
Chapter 29

So where exactly is this place?" Jackson asks as Lydia gets in the Porsche as they walk out of her house.

"It's by the vintage clothing store."

Jackson rolls his eyes at that one. Ever since Allison had moved to town, Lydia and her, and now Erica, Cora, and Kira, had all taken to hunting for 'the perfect item' in some store or collection. Lydia was more 'newest thing' while Kira and Allison were more of the 'bohemian chic' look. Erica was 'FU everyone', though she had toned it down a bit since her and Boyd had become official. Jackson did not want to risk Cora, so he very uncharacteristically did not intrude on her trips in the slightest. But now Lydia was looking at more esoteric stuff and since that friend of Stiles', Edmund, had opened his place, she had been there several times finding new stuff. And now, two days ago an Asian herbal and homeopathic medicine store had suddenly opened up without warning and Lydia had grilled the owners about it.

"So, are they human or not?" Jackson asks remembering that she hadn't said yet.

Lydia shook her head. "Not exactly. They are mostly human, but apparently their ancestors were part of the celestial court. Think of them as descendants of angels or spirits and humans. Gifted in magic and sensitive to it enough to not be totally human, but not exactly supernatural either."

"So does Derek & Stiles know?"

She nodded. "I told them after I visited the shop. They are more like Edmund or Martinique in that they do business with the supernatural and are enough to be 'part of the club' but they really don't register or count much. Stiles looked at them through the ley lines and could barely tell. They decided that it wasn't enough to worry about."

"So why did they come if it isn't that big a deal?" Jackson asks as he turns onto the main road and grumbles when he sees the construction ahead. Glancing over, he takes a slight detour through the industrial area, but it will avoid the traffic.

"Same as everyone. It seems from the minute Stiles was bound here; Beacon Hills and his magic has been calling out. Ming said they had a reading that told them to move here from Seattle, so they did. Once they arrived, they knew it was the right thing. Apparently, their stock of herbs and potions are already more effective and enhanced. They want to ask about setting up some greenhouses to see about trying to grow some of the more difficult plants to see what effect that would have."

Jackson looks over at the redhead beside him and smiles. It's been hard for him to stop trying to fight everything, trying to be the best, better than everyone. But McCall is an Alpha now, stronger, faster and more powerful. Stilinski is so powerful it almost scares him and then the spaz will trip or knock something over and remind everyone that he is still the same goofball. And so Jackson realized that it was never going to be possible for him to be the best in his pack and that realization allowed him stop trying so hard and to his amazement, no one cared. Danny was still his best friend, Lydia actually seemed to like him more than before, he was even starting to kind of like the others, okay he did but he wasn't going to come out and say it. The most amazing thing was when his mother and father both shocked him the other day when they commented on how much happier and relaxed he had been lately and that they were so glad he was enjoying school and things again. It seems that everyone had thought he was an ass before and now were happy he wasn't trying to show up everyone else.

Not that he was gonna change completely. He wouldn't be caught dead dressed as bad as McCall or Stilinski or drive anything less than the best, but that other stuff wasn't as important. He had actually had a talk with Peter about law school that didn't make him want to run. His father had always pushed for Jackson to follow in his footsteps and be like him, but Peter had opened Jackson's eyes to the world of corporate finance, banking, and investments. And had mentioned that if Jackson did go to law school, Peter would be happy to take him on once Peter got his own firm back online. Managing the Hale assets would be a full-time job for more than one person and the idea of playing with millions and millions was very appealing.

Suddenly he realized that the car had gone silent and that Lydia wasn't talking anymore. He looks over and sees her looking off, dazed and disconnected. "Lyds? Are you okay?"

She doesn't respond but starts looking around like she lost something. "Jackson?" she whispers, her voice broken. "Somethings wrong. I feel that there is something coming."

Jackson knows better to ignore that and looks around the mostly deserted area and decides to divert back towards the center of town. He wants to pull over and help her through this when she suddenly seizes up and throws out her arms to grasp the dashboard. "JACKSON!" she yells, and he looks over at the shock and fear on her face. In that moment he can do one of two things: Brake or Floor it. He floors it.

It is almost enough, but he must have hesitated a second too long because the black SUV with its lights out still manages to clip the back of his car soundly and spin them around. Jackson desperately spins the wheel to control the spin and manages to bring his car to a stop. He is about to take off when a second SUV slams into them, right at his window at high enough speed to send his Porsche rolling. They do a complete roll and a half ending upside down, covered in the pieces of the windows and windshield. Popping his seatbelt, Jackson drops down and looks over at Lydia and growls at the gash on her forehead and the blood there. She is unconscious as he carefully but quickly releases her and gets her down before pulling her out the front of the busted-out windshield. He needs to get them clear and fast before the Hunters catch up to them.

He gets out and grabs her and starts to run when he hears the men yelling. He wants to fight! His fangs have dropped, and he knows he is partially shifted but he can't fight them and protect her at the same time, so he runs. Looking up he spots a gas station lit up and makes for it with all his speed. Once there, he can fight and call for help. The voices of the hunters are behind him and then there is a gunshot followed by several more, but Jackson is ducking and running fast and none of them hit him. He gets a block from the station when the sound wave hits him, and he roars and drops to his knees trying to block out the sonic attack. 'No' he thinks and stands just as he sees the three men in front of him, all dressed in black and he knows he was being herded all along. He snarls and takes in a breath to roar for Derek when he feels the sharp sting hit his back and not a second longer the electricity hits and he seizes, dropping to the ground as Lydia falls from his arms.

The men and women all close in as he growls and tries to stand, desperately trying to call out his tail but another jolt hits him and he screams and falls. He can't move, but he can hear them and what he hears makes his blood go cold.

"Tie him with the wolfsbane ropes. Keep the tasers on him" one man says.

"What about the girl?" one of the others ask.

"Tie her up and make sure to gag her. We don't want her screaming to warn anyone" he says with a laugh. "Gerard is looking forward to seeing you again snake" the man says before his boot slams into Jackson temple and everything goes black.

"Can you believe all the reading we have to do this year?" Eddie asks slumping down in his seat looking hungrily at the monstrosity of ice cream, toppings, and sauces that filled the cup to near overflowing.

Billy stared at it in disbelief. That was one definite difference between the two of them. Billy was fairly healthy with his eating; I mean he had a fruit sorbet instead of ice cream! But other than his eating habits, Eddie liked hanging out with him even if he was a little stuffy sometimes. Not like his friends back home that the hunters had killed. He had grown up with those guys and spent summers exploring the wilderness as well as playing video games.

"It is not that bad; I did wish she was giving us something more interesting" Billy sighed as he took a bite of his plain dessert.

"You are just saying that because you already read most of the books she assigned."

Billy smirked. "True. But they are rather bland and boring. No excitement or different viewpoints. You would think she could find more interesting books instead of those old ones."

