
Chapter 4

Stiles steps back into the proper form as Stephen allows his instructions to flow into Stiles' mind like he is pouring water into a glass. The last three days have been amazing for Stiles, though he knows that Stephen is getting anxious to return to his own body. Stiles had been absorbing instructions like a sponge and Stephen was constantly amazed at how their situation accelerated the boy's learning.

"You already seem to have years of experience in sorcery" Stephen told him. "I am sorry that I do not possess the skills in the other arts to share with you. I have only been practicing magic for a few years myself and sorcery has been my focus" he admits.

"What did you do before magic?" Stiles asks focusing on the energy fields he was tapping into to levitate the rocks in the back yard and move them around in the pattern he wanted. Elemental magic was awesome and was one of those areas that seemed to hover between the domains of magic. Witches, Druids, and Sorcerers could all use a form of elemental magic in different ways, but Stephen had discovered that Stiles' unique gift meant that he could use all three simultaneously, creating what was essentially a new domain of magic. He hypothesized that Stiles would find that the magic that existed in the boundaries of the domains might be where he was the strongest.

"I was a neurosurgeon" Stephen replies to Stiles amazement. The sorcerer shares with the boy the story of his rise and fall, the car accident that mangled his hands sending him looking anywhere for a cure. Finally at rock bottom and desperate he went to Tibet where he met the Ancient One who taught him Sorcery and how she died in the fight with super bad demon guy and his disciples. He also shared how Mordo was a former ally, if not friend, and now they opposed each other.

"With how often I get hurt, I ought to get you to teach me some medical training" Stiles jokes but is surprised when he feels agreement from his ghostly roommate.

"That is not a bad idea. Since you seem to not only grasp but retain knowledge shared with you this way, I don't see why I couldn't give you some basic understanding and skills. Perhaps tonight while meditating?" he suggests.

Stiles nods happily and pulls on the energy around him causing flames to erupt on each floating stone turning them into hovering candles. This is so cool!

The next morning Stiles wakes early and finds Stephen hovering while reading one of the books Stiles got from Martinique. "This is a very interesting book on witchcraft" he tells the sleepy haired teen. They have worked out a good system over their time together. Stephen stays out of Stiles when he is in the bathroom and most of his sleep time as apparently the dreams of a teen aged boy are not something that Stephen wants to experience again.

"Yeah. The hardest part of teaching yourself anything is finding good sources, ones that are not complete garbage. You gotta go through a lot of trash to find anything worthwhile" Stiles sighs in resignation.

"There is another way" Stephen says with a smile. "Shower and get changed. We are going to San Francisco."

Stiles looks surprised but quickly agrees and grabs his clothes and rushes through getting ready. He is pulling on his shoes when he sees a text alert on his phone from Scott. Hey! Can I borrow your roller skates? Isaac and I are going to the park. Stiles rolls his eyes and can't believe this is his life. Grabbing his skates and pads he takes them downstairs and sets them on the porch by the door. Shooting Scott a text telling him where they are, he jumps in Roscoe, ignoring the comment from Stephen about his baby, and heads for the city by the bay.

"The trick is to know that your magic will draw you to what you are seeking" Stephen told him as he walked around in the used bookstore. "Touch the energy around you and feel for reflections as you concentrate on finding truth." Luckily Stephen's instructions came with enough additional mental information that Stiles was easily able understand what he was being told. He visualized sending out his magic much like a radar or sonar system and those books that were real and useful 'pinged' on his 'magic radar' and he was able to grab all three of the useful books in the store with very little effort or time spent searching.

"This is amazing" Stiles gushed as he walked back to the car with his newest purchases. They had been in three stores and Stiles had quickly found a dozen magic books and even an enchanted dagger. It was a very minor enchantment that made it unable to harm women, but Stiles thought it would be a great gift for Lydia or Allison - to have a weapon that couldn't be turned against them.

"The same technique can be used in a slightly different manner to find magic in unexpected places" Stephen told him and he saw the variation that the sorcerer meant. Adjusting his 'radar' he learned how to shift his senses to passively search for any magic in the area without sending something out on his own. This was good to use, Stephen explained, if you didn't want other magic users to know you were around or you were in a large area. Feeling a tug from the West, he let the feeling guide him along several roads until he found himself in front of an antique/curio shop.

"What do you think?" he asked his co-pilot feeling a tingle of danger.

"I think that you should not actively show your magic. Do this" he replied and Stiles moves his hands in the pattern and sensed what felt like a blanket coming down to lay over him, almost enveloping him. "This cloak will hide your own magic, difficult as it is to detect, from others. Now let's explore."

