Jordan sighed happily as he bit into the Danish from Celeste's. Ever since moving to Beacon Hills he had enjoyed discovering the little shops, stores, and restaurants, but the discovery of the bakery was his favorite. Once he had been alerted to the shop via the prohibition for the Sheriff by Stiles, Deputy Jordan Parrish had managed to stop by at least twice a week, sometimes more, to pick up one of their new delicious desserts. He had at one time joked that they were magical with Tara and her look had made him laugh until that night in the station when he learned the truth about werewolves. Then he wondered if they were. Then he decided he didn't care.
At least he had not seen anything that suggested that the sisters were anything out of the ordinary, but he had to admit that he was more than a little suspicious. Ever since that night, Jordan had begun to notice little things around town that made him wonder if Beacon Hills was a lot more than even he had originally thought. Since then, the sheriff had updated them about new changes even if they didn't really see anything on their own. One definite benefit was that crime was actually down in town in general.
Taking a sip of the hazelnut toffee coffee that Arwen had recommended he smiled again. Okay, they had to be something more than human! Nobody made food this good. Stepping up to his cruiser he looked at the storefronts and noticed that one of the vacant buildings didn't look quite so vacant anymore. In fact, it looked like the store was actually open. Strange, they hadn't been notified of any new stores, but it was worth a look and an introduction to the owners or operators.
Stepping into the store he looked around the shelves of antique knick-knacks and other items, surprised at the rather full shelves and displays. He was almost certain that the place had been empty when he was last here just three days ago.
"Welcome deputy" a refined voice called out with a trace of a British accent "can I help you find anything?"
Jordan looked over at the man sitting happily behind the counter reading from a large book. He appeared to be the only one here.
"Hello sir" Jordan replied politely. "I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am Deputy Parrish. You got set up fast. I hadn't heard that we were getting a new store."
The man smiled easily. "Today is our opening day. In fact, you are my first visitor."
Jordan nodded not at all surprised. No advertising or notice out, no wonder nobody knew about the place. He looked at the counter and noticed a number of really old coins that looked Greek or Roman. "You have some interesting items" he tells the man trying to be polite. "I bet once word gets out you will see a lot more traffic in here."
The man shrugs. "I'm not too worried. People seem to have a habit of finding me and if I am being honest, I mostly just enjoy meeting and talking to people."
Jordan looks confused. "Tough business model."
The man laughs heartily. "I like you Deputy Parrish. I don't really need the money; I have all I need. Running my store is my destiny you could say. Meeting fascinating individuals like you is my reward."
Jordan looks skeptical. "Well that's a great philosophy I guess. But I do have to worry about money so I should get back to my job."
"One moment Deputy. I would like to give you something" the man says and pulls down a small box from a rather unstable looking shelf above him. How has the guy managed to make his brand-new store already look like it's been here forever and stuffed with junk? But he smiles politely guessing it is probably a business card or something.
"Ah! I knew that I would find a good home for this" he says opening the box and Jordan looks down in surprise. Sitting in the black wood box is a cord of leather holding a piece of black metal. Reaching down, Jordan picks up the unusual necklace and sees that the metal is in the shape of a dog or wolf, standing guard, with red eyes.
"What is this? I can't take this" he tells the man looking up at him, but the man is smiling happily.
"I was just waiting to pass it on Deputy and I think you are definitely who it was waiting for."
Jordan is thoroughly confused but looks back down. He really likes the plain thing for some reason. He would probably buy it if he had seen it, but he can't just take it though. "Sir…" he starts but the man cuts him off.
"Deputy Parrish, to refuse a gift is quite rude. Besides, I didn't pay for it myself. It was given to me to give one when I so choose, and I choose you."
"Sir... Mr... I don't know your name."
"It's Edmund Deputy Parrish and consider it my thanks for being my very first customer here in Beacon Hills."
Jordan struggles with this. The more he holds this, the more he wants the old necklace. And if he didn't pay for it, then it can't be a bad thing, can it? "What is it?" he asks stalling.
Edmund smiles. "It's just a token, one of the Cŵn Annwn."
Jordan frowns but the words are musical and pleasing somehow. He looks up. "What is that?"
"In Celtic mythology, they were the spectral hounds that ran with the Wild Hunt. You might have also heard them called Hell Hounds."