Eddie nodded politely even if he didn't get it. Billy was a serious reader, but other than that he was cool. "Did you talk with the Alpha yet?" he prompted with a look and almost laughed at the other boy's reaction.

"No" he replies with a huff. "I have tried to speak to the Emissary, but her boyfriend keeps glaring at me and I could swear I hear him growl whenever I get within 50 feet!"

Eddie laughs at that description, unsurprised. The truth was despite how cool he seemed, Scott had told Eddie some stories of Jackson, pre-bite, and the guy was a complete tool. Scott is positive that Jackson sees Billy as the new Stiles, crushing on Lydia, and is acting that way to cut it off despite the fact that Lydia is more than capable of handling it herself. "You know, I could speak with Derek or Stiles for you" he offers, as he has multiple times before.

Billy rolls his eyes in a way that would rival even Peter. "It's really not supposed to be done that way. Going through a pack member is a serious breach of decorum." He snorts at Eddie's expression "I do know how to behave!"

"Not according to coach Finstock" Eddie mutters.

Billy glares. "That oaf! He is totally bonkers. I've seen crazy Eddie, and coach, is several leagues past that."

Eddie laughs. Not that he disagrees with the assessment, coach is pretty nuts. As soon as he found out that Eddie was living with the McCalls, the coach got this real calculating look on his face before declaring that he wanted Eddie to try out for Lacrosse. Scott, Stiles, and Isaac all encouraged it and so now he was learning the game as he had never played it before. Coach was happy, well as happy as he gets which is basically about three steps below having a stroke, which Scott promised him was actually really happy.

"Have you found any other witches?" Eddie asks around a large mouthful of his concoction.

Billy shrugs. He hasn't really been looking to be honest. While he knows most witches prefer to operate in covens, he doesn't have the same perspective. "Not really. But with the way things are changing around here, who knows."

Billy looks around and notices that the two other groups have left the area leaving him and Eddie as the only ones out here. "You ready to head out? Maybe go over towards the courthouse?" he suggests and Eddie nods as he finishes off his food and stands up and tosses it in the nearby trashcan.

"Sure. We can do some riding and maybe go and see the Sheriff…" he stops ands sniffs, smelling something familiar. He has smelled that scent before, but he can't exactly place it.

"Eddie?" Billy's voice sounds nervous.

"I'm not sure. I smell something strange."

"Strange how?" Billy asks, moving his fingers delicately as he weaves a spell around both of them as a precaution.

"I don't know. I know I have smelt it before. Maybe in the woods?"

"Like flowers or trees? Some kind of animal" Billy prompts.

He shakes his head. It wasn't that.

"Running water? A campfire?"

Eddie freezes. Smoke. That's it. A burnt smell that he had encountered that day. When the hunters had attacked his family! "Billy, we need to run!" he says grabbing the other teen to head for their bikes.

"Too late dog" a cold voice says from behind them and Eddie spins around and sees the man and he shifts without thought.

"YOU!" he snarls at the man.

"You managed to run animal, but you should have kept running. I would have hunted you down eventually, but you might have lived a little longer" William Parker says with a sneer.

Eddie feels terror staring at the man who killed his family, and he wants to attack, but Parker has a half dozen men and Billy is standing there too. "He's not one of us" Eddie says staring at the man.

"Don't care. He lies down with dogs, he gets fleas. He betrays humans by standing with you, he's trash" Parker shrugs and his men all pull out their pistols and guns.

Eddies eyes widen. They are in public! "You can't kill us. Hunters aren't allowed in Beacon Hills!"

Parker laughs. "Weak, stupid, and corrupt old men and women decided that. They don't know what it takes to deal with you animals, but we do. Besides, you are going to lose another pack today anyways. Killing you now is a kindness and Gerard doesn't care about you. You're just a loose end.

"Billy run" Eddie hisses but Billy stares at the hunters with hate in his eyes.

"You will regret this" the boy says looking at the hunters aiming at them.

"Doubt it" Parker says and pulls the trigger. The rest of his men follow and unload their wolfsbane bullets into both boys who fall to the ground unmoving.

"Should we take them?"

William looks over at his man who asks and shakes his head. "The cops in this town are dead already or will be soon enough. There will be too much going on for anyone to care about two dead kids in the street. Besides, Argent said he didn't need the kid and finishing off the last of the Hendersons made this whole trip worth it. Let's go" he tells them and they all get in their vehicles and drive off to the sound of a loud explosion in the distance. Seems like there is now a definite lack of police in this town! Williams smiles at the thought. It is open season on wolves now.

"Sorry about this?" Boyd says as they pass the last street on the way back to his house.

"It's okay" Erica assures him even if she does feel a little irritated, but she knows that if Granny Boyd had called her, she would have done the same thing.

"I really wish they would have let us have just one night" Boyd says with a sigh. They were almost to the diner when his phone rang, and he saw his it was his grandma's house line so he picked up.

"Vernon, I need you to come back to the house" she had said immediately.

"Right now? Erica and I were going to grab dinner" he had responded.

"Right now" she said without hesitation. "I am concerned about Alicia, worried about her, and I need you to help us."

"Can you tell me about it?"

"Not over the phone Vernon."

He had sighed but nodded even though she couldn't see it. "Okay, I'm coming back. Just let me drop Erica off at home first."

"Go ahead and bring her by. It would be good to see her."

He nodded and hung up and they started for his house. "She wouldn't tell you what was wrong?" Erica asked even though she heard the call as easily as he did.

"No. And she kept calling me Vernon" he had said with a look of 'what can you do?'.

Erica had laughed. Usually Nana had only used his full name when he was in trouble or she was really mad about something.

They walked up to the house and spotted the lights on in the front of the house, but it was actually fairly quiet. Tuning in Boyd heard his mother, sisters, and Nana's heartbeats and they were all beating faster than normal. Then he realized he was hearing two other heartbeats in the house. He looked at Erica and frowned. "They have company over" he tells her, and she nods unsurprised. The Boyds are very well loved in town and she knows that people tend to visit often.

"Mister Boyd!" a small voice calls out and the two wolves look over and spot the younger Brownie who lives with the family hiding in the bushes.

"Tipsk?" Boyd says in surprise. He hasn't seen the Brownie outside since they moved in.

"Bad men! Bad men came in and hurt family!" Tipsk says, obviously frightened.

Erica and Boyd both react to this and take a deep breath, finally smelling the gunpowder odor that they had been too far away to smell. "Hunters!" Erica snarled, her eyes flashing. "We need to call Derek."

Boyd nods but then he hears something behind him and spins around, claws out and he snarls at the non-descript man standing there. "That would be a bad idea wolf. Why don't we all go inside nice and pleasant like?"

"Or we could tear you apart" Erica suggests but the man looks only annoyed, not scared.