Stiles steps into the shop and is instantly enchanted by all the brick-a-bracks and knick-knacks on the shelves. He drifts around after nodding at the old man behind the counter who glanced at him before going back to his book. Stiles walked around and noticed that there were a number of items with minor enchantments, mostly spent or used up, spread around the normal stuff. He got a tingle on one book about creating Runes and Sigils that gave information about beneficial ones as well as some theories about their creation.

"Runes and sigils are the magic that rests between the domains of Magecraft and Necromancy. They are a magic users attempt to create and channel ancient wisdom. You seem to do best in the areas between the domains, those that are shared instead of clearly in one domain" Stephen advised.

Stiles decided to keep it even though it was a bit high priced. Maybe he could bargain…he froze, "what is that?" Stiles mentally whispered to his passenger.

"I am not sure, but it over there" Stephen instructed him and Stiles moved towards a locked display case. Looking inside he saw a number of unusual items; stones, strange metal sculptures, crystals, and other small tokens but none of these seem to be the source of the tingle. "There" Stiles looks and sees the leather case at the bottom of the cabinet. He tries to figure out what it is but he can't tell from outside.

"Excuse me?" Stiles stands up and looks at the man at the register who looks at him with an easy smile. "Can I see this?" he asks and the man gets up and comes over to the display case.

"Yes young man, what can I show you?" he asks before looking at the book in Stiles' hand. He raises and eyebrow but doesn't say anything else.

"Can I see that leather case?" he points in the cabinet and the man looks at him a lot more intently but he nods and pulling out a large ring of keys he opens it on the first key he pulls out and Stiles admits to being happily surprised after thinking it would take some time to find the right key.

"Ah, now this is a very special item. I bought it about ten years ago from a young woman who was selling her grandfather's belongings after the man passed away" he told Stiles. Laying down the case he unties it and unrolls it revealing a sleeve filled with what looks like pencils or paintbrushes. "This is an very old set of tattoo tools" he laughs and pulls one out. "Apparently he had bought it from someone when he was fighting in Europe in World War II. It is very old" he assures Stiles.

"They are not magical" Stephen says carefully "but they appear to be designed to channel it. I believe that they were used to create magical tattoos so each time they were used, the magic passed through the tools and left traces behind."

Stiles looked down at the book in his arms and got a sudden idea and smiled. "I'll take it" Stiles said happily and tried not to flinch at the cost of the case but he saw the old man staring at him thoughtfully.

He nodded and walked over to a bookshelf behind his desk and pulled one down and showed it to Stiles Celtic & Norse Rune Magic was the title. "You might also find this interesting" the man suggested.

Stiles reached out and touched the cover and felt a jolt like an electric shock and smiles as he recognized the feel of magic. Looking up he saw the man was watching him closely. "I'll take it" he says.

"I am surprised that you chose these three items young man" he said slowly. "What interested you about them?" he asks watching Stiles for his reaction.

Stiles felt Dr. Strange slip out of him to the side and watched the old man eyes track the astral form and widen in surprise. "You see him?" Stiles confronted him and he nodded.

"You are the new Sorcerer Supreme?" he said clearly and with certainty as he spoke to Dr. Strange in a very respectful tone, bowing his head to the ghostly form while Stiles stared at his teacher.

"Yes, and you are far more than you appear" Stephen declared and the old man nods.

"I am but a humble merchant of items that find their way to their owners. I felt that this one" he points at Stiles "was special, but I can detect no magic from him which is most confusing."

Dr. Strange nods at Stiles who, still shocked, removes the 'blanket spell' that was concealing his magic and the old man suddenly looked ecstatic. "Oh Yes!" the man crows happily. "I have been seeing visions of you for some time" he added happily as he moved around his counter, unlocking a drawer, and pulling out a polished wooden box. "This has been waiting for you!"

Stiles opens the box and sees the silver ring inside with the white, luminescent stone in the center that he is sure is a flawless moonstone. Picking up the ring he feels a coolness that seems to touch him and for some reason he feels he is being judged and he hopes he passes. Looking at the carvings on the ring he sees three hands holding the stone to the ring, acting as the setting as he turns in over to see carvings of the moon in all of it's phases, what looks like a bow & arrow, two torches with flames atop them, and several symbols he doesn't recognize. He looks at the man "what is it?" he asks.

"It is the Ring of Seartate also known as the 'moon ring'. It was made long ago in ancient Greece and was blessed by the three moon goddesses; Hecate the goddess of magic, Artemis the goddess of the hunt, and Selene the goddess of the moon. The ring has been born by both men and women who's magic was moon touched. As to what it does exactly, I do not know to tell you" he said sadly.