Lydia has managed to get the full story from everyone and she has to admit that she would have been pissed if they hadn't called her. But despite that, she is still a bit annoyed. Luckily, right then the wolves all look up and at the door in what she calls the 'who's at the door' pose. She may not make the same jokes that Stiles does, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't see the humor on occasion. "Well?" she asks when no one says anything.
"The Sheriff is coming" Derek says and Stiles looks excited.
"You didn't know?" she asks the teen.
"It's harder to spot the non-human pack members. They tend to blend into the background. I can focus and find them, but its not like it is with the wolves" he explains, and she nods. Makes sense, especially after he admitted that all the magic and supernaturals were creating a 'fog' in Beacon Hills that was making it harder for him to spot people.
Lydia moves to take possession of a comfortable spot before everyone figures out that this will probably take awhile just as the door opens and the Sheriff enters in followed closely behind by a woman who carries herself like Allison does when they are fighting someone. "I don't have much time" Noah says to Derek quickly. "We were able to set some things in motion, but I will need to go back and handle cleaning up this mess, especially once the FBI finds out."
"I don't think that will be a problem Sheriff" Natasha says easily. "I made some calls."
Noah looks at the woman for a moment before nodding and looking back at Derek. "Derek, Stiles, everyone. May I introduce Ms. Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow."
Lydia smirks as she spots both Stiles and Isaac bouncing in happiness trying to control their geekiness. She has to admit to feeling it as well, but damned if she is going to gush over anyone. Someone needs to show some dignity in this group. "I thought you were a redhead?" she asks.
Natasha looks over and sees Lydia sitting in her chair as regally as any queen and does a quick evaluation. Surface level: spoiled princess, popular girl, mean girl, used to getting her way with men and lacking relationships with other women. Second glance: smart, very smart. She is being evaluated as well and sitting like that in a room with the werewolves and sorcerer she saw earlier? She is nothing like what she projects for others to see. It is all a mask. "I'm in disguise" she says with a wink.
"Why are you here?" Derek barely refrains from snarling and Natasha looks back and sees the distrust and suspicion on his face. The young man who created the portal like Dr. Strange, standing beside him, looks mortified at the man's reaction.
"She told the mayor that Stark Industries was looking to build a facility here and was investigating the town. A cover story I assume" Noah says as he takes his own seat. The others move around to find spots leaving Derek, Stiles, and Natasha all standing.
'Yes and no" Natasha admits and takes her own seat and looks serenely at the Alpha who glares and snarls when Stiles pokes him. But he does dial back the glare and sits down followed immediately after by Stiles. "Shield has been receiving some 'unusual' reports from this area for the last few weeks. Unusual enough to make a note, not enough to really warrant much else until a rather reliable source reported a pod of mermaids off the coast of San Francisco."
Stiles snorted. "Aerwyn's pod" he tells Derek who just nods. Looked back at the Avenger who has a curious look on her face so he explains. "Aerwyn is the Maetreal of the Coreoleas Pod. They live a couple miles off shore but come in on occasion." Natasha looks more than a little surprised, but the teens all seem unfazed.
Stiles looks at the women. "Yeah, I was checking things out about a week ago and Aerwyn reached out. Seems they are telepathic and we talked." He looks at the stunned faces of his father, "I told you about them, didn't I?"
"No son, you didn't. Giant spiders and Centaurs, but no mermaids. Anything else?" Noah asks with a sigh.
Stiles opens his mouth to answer but looks at Natasha and shrugs. "Nothing I can think of" he lies. Badly.
"So stories about mermaids equals Shield coming here?" Lydia asks quietly.
Natasha shakes her head. "No. That wouldn't do it, no matter how good the source, not right now with everything else happening. No, we had a visit from a man who could do what you did Stiles, with that circle door thing" she tells them. "Name of Strange?"
Stiles smiles happily. "You know Doc Strange?"
She smiles. "Yes. He told us some stuff was happening here. To stay out of it. And not to get involved."
"So you did anyway" Derek says flatly.
"Actually no" Natasha says with a smirk. "Shield has had eyes on Dr. Strange and his group for years and the rule was pretty much to leave them alone. His 'suggestions' were pretty well accepted and, to be honest, it wasn't important enough for us to get involved even if true."
"Then why are you here?" Allison asks.
"Shield is good at knowing when to act and when to step back. Not everyone is quite so restrained in their curiousity."