"You could. But my friends inside would probably be unhappy with that." He looks over at Boyd "Would you prefer to lose all three of your sisters this time?" he asks, and Boyd growls and narrows his eyes but he doesn't attack. Erica looks at him for direction, but he shakes his head a bit and shifts back, Erica following right after.

"That's better. Let's go inside so we can all have a nice chat."

Erica isn't happy about this but once they are inside, they will be in a better situation to deal with the hunters. There are only three of them after all. Opening the door, they walk in and freeze in shock. Esther Boyd is sitting in her chair, tied up way too much for such a little old lady, with Boyd's mother and his sisters Teresa and Kaley both with their hands ziptied together and then to each other with a hunter standing over them with a gun. Both of the girls have obviously been crying extensively and she snarls before she can hold it in at the sight. Boyd's growl is more substantial and Erica glances over and sees why.

The third hunter is standing several feet away, Alicia held in front of him with a rather large knife pressed to her throat. She shows signs of crying, but she isn't now. Now she looks angry.

"Well, well, well. Guess who finally showed up? I admit I half expected you to ignore the old lady when we made her call" the man with the knife says with a laugh and a smirk.

Boyd's eyes flash at the man. "So much for the supposed 'code' you all honor. You are nothing but thugs and murderers aren't you" Erica snaps at him hoping to cause a distraction. She is looking around the room but if either of them takes even a step wrong, he will be able to kill Boyd's sister before they can stop him.

The man laughs. "You monsters don't deserve any mercy or kindness."

"Really? And killing a grandmother, mother, and three human kids? How does that fit in with your superiority?" Erica scoffs and sees the man by Boyd's mom flinch just a bit. "You all claim to be good guys, but your own leaders won't approve this. You broke the rules and what happens to those that do that, huh?" she asks. Erica had more than one discussion with Allison over the weeks and she knows that the bigwigs of the Hunters are not forgiving.

"They will be marked as Anathema" Boyd adds, and the hunters all look furious at that.

"No one will care once you all are dead mutt!" the man with the knife yells.

"Except you have a problem" Boyd says slowly as his claws and fangs descend. Erica's do as well. "There are only three of you. We can kill you fast."

The man moves the knife close to his sister's throat and Boyd snarls. Erica shifts her weight to prepare herself. If Boyd signals, she is going for Hunter #2 with the gun. He is just holding it, not even aiming at anyone. She is certain she can take him out fast. She glances back to look at Boyd and catches a glimpse of movement behind her and remembers the first Hunter, who didn't have a gun or wolfsbane, but she smells ozone! She starts to spin around when the cattle prod hits her in the back and she arches and screams in pain as the electricity hits her and locks up her muscles in a spasm of pain.

"ERICA!" Boyd screams and swings at the hunter, his claws gouging the man's arm that's holding the prod causing him to scream and drop it. But just then he feels the ice-cold metal pierce his back and he screams in pain.

"VERNON!" Boyd's mother screams at the sight of the knife sticking out of her son's back that the Hunter had thrown. The man tosses Alicia to the side where she falls as he moves over and with a vicious kick, he drives the knife in deeper and Boyd goes down to one knee. But he isn't out, and Alicia is no longer a hostage. He roars and swings at the hunter's leg, but the man has already jumped back. He moves to stand when the other hunter, having grabbed the cattle prod in his other hand, jabs it into Boyd and discharges a full charge, bringing the Beta down. Boyd tries to hold on, but he falls and passes out.

The man, holding his bleeding arm, jabs Boyd again for good measure before turning the device and hitting Erica with it a second time as well. "Filthy beasts!" he yells.

"Enough. The old man want's them alive, these two especially. Unless you want to take their place, leave off."

The two hunters tie up both wolves while hunter number three adds Alicia to the sofa with her mother and sisters and tightens their bonds before moving to help out. He glances at the old woman nervously and represses a shiver. When they came to her house, she had been suspicious even though they had a good cover story, the woman wasn't buying it and told them to leave. But Grayson lost his cool and pulling his knife, he forced his way in. The three of them managed to grab all five of the women and tie them up fairly quickly, but that old lady just stared at them like she was imagining them dying and she was going to be the one to do it.

She had refused to call her grandson when Grayson had ordered it but when he threatened to start killing the girls one by one, she had relented. She read the words he had written directly as he wrote them after he told her that for every mistake, he was going to cut off one of the little girls' fingers.

But he would be happy to be rid of that house and the feeling that they were being stared at. "Get them in the car" Grayson ordered him as the man ordered their partner to go bandage himself. It took a bit of work, but they managed to get the big guy out and in the back of the SUV before dragging the blonde. Grayson had begun tying them up as Don began complaining of his wounds and that he would take his revenge on the wolves before Gerard could.

"You and I will take them to Gerard" Grayson says. "Don, you clean up here and follow after." They had two vehicles so it wasn't an issue, but he frowned.

"Clean up?" Don asks Grayson confused and angry about being left behind to deal with the women. He was not used to working with the other two Hunters before, but Parker had asked him to join Grayson's team to make sure they had enough to deal with the two betas.

Grayson rolls his eyes heavily and looks back at the house. "No witnesses, remember? Kill them and then use the gas can in the car and burn the house. With everything else happening tonight, no one will make it here before all the evidence is gone."

Nodding he looks back at the house. Don always hated having to do clean up duty. He could never get the blood out of his clothes. He walks back to the second SUV and grabs the cannister of gasoline and heads back to the front door, still standing open. 'Shouldn't have consorted with monsters" he thought as he walks back inside.

Scott brushes off imaginary lint from his pants and shirt as he reaches for the doorbell, but Allison is pulling the door open just as he touches the button. "Finally!" she says happily as she gestures for him to enter.

"Am I late?" Scott asks worriedly.

"Not late, but I thought you would be here by now when you said you were on your way" she replies.

"I had to drop off Eddie first. He was meeting up with a friend from school." He frowns for a second but then smiles "I'm really glad he is making friends here."

Allison nods and lead him through the kitchen where her father is finishing up dinner. "Mr. Argent."


"Smells great" Scott says with a smile and he is glad that this dinner is not going to be like his first one, even a little bit.

Some of that must be easy to read on his face as Chris Argent looks at him for a moment before chuckling and turning back to his work. "What are you making?"

"Beef bourguigon. My mother always made it, but we stopped having it when she died. I took the chance this summer to learn from one of my cousins."

Scott sniffs and smiles at the delectable scents coming out of the oven. He can smell the beef and garlic, carrots and potatoes, onions, mushrooms, and bacon. He can even smell a tangy tartness that he thinks is red wine. He sighs happily. "We also made fresh bread" Allison adds as she moves over to a cutting board with a loaf of bread that smells awesome to start slicing some pieces off.

"This is all great! It's cool you learned how to do this" he tells them.

"Thank you. While we finish up, would you mind putting out the dishes? They are over there" Chris asks with a nod.