Stiles was impressed and worried. He knew that he definitely couldn't afford an artifact like this. "How much" he asked dreading the answer.

"There is no charge for that young Spark. I serve as the caretaker of items like that, my duty is to deliver them to their rightful owners. When an artifact chooses you, it is an honor to assist" he says smiling and nodding again at Dr. Strange as Stiles, daring to believe it's true, slips the ring on. And…nothing. Doesn't seem to do a damn thing. He waves it around, shakes it, rubs it, zilch. He looks at Dr. Strange who just shrugs.

"I have no idea" he admits. "It's not a sorcerer's artifact. You will have to study it and discover for yourself" he tells Stiles.

Stiles makes sure to thank the man, Edmund, profusely for everything and gets his contact information. Edmund promises to let Stiles knows if he finds anything he thinks he might like. After this Stiles decides to head home as his wallet is pretty much empty and he will be paying for this trip for some time to come. Dr. Strange is unusually quiet till they get home.

Boyd pounds on the loft door just as Isaac pulls it open with the joke dying on his lips when he sees the blonde beta lying unconscious in Boyd's arms. "What happened to Erica?" Isaac yells startling the rest of the pack as Boyd carries in the beta as Derek and Peter both come rushing over.

"What happened?" Derek demands of his beta as he notes that Boyd has several burns and injuries as well.

"We were in the preserve" Boyd says wearily as he puts Erica down on the couch. "We were running, not really doing anything, when we smelt this strange odor. It was like burning mint, vinegar, and apples along with the way the air smells right before a storm, like lightning or something" he struggles to describe it.

"Witches" Peter snarls looking at his nephew "those smells are associated with magic. I remember a coven of witches that Talia dealt with before you were born and she described that exact smell!"

Derek's eyes flash in anger as he looks back at Boyd. "What happened Boyd" he says slightly softer, trying to reassure the teen and control his anger.

Boyd takes a deep breath. "We followed the smell for a bit, trying to figure out what it was as it didn't seem dangerous or anything, but we couldn't find the source. Then Erica spotted these things hanging in a tree, kind of like dolls made out of twigs and leaves that were hanging all over the tree. There were at least a dozen of them and it was really freaky" he took another breath "but then Erica touched one and things went nuts. She screamed and reared back like she did when still had seizures and then collapsed."

Isaac whimpers as he moves closer to Derek who reaches out to Boyd's shoulder to give him a squeeze of support. "You didn't know and you probably couldn't have stopped her" Derek tells the young werewolf knowing where the boy's mind was taking him. Guilt was a common feeling for Derek and he was able to sense it in others fairly easily.

"I pulled her away as fast I could but then all of sudden there were these cloaked figures around us, I hadn't smelled or heard any of them before, and I wolfed out but they just laughed and one of them threw this bundle of sticks and leaves at me and all of a sudden it was like I was fighting a chainsaw. That damn thing was slicing and tearing at me and I couldn't get a hand on it and then the others started attacking. One threw a fireball and another tossed a lightning bolt but I was able to dodge both. I knew I was outgunned so I grabbed Erica and ran" Boyd confessed, shame clear in his every gesture.

"Boyd, if you were facing a full coven of dark witches, then running is probably the only reason you and Erica are even alive" Peter said managing to sound annoyed. "Even an Alpha would struggle alone and those items probably cursed Erica so she would have been vulnerable and unable to protect herself if you had chosen to fight."

"Peter's right Boyd, you were smart" Derek said, his eyes flashing at his beta and Derek could sense some of the tension ease out of the teen. "We need to get Erica help. Peter, go to Deaton's and let him know what happened and see if he can help. Isaac, let Scott know what's going on and have him tell Allison and her father. Boyd, stay here with Erica and call Jackson and have him and Lydia come help you" Derek gave out orders as he stood up.

"And what will you be doing while we are all doing this, dear nephew?" Peter asked the alpha looking strangely smug and amused.

Derek growled. "I will go talk with Stiles to see what he can find out about this coven and Erica's situation. Boyd, can you draw me a picture of what you saw?" he ignored his Uncle's smirk.

"Better" Boyd said and sent Derek a text. Looking at the message, Derek saw several pictures attached of the strange dolls and of a symbol that had been carved into the tree. He nodded and pocketed the phone and ushered everyone out of the doors as Boyd started calling Jackson.