"Stark" Lydia says with certainty.
Natasha nods. "Stark was more than curious. He started investigating and found all kinds of issues, so he asked me to nose around. Called Pepper and came up with this Stark facility idea in about an hour" she looks at the Sheriff "so that part is actually real. SI will be coming here, if for no other reason than for Tony to check things out."
"He's the one that fixed everything with the surveillance at the hospital?" Noah asks.
Natasha smiles at the man. "Yes. He's been taping into every online system in the county ever since we met Strange looks for signs of others who can do things like that."
"Is he the one that's going to help out with the FBI?" Stiles asks.
"No, I called in another favor for that. Stark doesn't really get along with authority figures" she tells him. "But, it seems that you are the person I was actually looking for."
"Me?" Stiles looks surprised. "Why me?"
Natasha looks around the room. "Because of them" she says indicating the group. "Look how everyone is situated."
Stiles looks around, as do most of the others, but no one seems to get it. The only two who aren't gawking are Derek and Lydia. Derek looks less angry, but he is tense, ready to act. Lydia looks smug. "You are better than they say" the redhead admits.
She tips her head at the compliment. "I have no idea what's going on" Isaac says looking around but no one else seems any less confused.
"It is how you are arranged" she tells him. "Derek is sitting with the clearest line to me and you Stiles. He can step between us with the least effort. Lydia and the Sheriff are both out the direct line of us, but on the periphery with clear sight on me, not you. The boys" she indicates Scott and Isaac "are both on my flanks and the other young lady, who is armed with knives, at least three of them, is at my back. All of them are positioned to eliminate me if I am a threat and more importantly?" she smiles at the teen "you were the one giving orders at the hospital, directing the fight and arrival."
"But Derek was leading that fight!"
"No, he was the best fighter. But the best leader, like Captain America? They put their people in the right place to act. No. You are the leader."
"I thought you were team Iron Man?" Lydia asks sweetly.
Natasha looks at the redhead, sitting happily in her spot. "I am an Avenger, first and always. I do what I think is right, no matter the personal cost. Rogers is right as is Stark. I respect both of them and what they stand for. Neither of them were actually wrong in what they were doing, just how. Unfortunately, both of them let their egos get in the way of finding a solution. But no matter what, they both were trying to do what was best. Unfortunately, life isn't neat and clean. But somehow I am certain you already know that."
Lydia didn't reply but Derek seemed to relax a bit. "So now what? You tell Stark and Shield about all of this?"
Natasha sits back for a moment. "Shield? Shield is not right for this, not yet, maybe not ever. We are still dealing with Hydra and other issues with the government and right now I am not interested in passing this along. Stark? Well, he is going to get involved somehow and honestly? It's better to keep him out of things as he doesn't do subtle. Iron Man coming here is probably the last thing you want and the only way to keep that from happening? If I get some answers." She looks around the group. "So? What can you tell me about…everything?"
The rest of the talk went well Stiles thought happily. He was actually surprised by how cool it was to actually meet and talk with an Avenger. Derek had been hesitant to talk but surprisingly the Black Widow, or rather Natasha as she told them to call her, had been rather forthcoming about what they had heard. She told them about how Dr. Strange had come to talk to the team about what was going on in California, though it hadn't been much. The bulk of it had been mostly 'it's none of your business' or 'stay away' but while that had worked somewhat with the former Shield people. Tony Stark however? He was never going to be satisfied with that. She had also answered questions from all of them about the battles in New York and Sokovia as well as about the various Avengers before she started telling them about what Stark had been doing about them.
First, he had Friday, Jarvis' computer AI successor, pull anything and everything about the area and he quickly had closed in on Beacon Hills. Both the media as well as police records indicated something out of the ordinary, enough to draw attention. From there, Stark had narrowed in and started digging and with the full resources he had, it took him nearly 12 hours to determine that Beacon Hills was in fact the center of everything. Changed weather patterns, strange sightings, unknown energy readings, and according to his satellites, the air, water, and ground in the area was experiencing significant reductions in pollution, even reversing effects. It was as if people had stopped polluting for years, not days.
