red. I do not profit from this, I do this for free since this isn't my original world but I sure hope you vote with stones though if you like, and leave a review. Anyways, that's all, and have a great day, humans!

TheLonelyGod · Fernsehen
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62 Chs

Day Off School, Training Special Powers #46

(A/n: I should have known all of yah wanted them all but I saw some of you against Kali and Kira's mom. However a vote is a vote, and the mahority voted yes, I'm sorry for the "No" voters🥲 if you don't like, you may drop or keep reading, I don't mind, either way, I am happy to have come this far with me!😀)

After introducing Jennifer to the rest at Lucien's house, Kate and her glared at eachother, wanting to be the number one pet.

Lucien smacked their behind and repriminded them to behave or there won't be treats, which made them pout but ultimately relent their power struggle.


Next day-

Lucien evaded a swing from Allison's claws while also side stepping from Lydia's bansheen scream.

After a hour of training, he stopped them both, they were making progress, Allison is getting the hang of her new phyaical prowers while Lydia is dealing with the amount of power her screams uses.

It was time to teacher her the Death Sense skill banshees have.

"Lydia, come here baby please" Lucen sat down and he patted his lap, Lydia went and sat on his lap though her back was facing him, she didn't mind this, she can still feel his hardening member so she was happy, a bit confused but happy "What are you doing?" she asked.

Lucien started explaing her new focus on her training "Banshees are very powerful creatures but they are also burdened with a lot. One of their powers is the ability to sense the death or the dead or be able to locate them with an object from the person you are looking for" he paused to let the information sink, he moved her head to the side exposing her sweet smooth neck to him, he could hear and see the blood pumping through the veins.

"I would like for you to handle this power and use it to your best, of course, I won't let you be alone om this, I will go with you to your subconcious and activate this power that is being sealed inside you by yourself"

"By myself?" interrupted Lydia.

Lucien nodded "It's a safe measure banshees do ocasionally, they take one powet and master it before mastering another, however there are some whose power unleash all at once and go crazy, thankfully you are the former, but going to your subcouncioua can be dangerous so I will go with you and if aomething goes wromg, I'll pull you out, okay?" he asked gently squeezing her arms confortingly.

Lydia smiled "Of course. I trust you, babe. I'll do anything... you... ask of mme" she moaned in the end squirming on his lap.

Allison looked at this from the side, she asked curiously "Do I have other abilities?"

Lucien smiled at her "Of course. Nothing but the best for my little 'sister'" he winked.

Allison blushed, they were family yet they were fucking every day like her life goal was to calm the beast, thankfully she had her best friend and sister, Lydia but also a mature woman whome Lucien likes to fill both her holes with his potent semen, she remembered him telling her that the reason they are not pregnant was because he could control his sperm to impregnate or not. She was thankfuk but she will like to have a child soon, her body has been turned and now she can handle his whole cock without his use of pheromones.

She also wants to meet these women who fell for her Luci, she was brought out of her thought by a pouting Lydia who humped on his crotch "the best huh?" she asked faking jelousy.

She couldn't get jelous, not when Lucien treated them equally, even her mother was treated better than when she was with her father which made her glad to have met Lucien.

Lucien widened his eyes, thinking Lydia was actually hurt emotionally since what he said might be baised, but Lydia amd Allison started giggling seeing his worried expression.

"I'm kidding, silly" said Lydia and gave him a chaste kiss.

Lucien was surprised, he did not feel her emotions for a moment, he usually does to know what state of mind his girls usually are but there was nothing before but cold... like death.

Lucien pinched her butt making her yelp "Well well, you learn to supress your emotions" he complimented her.

Lydia looked proud of her achievement, Lucien taught both Allison and Lydia to supress their emotions as to not leak them and be exposed for their feelings but since Lydia has had more time with her powers she handled it faster, he gave her and Allison a deep kiss before he started explaining again about her concious.

"All right, we will go now, Lydia. What I am going to do is drink a little of your blood so that your blood is ij my system, once it's in my system, I will trigger your power and we will both be in your mind, okay?"