Stiles was sitting on his bed reading the book on Runes and seriously considering his idea of using the tattoo kit to create some permanent runes of protection, focus, and maybe a few others despite his fear of needles and blood. Stephen agreed that enhanced with Stiles' own magics that the idea would probably be very effective as Runes were a form of in between magic. "You might want to try creating some runes and sigils on objects first. Perhaps here and at your father's work" he suggests and Stiles wonders if his dad would let him in long enough put runes on one of the jail cells so that it would hold supernatural prisoners without him realizing it.

"I have some ideas of creating some new ones by combining different traditions from Celtic, Norse, and even Sumerian texts" Stiles says excitedly as he sketches out one that he was considering. He was really enjoying himself when he felt a pulse of something that caused him to look around for the cause. "What?" he muttered as he realized that his 'magic senses' were tingling just as he heard the sound of something landing on the roof. Looking over at the window he wasn't surprised to see it opening with a leather clad figure outside.

Derek slipped quietly into Stiles' room, knowing that he was home alone from the singular heartbeat in the house. He was slightly surprised when he realized that Stiles was watching him enter the room instead of reading or on the computer. Usually Derek made it into the room before Stiles ever realized he was there. "Derek" Stiles acknowledged with a smirk like he had just caught him doing something.

"Witches" Derek growled shoving his phone at the teen with Boyd's pictures already pulled up. "Tonight in the preserve."

Stiles rolled his eyes at the stunted communication skills of the Alpha as he looked at the pictures. He went through them several times, making grunts and hums, before he pauses on the symbol carved on the tree. "Okay, the dolls appear to be some type of homunculus or totem, I will have to investigate a bit more to see if the materials have any particular relevance. I don't suppose Boyd told you what they were made with?" he asks hopefully.

"Twigs and leaves" Derek tells him and then looks constipated by the look of exasperation that Stiles gives him.

"Yeah Derek, but what kinds? Did they use elm, cedar, oak, ash? Were the leaves special like ivy or willow or were they from the same tree as the twig? Was there any signs of corn husks or any unusual smells?" Stiles says trying not to show his frustration.

Derek frowns realizing that he has been smelling something off. "Mint" he growls looking at the teen. "Like in here" he looks suspicious.

Stiles frowns before picking up the cup on his desk and handing it to the werewolf. "Peppermint tea – eases digestion" he says and Derek is nearly bowled over by the strong smell. He scrunches his nose adorably, NO!, not adorable, bad Stiles!

"Boyd said it was burnt mint. Also apple, vinegar, and ozone" Derek added slowly and saw Stiles eyes widen.

"Apple, vinegar and mint? That sounds familiar. I will look into it and bring what I find to the loft. How did you find all of this?" he asks as he turns on his laptop.

"Erica and Boyd were attacked" Derek grunts and steps back when Stiles jumps up and flails his arms and yells.

"WHAT? Are they okay? Why didn't you say something?" he demands and Derek growls and his eyes flash red.

"Boyd's fine, banged up but healing. Deaton was coming over to look at Erica. She touched one of those things, screamed and collapsed. We are handling it" he growled.

Stiles rolled his eyes and started muttering under his breath but it was still loud enough for Derek to make out the 'bad dog' and 'dumbass' that the teen snarled. "If she is out after touching one, she is probably cursed" he says absently. "I can probably come up with a counter for when we face them" he tells the Alpha.

"It's too dangerous Stiles. Just get us the information and we will handle it" Derek demands and Stiles jumps back up. They argue for several minutes with Derek reminding Stiles that he is human and easily hurt and Stiles reminding Derek that he's a dumbass, which probably isn't very convincing but does make Stiles feel better. Finally Derek snarls "Just get us the info Stiles" before jumping out the window and taking off before Stiles can respond.

"You butthead" he yells out the window at the retreating shadow before slamming the window shut and stalking back to his desk. "Fricking furry bastard" he grumbles and hears a chuckle behind him and turns to see Stephen floating there looking at him with a contemplative expression. "What's so funny?" he demands.

"Nothing" Stephen says trying to look innocent. "Interesting relationship you have with the werewolf" he adds off-handedly.

Stiles turns back to his computer muttering about 'stuck up alphas' and 'you're too fragile Stiles' before it turns into a steady stream of complaints about the Alpha's fashion sense, house decorating skills, and the use of copious amounts of hair product not to mention those damn eyebrows. "It definitely sounds like he is...difficult" Stephen offers and that sets Stiles off again letting out a new stream of complaints. He doesn't notice the amused and speculative look on the sorcerer's face or the humor in the man's expression that grows as he listens to Stiles rants.

Next chapter up on Saturday! More pack. More Witches. And guess who shows up to cause even more problems for our valiant pack of heroes?

Shinobilifenascreators' thoughts