Stiles had sheepishly admitted responsibility for that, much to Romanoff's amusement and the surprise of the rest of the pack who had not heard about that aspect of Stiles' powers. After that she had explained Stark's request for her to investigate and suggested the idea of adding a new facility as the cover story. Surprisingly, less than two hours before she had left to investigate, Pepper Potts had intercepted the Avenger and started giving her detailed notes on what to look for and ideas. Apparently in the time it took them to start looking and Natasha's departure, they had decided to actually establish a green technology center in the area, so her cover story became real.
Lydia had taken the lead on sharing their story, which surprised Stiles who really wanted to do so, but he had yielded when Derek reminded him that it was the job of their Emissary. She was honest, but not exactly expansive in her explanations and Stiles was sure that the spy knew that there were gaps, but she didn't call the Banshee out on it.
"So how long has your family been werewolves?" she had asked Derek at the beginning of the story when Lydia had been explaining the Hale fire and the loss of the local pack.
"We are not entirely sure, but several centuries. My grandmother believed our families roots went back to pre-Roman era" Derek had replied.
That had set off a lot of excitement in the pack who had not known that. Allison had shared the story of her family and how they entered Hunting but had shared that other hunters existed, but they hadn't been really organized until then.
After that, the story went to Peter waking up, Scott getting bitten, the Argent's arrival, the big fight with Peter and Kate, both dying, and Derek's rise to Alpha. Then the new pack members growth, Jackson and the Kanima, Peter coming back to life, and finally beating Gerard.
Natasha had carefully looked at the former Kanima and there was definitely sympathy and understanding in her eyes. She knew what it was to be turned into a weapon. Despite being a superhero, she didn't seem to blame him.
They ended with the fight with the Alpha Pack, the Darach, and Stiles becoming a new type of mage, though Lydia left a whole lot out of that part of the story. She basically described him as a very adept magic user who had been trained in Sorcery and Druidic magic.
"So what about all these sightings of creatures and magical effects?" Natasha asks at the end of Lydia's story.
Lydia pauses, not sure where to take this but Stiles does and he speaks up. "It's my magic." She looks at him and watches as he and Derek have an unspoken conversation but the older man finally nods and relaxes. "During the battle, I was bound to the land, to this territory. My powers are very strong here, and they affect things. Not only is nature healing, it becomes more welcoming to special people. Life is better, healthier, luckier. Magical beings sense this and know this place is becoming a refuge, someplace that they can come to and be safe."
"In Russian fairy tales, there are a number of not so nice stories" Natasha says cautiously.
Stiles snorts. "Well some are true, but some are the result of simple prejudice. Stories say werewolves are bad, but that isn't really the whole story. Can they be violent and dangerous? Sure. But so can regular people, you know that."
Natasha concedes that point easily enough. God knows she has seen it more than she wishes. "But some of those stories have some truth don't they?"
Stiles nods. "There are bad things out there. Some because they can't live with people without hunting or killing them. But those won't come here, at least not anymore."
"Why not?"
He sighs. "Because I'm here. I'm not going to tolerate that kind of stuff, so bad things, truly bad things, aren't welcome. Derek and I are what's called High Alphas. That means that everyone that wants to live here has to acknowledge our authority and we don't let people get hurt. And by people, we mean both ordinary and magical people."
"There are some powerful people who may not like that" Natasha warns them. "They may not like the idea of all of this."
Stiles looks serious but he nods. "We know. But we are ready to fight if we need to. Things are changing here, we don't want pollution or strip mining or any of that crap and with my magic and others here, all sorts of things can happen. There are at least three new colonies of gremlins within 50 miles of here. You would not believe how much havoc they could do at a construction site. And there are a whole lot more that no security system can keep out are here. We don't want any problems, and Mr. Stark is welcome to work on green tech, in fact we would love that, but this place is becoming more magical every day."
"Will people notice?" she asks, impressed by his passion and drive.
"Sort of. When people are here, they will feel it. Dreams are better, imagination and innovation are increased, and connection to nature is heightened. But once you leave, you will tend to forget unless you really truly know. And even if you know, it will be hazy and dreamlike. People who don't respond to magic will be 'pushed' to move on, to find somewhere else to be. Those sensitive to it will be drawn here, including those who already believe or almost do. Derek has had dozens of requests from druids and witches to come here already and that's just because only the druids and witches know about us."
"And the sorcerers" Lydia reminds him.
"Oh right, them too. But they call me usually."
"Have some called?" Derek asks surprised.