This was some sort of blood manipulation he encountered in another alpha, for some reason by the earth or fate, since vampires could develop special abilities once they are very old, some werewolves were also given the ability to get a special power once they be alphas, if they loose their alpha status, they'll lose that power aswell, so Lucien looked for all of these super alphas and killed them and steal their powers, this may seem cruel but to Lucien cruelty was just another day beside most of his kills were criminals, the superpowered alphas usually became filled with a mind of chaos thinking they were special and all other were beneath them so Lucien killed them, he got rid of future tyrants and sociopaths.

Lucien's fangs came out sharp and sink into her neck "Annnmm" Lydia moaned feeling pleasure and squirmed rubbing her butt all over his lap, she felt her cave itch until ahe exploded and unconciously fell backwards onto his chest, she passed out with her eyes crossed to the back of her head and Lucien stopped drinking as well and had closed his eyes while she was moaning and activated her concious.


Inside the concious, Lydia was blushing a storm "You could have told me" she murmured.

Lucien chuckled, grabbed her hands and pulled her inside what looks to be his villa.

'Weird, why my place?' asked Lucien himself. it usually is the person's childhood or atleast whete her happiest momemt of her life were...

Lucien turned to Lydia and she was still looking down blushing, he smiled 'I am truly blessed with a girl like her' he said, Lydia's happiest memories weren't of her childhood or other places, it was his house because she felt loved uncondiotionally and in his presence she can be herself, she can be smart and laugh along with Allison on gossips and rumors.

"We are here" his gentle voice made her look up and with an awed expression she asked confused "Is this where I can get my power?" she asked.

"Yes, but I thought... no never mind, I'm happy your happiest moments are with me" he said.

She gave him her brightest smile and nodded, she pulled him inside and traveled aroind the house aimlessly until she stopped and asked "Where is it?".

Lucien laughed and pointed to the living room.

"Wait, we've been there!" she argued pouting.

"We've passed through but not actually stopped and look... see, it's that thing floating"

There was a skull floating in midair, it was basically screaming take me but since Lydia was excitingly lookimg around without actually knowing what to look for, she couldn't find it.

She walked towards it and grabbed it, suddenly she gasped and fell backwards to which Lucien came behind her and caught her and princess carry her to the sofa.

He knew this power will take a toll on her stamina, what she is doing right now is getting the summary kf the power can do by its own power.

When she woke up, she saw her beloved Lucien smilomg at her "Congratulations, you have a new skill"

He hesitated forna second before continuing "I am also sorry because with this power you'll be able to know who is going to die without being able to do anything... I know that must suck bu-"

Lydia interrupted him by kissing him deeply and soon they found themselves back in reality where she was still kissing him, she smiled "I understand, I spoke with another banshee about this power, itnturns oit we can talk to eachother, like a connection anyways, they warned me about the power, I took it since it is basically mine and will have to live with it be it good or bad... I will try my best to prevent you and anyone around us from dying"

It was time for Lucien to be surprised, he did not realized she had given much thought to this so he hugged her "You are awesome" he said happy "And don't get me wrong but keeping you save is my job and I won't let any of you be in harms way, not you, Allison, your mom, the other girls, not even Kate and Jennifer... the latter can be debatable" he murmured the last pasrt.

Both girls laughed and now it was time for Allison "Well, your power is easy, but we need anothet animal for it to work so give me a second"

He stood up and went outside and came back with a bird.

"I want you to listen first before trying it, okay?"

She nodded

"So, first is easy, you have to imagine yourself youbare seeing and hearing through the animal you are taking over with, to pull out you have to imagine yourself back to you... imagination is the key" he said.

Allison nodded and closed her eyes for a second before opening them with her red eyes, she imagine the birds view and listening through the bird. She succeded but gasped back into herself.

"It's hard mantaininh this" she said.

Lucien nodded and handed the pigeon he saw wanted to commit suicide by jumping from the roof, he caught it thankfully but the pigeon retaliated as if screaming "You interrupted my peacefulndeath, human!"