Scott spots the plates, bowls, and utensils and jumps over to grab them and take them over to the table which is already set up with placemats and glasses. He quickly puts out the plates and is just finishing setting down the last spoon when he feels a pressure in his nose. Reacting quickly, he ducks his head into his elbow before letting out a rather substantial sneeze.

"Bless you" Allison says looking over at him with a laughing smile.

"Thank you" Scott says blinking his eyes, feeling them getting scratchy. "I don't know what" he sneezes again, not as loud, but its followed by a third one almost immediately.

"Tissues are right there" Chris says pointing to the box by the sofa.

Scott nods gratefully and moves over and grabs one and wipes his nose. He hasn't sneezed like this in some time. Of course, just as he thinks this, he sneezes again into the tissue.

"Are you okay Scott? Oh, are you allergic to anything…" Allison suddenly looks worried and looks at her father and the dinner.

Scott tries to tell her he isn't, but his eyes are watering again, and he is finding it tough to breathe. He blows his nose again but when he looks down at the tissue he is staring for several seconds before it registers that his snot is black. He looks up worried and sees Allison's eyes widen.

"DAD!" she yells moving quickly towards him. Chris looks over and spots Scott, the black substance oozing out of Scott's nose and suddenly he is moving. His gun is in his office! But just as he enters the hallway the front door smashes open and he sees the two men rushing in and he drops, grabbing the potted plant and tossing it at the first man's face.

He hears Allison scream and he spins to look and sees another man, a hunter he is sure, coming up from the basement but the man was startled enough by Allison's scream that she managed to throw the bread knife that is currently sticking out of his neck. She is rushing him, trying to cover Scott who is wheezing and sliding to the floor. He hears the other man moving and dives to the side, feeling the baton whoosh past his head by inches and he throws all of his weight into standing up, leading with the heel of his hand, which he slams into the man's chin sending his head back sharply. Before the man and react, Chris follows up with a punch to the throat and he feels the it collapse before he goes down.

Chris is about to turn to the first man when a third walks in, and this one he recognizes! "Rogers!" he snarls looking at his father's favorite. The man was all muscle, no brain, and not one ounce of compassion or care. He liked to kill, and Gerard gave him lots of targets.

Rogers didn't reply, he just waded in and started throwing punches. Chris was good, very good. But he knew that Rogers had the edge on sheer muscle mass, not to mention that the guy was wearing body armor and had knuckle guards on both hands to protect them when he threw punches. But Chris Argent had been training to fight since he was ten. He wasn't going down easy.

Allison delivered a kick right to sternum of the man in front of her that she had already hit with her knife and he went down hard. Grabbing a chair, she swung it down on him, smashing it into pieces but she enjoyed seeing him go down. She reached for the knife, pulling it out and not worrying about the blood that suddenly started pumping out. As far as she was concerned, attacking her dad and Scott meant no mercy. She heard her father fighting but before she could turn to join him another figure stepped out of the darkness and she gasps. "Gerard!"

"Is that any way to say hello to your grandfather?" he asks her with a grotesque imitation of concern.

Allison's eyes narrow as she flips the knife around. "You're right, let me greet you properly" she says, voice cold as ice as she lunges for the man.

Gerard, however, isn't helpless and he easily steps out of her swing and moves around the table, keeping it between them. "Now this isn't very ladylike my dear. You have been spending too much time with these monsters."

"The only monster I see is you" she grits out and seriously contemplates throwing the knife again. But these aren't her fighting knives. She got lucky with the other guy hitting him in the neck, she was aiming for his heart. But she is about willing to try when she hears something behind her and she realizes that her back is to the basement door and she dives to the side, narrowly avoiding the blow from the woman who had sneaked up behind her. She swings her knife and manages to graze the woman, but she jumps back too quickly for anything else.

Allison sees her father fly back and hit a wall, another hunter rushing after him, but he dodges and hits back and she refocuses on her own fight. She is about to move when she notices that the woman is now moving towards Scott, her own knife out, and she yells and throws her blade, hitting the woman dead center of her back. The woman screams and goes down but Allison is unarmed and she starts to move to grab one of the fallen weapons when she feels something cold and metal slam into her back for a second before her entire body explodes in pain. She screams and goes down, hitting the floor, still twitching from the electricity that Gerard just hit her with.

Chris hears Allison scream and he sees red. He explodes on Rogers, throwing punch after punch and driving the man back. He lands a fantastic punch to his jaw and if the pain rushing back down his own arm is anything to go by, it hurt. Rogers hits the ground and Chris turns and sees his father standing over Allison with an unholy expression, a cattle prod in one hand and a pistol in the other.

"Don't" Gerard says pointing the pistol down at Allison and Chris freezes. "Get up!" he snarls at Rogers who stands up, very slowly, staring hatefully at Chris. "You have always been a disappointment. Why I was saddled with such a poor excuse for a son, I will never know. I knew you were weak, but I never thought you would actually side with these animals!" Gerard snarls.

Chris straightens up. "Well I guess we both have a lot of experience with disappointment then. But unlike you, I have the family behind me. You are being hunted and will be killed no matter what happens here. You can run, but Clarrisant will find you" Chris smiles. "In fact, she is very interested in getting her hands on you."

Gerard sneers. "You think I'm scared of that old bitch? I killed your mother. You think I will hesitate to kill her?"

Chris feels his heart stop. "What?" he whispers, praying he heard wrong but Gerard is standing there, laughing at him.

"Your mother was like you. Too soft. She didn't understand that to fight monsters, you couldn't give them mercy. Arranging her death by an omega was easy. Then I took over the family, well I did let Victoria think she was running things once you married her, but she was easy to manipulate, as you well know" he laughs.

Chris sees red and only the gun pointing at his daughter stops him but then he stares at the pistol and he realizes it is not a real gun. With that realization he starts to move but Gerard was watching, and he fires the tranquilizer gun and a dart slams into his son in the center of his chest. Chris feels the icy numbness spreading almost immediately and he only gets a step before he drops to his knees and then to the floor.

"Secure him" Gerard orders the hunter still covered in potting soil.

"This was costly" Rogers notes looking around the house. They lost three hunters.

"Are you surprised? My son and granddaughter are Argents and Hunters. Not dogs. They weren't going to go down easily." He walks over to Scott who is still coughing. "Not like a wolf who is dealing with aerosolized wolfsbane in the air vents." He leans down to look into Scott's face, the boy struggling to breath but glaring at him hatefully. "Don't worry. We are going to have a lot of time together to talk about your betrayal" Gerard says with a laugh before stabbing him with the prod and electrifying the teen, causing him to arch and scream before he collapses. He pulls out a handkerchief and starts coughing loudly into it, the black blood spotting the white cloth. "Get the others!" he roars. Their back up team should be outside by now. They can help get these three to the party. He would also get his dead hunters out. Showing the others what his son and granddaughter did will be a good motivator.