Stiles flushes. "Uh yeah. Master Lyra at Kamar-Taj has a few apprentices that indicated that they would like to come once the house is finished. No rush so I kind of forgot."
After that the group mostly broke up. The Sheriff returned to work to deal with paperwork. Lydia pulled Derek aside to brief him on her meeting that morning, and Stiles and Allison both walked out with Natasha to drive her back to her hotel as she was leaving to head back to New York. Jackson, Isaac, and Scott decided to play video games until Lydia finished and left with Jackson and Derek sent the two wolves to relieve Erica and Boyd.
Stiles sat down in the center of the stone circle, his place, to try and focus and relax and make sense of the last few days. Dealing with the mess at the hospital, not to mention meeting the Black Widow, who he now had in his phone(!), and then Peter's return and Derek's reunion with Cora. They had called for pick up right after Stiles had gotten back from dropping off Natasha at her hotel and that led to the rather emotional reunion with the siblings. Derek, Peter, and Cora had all left to spend some time alone and Stiles was pretty sure they were spending time at the Hale House or going through the items in the trunk he had found.
Cora and Peter had also brought a necromancer, Yvette, with them, but she had been pretty elusive about why she was there. She had formally asked Stiles' permission to remain for a bit, but other than that, she had pretty much disappeared. Peter and Derek had set her up to use one of the newly refurbished apartments in the loft building, which Stiles figured was to keep an eye on her, but she hadn't done much beyond going out to eat and walking around town.
To be honest, he was really expecting his first Necromancer to be more, well, more goth. Something like Morticia or Wednesday Addams maybe. At least some emo traits. He was rather disappointed that she was pretty normal. One thing he did notice was that she avoided colors. Blacks, whites, and greys made up 90% of her wardrobe with an occasion deep, deep red. She seemed nice, but Peter had said she was a messenger for the head Necromancer but she didn't seem in a hurry to deliver any message.
Then he had to deal with Lydia and her annoyance with being 'left out' of things. Honestly, a lot had happened and he sometimes forget to mention everything, so sue him. But that wasn't good enough and he had to not only go over everything, he also had to agree to regular meetings to keep her informed. Peter had asked to be included as well so he probably was in the wrong, but he really hated to admit that. It's not like he tried for these things to happen.
Just then he heard the sound of branches rustling and he opened his eyes to locate the sound but didn't see anything. A quick magical scan didn't show anything so maybe it was just a deer or something? The deer really liked coming to this place. Just as he said that, Erica's spider stepped out from behind a tree and Stiles thinks she might have underestimated the size. The spider was at least seven feet tall! Green and glowing. Stiles was about to move when the spider paused and looked at him. "Honored Greetings Arcanist" an extremely polite voice sounded in his head as the spider did a little bow.
"Uh hi" Stiles stammered.
The spider just bowed again and then started off and was gone in seconds. Okay, he was just going to let that one go for now and why he couldn't detect it with his magic. He sat there staring for a few more minutes but it didn't come back so he figured it was just being polite and apparently stopping by and saying hi. God this was his life now.
And yesterday he had went by to grab some sweets from Celeste's when he saw a rather familiar looking shop. Going in he was stunned to not only see Edmund, but Edmund's store. It was the exact same store as the one in San Francisco! The items, the layout, even the rather ratty floors were the same.
"Edmund? What's going on? How did you move your store here?" he had asked the man who had happily greeted him.
"Ah my friend, it good to see you again. Are you interested in anything in particular?" Edmund had asked and then proceeded to show him around and pointed out some new items. He definitely found some good things though Stiles only bought two books.
Turns out that Edmund's store was in reality a nexal point which meant that it was its own pocket dimension that could touch ours wherever he wanted it to. So instead of being in San Francisco, it was now here in Beacon Hills. "But why would you move here?" Stiles had asked.
Edmund had looked at Stiles with an expression that made the teen squirm until the man started laughing. "You create one of the most magical places on Earth, that has access to good coffee and good weather, not to mention the pastries those lovely fae produce, and in what will surely be the new commercial center of magic for decades and you wonder why I am here?"