Pigeon wanted nothing more than to end his suffering, he had seen her pigeon fly with a crow, A CROW!

So, he wanted to end the pain but apparently jumping from that height would only have been painful death, but the human promised him a peaceful death by roasting whatever that was, it sounded peaceful so he agreed.


"Well, it is tiresome but you'll get it eventually besides you have stamina but seeing this power requires mental strength and doing this will strengthened you further in the mind" said Lucien.

Allison nodded and went at it again, but was interrupted with a phone call from Chris.

He left the gym with both girls training their new powers.

"Hello, old mam"

[I'm not that old, listen... I have a small situation where I might need you expertise with women?]


Chris felt his stoic look and decided to elaborated before he jumps to conclusions.

[it's Victoria, ever since you left and haven't visited she ia been grumpy amd asking me to go to your house, and maybe because I... don't... last... in bed]

Lucien didn't laugh but he felt amused that he said the last part with a mosquito voice disappearing the longer he talked.

"Mom is in her prime, so if you don't please her, she'll eventually find ither ways. I'm no saying she'll cheat but more like, she would feel more love from a dildo than you?"

[Urgh] Chris's heart was stabbed by that comment.

[Honestly, I haven't told her this but, I think I'm not attracted to her anymore] confessed Chris.

"Wow, hold your horse. Are you blind old man?"

[Sigh* I met this woman. I am not cheating with her but I haven't been able to keep her out of my mind and you know how I married Victoria to keep your grandpa happy, now it has come to bite me in the ass, of course it doesn't mean I never loved her, I did but-]

"Not anymore"

[Yes... I haven't told her yet. I am planning on doing that tonight]

"This isn't my expertise, old man, but if mom wants to come and see me, I... keep her happy here, I'll do whatever makes her happy"

[Thank you... by the way since you missed school you don't know the new principal is your grandpa and because you didn't go to school he is going to be ther-]

"He is here" interrupted Lucien.

'fuck' thought Lucien

"Alright, old man. Good luck with you unconfession"

Lucien just received a groaned before he hung up.

'Now how to deal with this?' he asked himself, first Kate and Jennifer were in maid outfits and now a pigeon is tilting his head around.

"it isn't good to eavesdrop you know?" the bird visibly flinched and fell with his butt in the air signaling it stopped being controlled.

Lucien was proud of Allison, getting the hang of it really fast, he came inside and saw her sad, "you heard all that?" he asked.

She nodded

"Gerard is coming here right now and we have to act normal, he is a very sharp old man and I bet he will know is something is weird besides, he will focus his atention on me since Inwas the one who left the house before"

Allison nodded again, she was feeling sad her dad was going to break up with her mother, but she also was glad that her dad was honest and will tell the truth.

She will help her mom though if she heard was true about her than her mother had something for her Luci and she didn't know how to feel, for one she was glad and for two she felt weird sharing her boyfriend with her but then again, Natalie is Lydia's mom and they both are the happiest, so it isn't a bad idea, she will ask Natalie later, for now her grandpa was coming back and she had to act normal, her powers are in control thanks to Lucien who is around to hold the pack together.

"He is here" announced Lydia entering the living room, she was about to leave when Lucien asked her "Where are you going?"

"I figured you want to be alone?" she said unsure

Lucien smiled "You are my future wife, nothing to hidr from you, you can stay" he said.

Lydia smiled back and kissed him lovingly "I love you" she whispered before taking a seat besides Allison who was a little spaced out. Lydia hugged her and told her everything will be fine.

Allison giggled and gladly smiled at her, Lucien was truly blessed with these girls, he thought 'they are there for eachother'

He opened the door and saw an old man about to knock.

"Welcome to my humble abode, grandpa" said Lucien inviting.

His grandpanwas surprise to see the tall muscular young man and shook his hand and entered but his goonies were stopped by Lucien and Gerard frowned and nodded at them to stay outside.

"It's been a while" said Gerard looking around the house.


(A/n: So I am planning on making a special chapter, separatr from the story, it's like an OVA episode of an anime so if you see another chapter upload than don't get your hopes up that there is another chapter for the story)