He hears a sound like thunder when he steps outside and looks at his phone. Right on time. Seconds late the text comes through and he smiles when he reads it. Seems that poor Agent McCall stopped by to see the Sheriff just as his mouthy son was visiting. One less item on his list, not that the worthless teen was anything other than a tool but killing him in front of the others would have been nice. He took his seat in the car as Rogers walked back into the house to tie up their prizes as he relaxed. He watched the texts start coming in. Everything was going perfectly.

Finishing up their shopping list, Cora directed both Isaac and Yvette to make one last sweep through the bakery and they would be done. She really liked the bread that they made here, very good ingredients and no preservatives or other harsh chemicals.

"Should we get some of the pastries?" Yvette asks looking at the display case with an appraising eye. She was surprised by the simultaneous snorts that came from both of the weres. "What?" she demands seeing both of them looking at her with disappointment.

"You haven't had anything from Celeste's bakery, have you?" Isaac asks with a look of pity.

"No. At least I don't think so" she replies looking at Cora in confusion.

"Celeste and her sister Arwen are Fae and their baked goods are…well, out of this world" Cora says with a snicker that Isaac shares.

"Wait. You mean actual faerie food? Stiles and Derek are allowing that?" she demands suddenly concerned.

"Relax" Isaac laughs. "They only use human ingredients so it not like real faerie food. It is human food but baked as close as possible. It's amazing" he says dreamily.

"I was suspicious too, but Stiles promised it was okay and after Peter introduced me, I could tell he was right. The sisters live away from the Fae Courts and much prefer living here in our world. Neither of them want any human servants, well besides the ones they pay. Besides, at the rate they are making money, they don't need to trick anyone. Not to mention that they are doing a rather thriving business providing magical food to the people who are moving here to live in the territory now as well. They are even talking about expanding to a full restaurant" Cora tells her friend.

Yvette is surprised, but at the same time, not. Stiles is rewriting rules all over the place and why should this be any different. The Night Lord had requested that she consider staying in Beacon Hills as not only his representative and ambassador to the Arcanist, but to provide the spiritual services that they provide that so many ignore or forget. She is very aware that Lord Zembo considers this an opportunity to restore the standing of Necromancers in the eyes of the other magic users and having her in a positive relation with the High Alphas would be an excellent first step.

"So, are you going to have to go back home soon?" Isaac asks surprising her with the timely connection to her own thoughts.

"I am considering staying in Beacon Hills" she replies.

"Your family won't mind?" he asks with a look of concern.

She sighs. "My father did not deal very well when my powers began to manifest. I may have reanimated some animals near our farm and that scared him. Also, when I started to speaking to my mother who had died in childbirth, it was too much for my father's new wife. I was sent to live with my aunt who was a witch and she recognized my magic so was able to get me a teacher. I left my aunt's house when I was 15 and haven't really spoken to my family since. I think they were glad to see me leave" she admits.

Cora frowns. "You never told me that. How old were you went he sent you away?"


Isaac looks horrified and Yvette finds that strangely comforting. She has seen the toll that death has had on the boy with the loss of his mother, father, and brother. And the violence of all three deaths didn't help. His mother killed in a car accident, his brother killed overseas while serving in the military, and his father's death at the hands of the former kanima were all significant marks on his spirit and she knows that he still struggles with the trauma of his life before the pack. "It wasn't bad or anything, I promise. They were scared and ignorant of the truth of my magic. Even my father wasn't cruel, he just couldn't handle it. Once I was out of sight, he was able to create a new family and we have lived separate lives. It might be nice if had been different, but I loved my aunt until she died, and I do love my magic and what I can do with it."

"And it probably would be an impressive accomplishment to be so close to my brother and Stiles" Cora says handing Derek's credit card over to the cashier who appears to be completely oblivious to them, lost in her own world.

"It would. The Lord wishes for others to see our value instead of only seeing the darkest parts of our magic. He sees it as a chance to be appreciated."

Cora nods. She had figured out Yvette and the Night Lord's plans when talking with Peter, Lydia, and Stiles after his visit and all four of them were not particularly surprised or concerned. Cora was just glad that her friend was honest about it. "That was what Lydia thought" she adds aloud.

Yvette laughs at that. "The Night Lord was very impressed with her after their visit" she tells the other two as they finish putting the bags in the cart. "He is fairly certain that she is going to make things better for us all on her own."

"Even though she isn't" Isaac pauses as they pass a woman with several rowdy kids in tow and waits till they clear "a necromancer?" he ends with a whisper.

She nods. "Death magic of any kind getting positive press helps all of us" Yvette tells him.

Cora chuckles. She really didn't think that being in a pack really would involve such concerns, at least she hadn't noticed it with her mom, but she has to admit that she probably missed most of that part of her mother's life. She was too young and anyways, Laura was the heir so she was getting all the training in pack politics. Shaking her head, she headed towards the Camaro with Isaac pushing the cart still talking to Yvette. She gets a few feet away and catches the scent of rubber and stale air and frowns but then she spots the glass on the ground and growls. She speeds up and then she spots the flat tire on the back wheel and the busted driver's window. "Shit!" she growls staring at the damage as Isaac and Yvette hear her and rush up.

But before they can even get there, she looks over and sees that the front tire is also flat but she can spot the gash in it clearly. Someone slashed the tire! She looks over and spots that the other window is broken out and there are several cracks on the windshield. The car has been targeted. "Isaac, call Derek" she says moving around and sure enough, both of the other tires are also slashed. Someone took out all four!

Isaac pulls out his phone just before the piercing whistle causes him to drop it to protect his ears as Cora tries to do the same. Yvette looks confused for a second before she realizes that it must be some kind of sonic attack and pulls out a rounded piece of obsidian and tries to focus on it. She is far from where her magic works best, but that doesn't mean she is helpless. At least until she feels a sharp, piercing pain in her leg and she looks down in confusion and disbelief at the red, fuzzy thing now sticking out of her leg. She reaches for it and the moment she touches it, she regrets it as a sharp pain shoots through her from the metal inside her leg but that feeling is quickly overcome by the ice-cold numbness that follows and suddenly Yvette can't feel her tongue and she watches in confusion as her meditation stone falls from fingers that no longer respond and seconds later she crumples like a puppet with her strings cut.

Cora sees her friend get hit with the tranquilizer and smells the mix of wolfsbane and something medicinal and worries of the effects, but she can't do anything about it yet. Instead she tries to move around but suddenly she is hit by three more sonics, all clashing with the one she was already dealing with and it is too much. She snarls but then she is shoved by Isaac and she smells that smell again and she sees the two darts sticking out of the beta. He pulls them both out and tries to move again when he is hit a third time and he collapses. She tries to roar, to call for help, but she can't out yell those damn things and suddenly she sees the hunters coming towards her and she tries to dodge their guns. She manages to duck two of the darts but by doing so she moves into the third that hits her in the hip and seconds later her leg loses all feeling and she can't avoid the other darts. Two more hits and one of the hunters gets in close and she promises to try and she swings her hand, claws out, and smells the rush of blood as she tears through the muscles in his leg and the man goes down with a scream.