Stiles had blushed and tried to deny it, but Edmund had explained that more than just a few beings were shifting and moving. He had wanted to get a good spot to tie his shop to before he was left with setting up somewhere terrifying like the mall, the horror! Edmund had officially asked for permission, well more like forgiveness as he was already here, but he also indicated that he knew of at least a dozen practitioners who were planning to come to the territory, if not directly Beacon Hills once they had permission. In fact, the man had letters from four enchanters and three alchemists who all were requesting to establish homes and shops in the town. He also said that Sophia, from Martinique's coven, and Gwen, from the Berkeley Coven, were interested in establishing a Beacon Hills Coven after they graduated from college next year if he permitted it.
"But aren't they already in covens?" Stiles had asked.
Apparently, it was fairly common for younger witches to form Scion Covens when they got restless or moved on due to mortal concerns. Martinique had sent a letter letting Stiles know it was okay by her and that she was willing to discuss it if he was willing.
Stiles had rather enjoyed dropping all of that on Lydia's lap and whistling while he raced off. She had not been happy, but she wanted to be in on all of it so, hah!
"May I interrupt?" a soft voice interrupted his thoughts and he opened his eyes to see Yvette standing there, a respectful distance but closer than he expected. He really need to work on his magical alert system!
"Going to deliver your message?" he asks standing up and smiling. The woman nodded with a small smirk and stepped forward. Stiles gestured and the two chairs he had shared with Mab regrew and he offered one to the young necromancer who thanked him and sat down.
"My master wishes to convey his greetings and congratulations on your ascension. He also wishes to share his admiration for helping the Hale pack's spirits to find peace."
Stiles was shocked at that last part. "How did you know about that?"
"I heard Peter and Cora speaking and when we came here, I visited the house. Death was there, but a peace had also been present. The aura of Necromancy was clear to see."
Stiles leaned back. "That's not all is it?"
Yvette smiled. "No. Though I will be honest, I do not truly understand you. I know that you can use all six magics, which I thought impossible, but the word Arcanist means nothing to me. It does, however, mean much to the Night Lord. When I told him of you, and used Peter Hale's word, he was extremely interested and intrigued. I am to tell you that he knows of the three former Arcanists and can help you to speak to their spirits if you wish. He also offered to provide teachers if you wish to learn more about our art, myself if you wish."
Stiles was shocked by the idea of speaking to the other Arcanists, he hadn't even thought that was possible, but he liked the idea of teachers even more. "I haven't been able to figure much about necromancy" he admitted. "I found the spell in a book and it worked, but I think that might have been more luck than skill."
Yvette shook her head. "Not luck. You opened a door, and perhaps it was clumsily done, but you were reaching out to spirits that wanted to be heard, needed to be heard. That makes a difference. Sometimes we call the spirits, but other times, we simply heed their cries."
Stiles looked thoughtful. "That sounds like what I read about Banshees."
Yvette smiled. "Banshees used necromantic magic as well, but they are vessels for that magic rather than users. They are gifted beings who align with the magic of spirit, but they are not necromancers. They cannot call death or summon it; they are its herald. They hear the calls of the coming of death as warnings, not as lost whispers of missed words and chances. People do not understand necromancy, they see only ghouls, zombies, and the undead. They see us summoning spirits to answer questions and perform tasks."
"But that is necromancy from what I read."
Yvette nods in agreement. "Is a tree leaves? It is branches? Roots? All of that is part of our magic, but it is not the magic itself. Magic, whether alchemy, sorcery, necromancy, or any of the others have elements of darkness and light, order and chaos, destruction and creation. But ultimately it is not what the magic is, but how it is used that determines whether something is harmful or beneficial. Consider wolfsbane" she says with a smirk "it is deadly to werewolves, but it is also one of the most powerful medicines for them."
"The book I found talks about releasing spirits."
"Yes. We do that as well. Find those who's lives were tragic, brutal, or cut short wrongfully and we give peace and allow them to move on. Many of our order provide funeral rites for many species of beings as well as those that use the arts. It is all different facets of a single whole. I can show you?" she offers.
"Don't we have to wait for nightfall or midnight?" Stiles asks looking at the bright morning sunshine.
She laughs. "There are some magics that prefer darkness, but there is much that we can do and discuss right now, if you wish it."
Stiles nodded eagerly. He had a lot of questions from his books and in a flash he remembered something Stephen had told him and opened a small portal to his room, right over his desk. Reaching in he pulled out his book on Necromancy. "I have so many questions" he said excitedly and laughed at the surprised look on Yvette's face at his magical display. "So many."