
Teen Wolf: Devourer

Autor: Avery025
Laufend · 26.4K Ansichten
  • 3 Kaps
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What is Teen Wolf: Devourer

Lesen Sie den Roman Teen Wolf: Devourer des Autors Avery025, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Killed by his client and friend, an accountant dies a tragic but somewhat spiteful death. But before he can rest forever a mysterious being drags his soul to an other world and fuses it with the spiri...


Killed by his client and friend, an accountant dies a tragic but somewhat spiteful death. But before he can rest forever a mysterious being drags his soul to an other world and fuses it with the spirit of the great progenitor of werewolfs: Fenrir. Confused and disoriented he’s thrown into a world of the supernatural where he finds and loses companions, try’s to escape his ultimate fate of Raganrok and battles even against the gods himself. But before all that he first off needs to deal with werewolf’s, hunters and an especially annoying true alpha and a interesting place called Beacon Hills. (A/N: Warning: - There will be descriptions violence torture and murder. - NO HAREM - Overpowered MC - A System to check basic MC progression (no adding stats or in-depth analysis) - Short chapters (ca. 1000 words

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