"Shut him up" Severo Calavera says as he hits the beta with another shot of the tranquilizer gun and watches as the wolf finally collapses.

"I'll kill her!" the wounded man screams.

Severo doesn't hesitate or argue and shoots his man in the stomach with a dart. He grunts in surprise and opens his mouth to argue but then his eyes roll up and he passes out. "Bind up his leg and get him in the car. Tie these three up with the wolfsbane ropes" he orders.

"I don't think this one is a wolf" one of his men says looking at their other female prisoner. "She didn't reach to the sonics."

"Doesn't matter. She chose to side with Hale. She can die with him."

A few seconds later and the Calavera hunters are pulling out of the parking lot with their prisoners when he spots a black cloud rising from several blocks away and nods approvingly. Argent does know how to plan a hunt.

"Have you heard from the Council?" Marin asks looking at her brother as he tends to the older dog on his table. The man had been tending to a wounded leg that had looked badly banged up.

"I did. As I am sure you have heard, they have been hearing a great deal about what's been going on here and they have asked both of us to attend the formal meeting next month to help them better understand things" Deaton replied with a hint of amusement.

Marin watches him and finally sighs. "So, they are freaking out about being out of the loop, scared of the intrusion of the Morgaine for the first time in a century, and desperate to know what is going on since they can't find anyone willing to risk coming here and pissing off the new High Alphas" she summarizes.

Alan smirks at the rather accurate summary of the communication he had received from the Druid Council. The group of men and women had pretty much had free reign over North and South America for well over as century as neither the Merlins nor the Morgaines over the years had seemed at all interested in how things were going. As far as Alan could recall, the true leaders of the Druids had pretty much lived in the British Isles exclusively for centuries and hadn't done much outside of it. In fact, the Druidic Council really was the only one of its kind in the world. There was a Druidic Circle in Europe, but it was much less organized and more like a club, sharing information and teaching new students. African Druids were almost entirely independent and the ones in Asia and Oceania were almost clannish in nature; small groups with some contacts but no real structure.

But here in the 'new world' the druids had organized a fairly structured system of teachers, students, and education that attempted to not only establish standards, but to ultimately hold users to them. The Council had set up rules for teaching novices, guidance on oaths and vows to the balance and others, and ultimately in balancing the relationships between packs and hunters. Though Alan had to admit that his order had pretty much failed in those efforts over the last several years.

"You are unsettled" Marin observes shrewdly. "You disagree with the Council's concerns?"

Alan finishes bandaging Rex's leg before looking at his sister. "I have obeyed the Council my whole life, but I have noted that over the last decade or so, their efforts have….changed."

Marin nods indicating to continue, and he suddenly feels that he is once again dealing with his sister's too perceptive nature. Even though he is the elder, she has always managed to read people better, despite his own barriers and control, she can tell when he is holding back.

"I had started to investigate the Hale fire after everything. You remember that I had been called away by the Council to help 'redirect' a young druid in Missouri?" She nods. "I was to be gone just a few weeks, a month at the outside, but…"


"I kept getting delayed. It ended up being almost three months. And in that time Kate Argent found Derek, used him for information, and attacked the Hale Pack."

Marin frowns thinking about that time. She remembered how upset her brother had been when he discovered what had happened. By the time he had returned, Laura and Derek had fled, and Peter was in the long-term ward of the hospital. "An unfortunate situation to be sure."

Deaton looked as his sister and she was surprised by the expression on his face. "You do not believe it was coincidence?"

"I have no evidence that it was anything but bad luck."

His words are clear, but Marin sees the intent behind them. She pauses to think about what her brother is actually implying. If the Druidic Council actually knew of the Argent woman's plan and actively took steps to aid them in their attack on a peaceful pack, it would be a catastrophe! The packs would turn on the druids and banish them as emissaries, possibly even driving them from their territories. This was inconceivable. But. She had noticed how the Council had acted towards Deucalion when he was beginning his campaign. They did nothing. She had been certain that she would have been contacted to at least explain, but she never was.

"They didn't act against the Alphas" she says slowly.

Alan nods. "I have found other instances where the hunters and packs have clashed and almost always when the situation is the most grave, the druids are not there."

Marin moves over to the table. "Alan. If this is not just chance or bad timing, this would be very dangerous."

"I believe it already is."

She pauses for a moment watching him and then it hits and she gasps audibly. "The Morgaine!"

Alan nods. "Her actions towards the Council of late have been cold, almost angry. If she suspects, or worse, knows that they have violated their oaths and are encouraging a greater conflict…" he pauses and looks at her and sees the fear and concern.

"They would not accept such actions Alan. Such a violation would be enough for direct intervention by both of them." She suddenly pales "or a cleansing" she whispers and Alan only nods.

They sit in silence, dreading the very idea that the Council they both love and serve might have drifted so far from their truth that they would risk the wrath of the Merlin and the Morgaine. If true, blood would be spilled. It is in the quiet that the sound of the chimes is so striking and loud causing both druids to look over to the small ornament sitting on the shelves with shock. The metal and wood sculpture is ringing, growing louder, despite the lack of wind. Marin sees the runes starting to glow. "Are those?"

"Intention wards" Alan nods moving quickly towards a cabinet on the wall and reaching up to press and twist the handle causing the entire unit to swing out and revealing a wood panel of rowan with runes of protection, powerful ones, carved into it. "Someone wishes this place harm."

"This place? Or you?" Marin asks looking out the window but not seeing anything.

"They may have followed you" he says activating the runes. He is actually rather glad of his discussion with Mr. Stilinski two weeks ago when the young man dropped by and asked about the protections he had sensed on the clinic. Alan had decided that transparency was called for and walked the young mage through all the clinic's protections. The truth was, if Stiles truly wanted to, Alan wouldn't stand a chance in magical conflict with the teen. His best bet was to stay on the young man's good side. It didn't take long, and Stiles was beyond disappointed in the vet's work.

Since then, he had stopped by several times to make improvements including enhancing the chimes to better sense danger as well as new protections. With the runes activated, the clinic was essentially locked down and bullet proof. No one was getting in.

"Alan" Marin warned watching the parking lot as the three SUVs pulled in with their lights off and their license plates covered. A group of men and women jumped out and two of them rushed for the front door with a SWAT team battering ram in their hands.

"Don't worry" her brother said just as the men carrying the ram slammed it into the door and were blown back by the recoil to slam into the ground.

Marin glances over at her brother mildly impressed. The ward must have rebounded their attempt by at least three times for them to fly back that hard. "Nice."

