
TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

Protagonist is born into the Teen Wolf series as younger brother to Derek Hale, on a journey of revenge, love, drama and violence, as the Protagonist is a natural born True alpha, trying to not change the plot to much so he's knowledge of the future does not change as much with his appearance into this world. This is just for fun by the way, English is not my first language so apologies if there are grammatical errors and mispelled words, this fan fiction is just for fun, and it's also my first so please be gentle with your criticism

Mr_Fruitless · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 - A Normal Day (Short Filler chapter)

I woke up early the next day and went out to make breakfast, but it seemed someone had beaten me to it, the smell of fried eggs in the air, my mouth watered abit at the scent.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Allison and Danny busy making breakfast, "That smells divine guys" I said whilst walking over to take a seat at the islet table,

"Oh morning Jake, your up early" Danny greeted with a knowing smile, "I thought the girls would've had you down for awhile" he added teasingly.

"Hahaha, nah, they're the ones in need of rest at the moment, I got up to make breakfast for them" I clarified with a smile,

"Um.. d-did you guys really d-do it?" Allison suddenly asked, causing both Danny and I to look at her, "Yes, it was.... intoxicating!" I declared proudly, Allison seemed to feel depressed for some reason, but I didn't pay it any mind.


I spent the rest of the morning chatting with them before Stiles came out of his room, with a yawn, "School starts in an hour guys, shouldn't we hurry?" Stiles asked whilst he ate, "The girl's and I are skipping today, you guys can head over if you want." I said with a shrug,

"My guy! " Stiles said and fist bumped me, "Hehe better to not do that when the girls are awake" Danny said with an amused chuckle,

causing both Stiles and I to look at eachother in bewilderment, and we gulped, "Hahaha look at their faces" Allison pointed at us and she and Danny laughed.

They left 30 minutes later in Stiles's jeep, I brought the Erica and Sarah breakfast in bed, and gently woke them up before placing the bed tables infront of them, "Enjoy ladies" I said winking at them,

"Hehe a chivalrous guy huh?""Wow this is kinda unexpected" Sarah and than Erica said one after the other,

"Only for my girls." I said with a smile, "I think we might've tamed he for real last night""I think your right Erica, He's so well mannered now" Erica and Sarah conversed before laughing.

"Ha Ha very funny, so what do you girls wanna do today?" I asked them, "Well how about a trip to the lake for a swim?" Sarah suggested whilst she ate,

"Yeah let's go, the waters gonna be cool, since it's abit sunny today" Erica said with a nod,

"Alright, guess it's decided than." I replied and got up to go prepare snacks, today was gonna be normal day for us.


"The waters great! JUMP IN!" Erica yelled towards Sarah and I, "Ladies first." I said with a gesture towards the edge of the small drop,

"Oh my! Chivalry is making a come back." Sarah teased before smacking my ass and then jumping with a front flip into the lake below, it was 3 metre drop,

"Hey i'm smacking your ass next." I replied and watched Sarah's ass bounce as she bound off the edge of the drop, my rod was starting to stir in my pants as she flipped into the water.

I did a spinning gainer and followed them both in, *Splash* "Hahaha Sarah did you see what I saw?" Erica said with a mischievous grin when I emerged,

"I sure did Erica, Jake follow us up for a moment" Sarah said and she and Erica swam to the bank, I soon followed after them, wondering what these two were up to.


I got out of the lake and saw Erica and Sarah waiting for me, Erica wore a yellow colored bikini set, she looked absolutely cxck stirring, Sarah had on a blue thong bikini, she looked ravishing, I could feel my rod start twitching again.

"See Sarah, I told you I saw his pipe was up." Erica said and smiled lewdly, she moved over to me before I could determine what was going and planted her lips solidly against mine, she started kissing me wildly,

I gragged the back of her head and hair pulling her closer, my other arm wrapped around her waist, she wrapped her legs around me and started grinding her hips and V mound against my bulge,

"~mmmhm" she moaned softly when my tongue drove into her mouth, "Ok I think that's enough, it's my turn now." Sarah said pulled Erica off of me and she grabbed my hands and placed them on her ass as she jumped and locked her own legs around my waist,

"~I saw you looking at my ass, feels nice right?" Sarah said with a smile and kissed e passionately,

my rod was erect at this moment, my hands were kneading Sarah's butt, she moaned happily and her hands traveled up and down my abs.

*GRRR* Suddenly a growl broke us apart and all three of us turned to see a greyish brown furred coyote staring at us and growling menacingly, "She.... smells like us... is she... a shifter?" Erica asked at willed her eyes to glow.

As if in response the coyote snarled and dragged her paws on the ground as If in a defensive position, the hairs on her back stood on end, her eyes glowed deep blue as she locked eyes with Erica, *grraorrr* she growled and snarled aggressively as saliva flew everywhere.

"She really is like us." Sarah gasped and covered her mouth as she got off of me, "It seems so" I said cryptically, I ofcourse new who the coyote was, it was a coincidence she was here, I was gonna go search for her after I took care of Peter but here she was.

I took a step forward and my eyes glowed scarlet red and I let out a low roar *Grrrshhhhiiiiiffftrr* the coyote,

Malia, shook her head, and whimpered, it took her a couple seconds before a beautiful brunette lay before us in the nude, "Hey, you ok? You remember who you are?" I asked and looked at her.

"JAKE! Look away!" Erica shouted whilst Sarah ran at super speed towards our car, a minute later she ran back with all our clothes as well as an extra set for Malia.

"Hey your ok now, this is Jake, our alpha, I'm Erica and this lovely beauty is Sarah, here put these on." Erica said in a caring voice as she and Sarah helped Malia.

"Let's take her to the sheriff's department, they'll know who she is" I said calmly, "Ok" Sarah replied and helped Erica life Malia onto her feet, Malia in response growled and her eyes glowed pale blue.

"Hey we're friends" I said and made my eyes glowed scarlet red, calming Malia down, she turned to look at Sarah and Erica, they both also willed their eyes glow, that seemed to calm Malia down completely and she broke down crying.

________continue next chapter________