He nods in appreciation and then frowns as he sees the men grab several glass jars with some green liquid in them and toss them at the clinic's doors, smashing open and flashing with a brief light before fading almost instantly.

"Concussive filtres" Marin notes rather concerned. That is not an easy potion to make or obtain.

"And quite effective if Mr. Stilinski's efforts had not provided significantly greater protection. I think we should notify the pack" he says as he pulls out his phone.

"There's no signal" Marin says just before he notices it. Looking concerned he reaches for the office phone but there is no dial tone when he picks it up.

"The line is dead."

"It seems that they have come prepared. They do not want us to call for help."

Alan isn't happy about this. Hunters do not attack druids or emissaries, and this is totally out of the ordinary. Why would they have targeted him?

"I recognize that one" Marin suddenly says watching one of the hunters as they gather several more jars and begin handing them out. "He was with Randolph Davies and those hunting the Alpha Pack."

Deaton frowns. "Do you think they are here for you as their former emissary?"

"I do not know. Not many knew of my role."

"Do not underestimate Gerard Argent. If anyone knew, he did. And if he is aligned with Davies and his men…"

The sudden sound of breaking glass interrupts them and Alan glances at the runes but they aren't glowing. So not a potion. What are they throwing at them? The sounds of the jars breaking is coming from all sides. He hears one smash on the back door as well as the walls. 'It doesn't make any sense' he thinks when Marin gasps in shock.

He is about to ask her when he smells it. Kerosene or gasoline. But he suddenly knows their plan and he pales. He doesn't think the runes will stop this. "Alan!" Marin yells just at one hunter throws a flaming bottle at the front of the clinic and there is an explosion of sound that shakes the building. Staring in horror, Alan watches the flames race around the clinic and in seconds he sees and hears flames on all sides, and he is certain the roof as well.

"If we try to escape, they will attack us" Marin says looking frightened just as one of the windows explode and fires start spreading quickly. The fires on the roof start breaking through in just a few moments and smoke starts getting in.

"Help me" Alan demands quickly and Marin turns to see her brother moving the dog to the floor before grabbing onto the table and pushing hard. She stares for a second before regaining her composure and joins him pushing when the table suddenly shifts and moves over revealing a stairway leading down. "Quickly" Alan says guiding the dog down the steps as the fires have now started burning inside the clinic rather fiercely. She follows him down, but it is a short move, only about ten feet before he runs back up and grabs ahold of a bar and pulls, moving the table back over the opening and then coming back down. "Over here" he says pulling her into a small alcove, more a storage area but there is a wooden door. Opening it he pulls her in before shutting it behind them and closing them in darkness. "Hold on" he says moving slowly till she hears a click.

"Oh!" she says in surprise as the light comes on and she sees his little hidey hole. Filled with books and shelves, the little place seems like a safe spot except for one thing. "What happens when the air runs out?"

Alan smirks a bit and points to a small tube near the ceiling. "That goes out past the parking lot into the woods and up into a hole in a tree that is open to the sky. Fresh air. We should be safe here." He suddenly looks concerned.

"But if we were attacked…"

"Then the hunters are making their move against the Hales" she answers worriedly.

Derek is slowly climbing out of darkness and the first thing he feels is the cold metal around his wrists and he knows that feeling, has felt it before, especially when he feels his arms suspended over his head. Next, he feels the wood of the post that he's apparently tied to. He isn't standing, he is on his knees, in the dirt, not a concrete floor or something man made, so he thinks he is outside. This is confirmed when the next thing that comes to him are the scents. Grass, trees, and dirt. He also smells traces of smoke, but it is the mix of oak, ash, huckleberry, and poppies that he smells that make him realize that he is not only in the preserve, but near his home.

"Wakey wakey Derry. No hiding that heartbeat."

Derek freezes at that syrupy sweet voice as he remembers the last few minutes before he lost consciousness. But that's impossible! She is dead. But then why is he smelling that mix of gunpowder, gun oil, and mint that always surrounded her. Slowly opening his eyes, the first thing he sees is enough to make him almost lose the contents of his stomach. Kate. Standing there, smiling happily, and looking down at him. He snarls but she only laughs. "Aw, didn't you miss me? I mean I definitely missed seeing all of you" she says with a leer.

It is that moment that he realizes what he has been smelling. Glancing over he sees Cora on his right, tied up like he is but still out of it. Looking back he sees Peter, still bleeding and scratched up, chained to his left. She has captured them all! He looks back at her and roars, eyes flashing.

"Oh, honey. Didn't you appreciate all my efforts? I mean we got them all here for you?" she says and steps slightly to the side and he is confused for a moment before he looks past her and he sees them. Staring at his pack he feels a sickness that makes him want to scream.

Directly in front of him he sees Scott, tied up with ropes, lying on the ground coughing. A few feet away Jackson is also lying on the ground, with his arms and legs both tied up and gagged next to Isaac who appears to have his arms tied behind him. Derek can smell the wolfsbane on the ropes from here.

On the other side of Scott he spots Boyd and Erica several feet away, both tied up and kneeling on the ground, but still glaring hatefully at the men all around them.

On the other side of Jackson he sees Lydia, tied up and gagged, a bad cut on her head no longer bleeding but obviously not treated, glaring hatefully at Kate and if looks were enough, Derek is certain that the not-dead Argent would be suffering an extremely painful death. Her eyes are glaring both at Kate, but she is also looking at several of the hunters with a gleam that promises retribution. Lying unconscious beside her, also tied up and gagged, is Yvette with a rather nasty looking bruise on the side of her face. Derek can hear her heartbeat so he knows she is alive at least.

Lydia catches his eye and looks to her right and he follow and stops when he sees Allison and Chris. Both of them appear to have their hands ziptied behind them and have been awake long enough to be over the shock of seeing Kate alive. Allison is gagged and Derek is willing to bet she woke up without one and Kate and Gerard, yes he smells the old man nearby though he hasn't shown up yet, gagged her. Chris is glaring but Derek is sure that his father and sister have stripped both of them of any weapons or possible tools. He wonders if they are to be witnesses or will Kate kill them as well?

He looks around a bit more, but he doesn't spot Stiles, the twins, or Kira. Melissa and the Sheriff also seem to be missing so he is hoping that they have managed to evade Gerard so far.

"Hale, Hale, the gangs all here" Kate singsongs and Derek glares but she just smiles and walks up to Peter and with a flick, her claws come out and she swipes across his face. Hardly any real damage, but enough pain to wake his uncle up even as the cuts heal. He struggles with the chains for a second before his eyes lock on the former hunter in front of him and he roars, his eyes flashing ice blue. "Don't worry Peter, I can't wait to return the favor you gave me. She lovingly slides her claws along his throat, her fangs dropping as she stares down at the man hungrily.

"Enough" Gerard says finally stepping out of the shadows.

Derek hears a gasp and sees that Cora has woken up.

Peter snarls looking at the old man, but he doesn't care, though Derek can tell the man notices. There must be nearly a hundred hunters surrounding of them and Derek never saw them coming. It doesn't make any sense. How could they have missed this? One of the hunters walks up to Gerard and Derek stares and when he scents the man, he is confused. He smells gunpowder and plastics, like in protective equipment, but no wolfsbane. The man also smells of explosives and ozone, but different from a taser. Some other kind of energy. "Sir, we received notice that the team has breached the depot and are going in."

Gerard smiles and dismisses the man before looking back at Derek.

Derek wants to roar and tell him that he won't get away with this, but he holds his tongue. He knows that is what the old man wants. He wants Derek to beg or plead, but with Stiles free, it is only a matter of time before he shows up.

"I bet you are wondering were the rest of your pack is Hale" Gerard says with a smile.

"You see I have powerful friends. Friends who are very well situated in high government jobs that allows them to 'manage' situations. They were looking for someone in the FBI and you wouldn't believe what they found. They found a disgraceful agent, alcoholic and angry at the world. Ripe for recruitment." He turns around and walks over to Scott who is staring at him furiously. "Your father was pathetic" he says looking down at the teen who tries to lurch forward but Severo Calaveras is standing behind the teen and he slams down a baton, hard, on Scott, driving him to the ground.

Gerard shakes his head. "Don't worry my boy. You don't have to worry about being ashamed of your father anymore." He walks back to Derek smiling wickedly. Derek glares but doesn't respond. "You see he desperately wanted revenge on this town, and more specifically the good Sheriff, who had caused him so many problems with his career. So, when I offered him the chance to clean up, he jumped at it."

Kate chuckles and Peter lunges but his chains hold him back as she blows him a kiss.

"What chance?" Cora demands and Derek wishes she hadn't. Don't engage with him!

"We had this wonderful little bomb for him to deliver. Set it down, walk out and moments later boom!" he smiles happily at the blood running from Cora's face. "Oh, don't worry. I didn't think he would do it. That's why I gave him a fake bomb. He acted all excited about it, but you should never trust a cop, not even a dirty one. No, he arranged for the Sheriff and all his men to be there when he arrived but he didn't know that one of them worked for me."

Derek feels something twist in his gut. "You're lying!" Scott yells from the ground causing Gerard to look back at the teen.

"I told you not to worry boy. I gave him a dud in case he got cold feet or grew a conscience. My man however left several bombs in the station so once your poor pathetic father showed up, they left and detonated the bombs." He laughs, as does Kate and more than a few of the hunters. "You should have seen the fireball. Took out the whole station after your dad got all of those poor, poor deputies to all show up for a big announcement. It's really a tragedy when a town loses all the police in such an accident. And do you want to know the best part?" he says stepping closer to Derek.

Derek is breathing heavily, he has been listening and the man's heartbeat has never waivered. He isn't lying.

"Stilinski's brat had stopped by at the same time. My men watched him enter and then boom" he says moving his hands apart with a laugh. "Got to watch that stupid jeep burn as well." He looks a bit disappointed. "I would have preferred to kill him personally so you could watch" he tells Scott but he smiles at the looks of shock and disbelief on everyone's face. He relishes watching the horror on all there faces even…

"Don't tell me you are upset" he laughs looking at Chris and Allison who both look floored. "I see I really should have grabbed him and killed him here. It would seem that you all have grown attached to the bastard." He shrugs it off before looking back at Derek.

"You are going to die" Derek says with a low growl. No emotion, though he sees Scott, Erica, and Allison all unable to hold back their tears and cries at Gerard's news. Lydia looks deadly.

Gerard laughs. "No Derek. You are. All of your miserable pack, and when they are all dead, you are going to watch as I kill your sister. Then you are going to watch while my dear Kate guts your uncle. Only when everyone you have ever loved, cared about, or who even gave you the time of day is dead. Only then will you get to die. And it will take a long time. I promised that Katie can play with you before the end."

Derek glares at the old man with a level of hate he has never felt. "And your son? And Granddaughter?"

Gerard looks over at them with utter disappointment. "They are worthless to me now. But I will let them live long enough to watch all of you die before they do. My son will get to see his precious Allison die before him and then the fun begins."

Derek hears Allison gasp in shock, but Chris is glaring hatred at his father. He is not surprised by the man's plans for him and his family.

"You will still die" Derek growls and Gerard looks at him with contempt.

"You think I am scared of the Council? I don't know how you managed to get them to back off Hale, but they won't avenge you. They won't care. And their rules mean they can't enter your 'territory' for at least a year and by then, we will have cleaned out all of you animals once and for all. No rules. No restrictions. And my forces are currently raiding a S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons depot near here and with the contents there at our disposal, we will obliterate every inhuman monster in the west half of the US! Then the Council, those weak fools, they will be dealt with. No more 'getting along' with animals. No more treaties or agreements. Only humans matter and we will kill every last one of you!"

"Even little Katie?" Peter asks with a snarky town that draws a growl from the woman.

Gerard looks completely unconcerned. "My daughter has taken your power to use for a higher cause. She will lead our hunters to every last one of you and wipe them out. She is the greatest hunter of all, the wolf killer!" Kate grins, the blue spots and fur on her face coming out, as she snarls at the Hales tied to the stakes.

Gerard looks across the field and nods at Grayson who steps up behind Boyd, while another man steps up behind Erica. "You know, it's always irritated me how those two managed to get away. My dear little Allison was so good hunting them down. You were magnificent my dear" he says looking over at his granddaughter who was screaming into her gag.

Derek looked at his betas and saw fear in their eyes, Erica had tears running down her face ever since Gerard had told them of killing the Sheriff and Stiles. He flashed his eyes and was rewarded by two sets of golden light.

"But them getting free was disappointing. I guess my sad excuse for a son was responsible for that" he says glancing at Chris who is staring, unblinking at him. He turns back to Derek. "I understand that when a beta dies, the alpha feels it. Almost like losing a limb. A pain that is indescribable?" he asks looking down at the man who is glaring back. It is like a drug, finally getting everything and making them pay for everything he has gone through. "But you know what else?" he says with a whisper as he leans in close to Derek.

"If an alpha loses his whole pack, their power returns to him. You will feel them all come back to you, but you also bit me Derek" he says with a terrifying smile, his voice a deadly whisper. "And when I kill you, I will get all that power and cure this poison you gave me."

Derek looks into the eyes of a fanatic madman and roars, eyes flashing, as he pulls against the chains with all his might but though they stretch, they don't break. Gerard only sneers and looks over at the two hunters standing there with their guns out, aimed at his betas. Derek spins to look over at Boyd and Erica and his eyes catch hers and he sees the terror in them.

"Kill them" Gerard says coldly right before the clearing echoes with the sound of gunshots.