
Chapter 18

Stiles parks his jeep and gets out, walking into the Beacon Hills cemetery and he heads for a very familiar gravestone. Walking up to his mother's grave, he sets the daisies he brought for her down next to her marker. "Hi mom. I really miss you and wish I could tell you about everything going on but I am really short on time if I am going to free my friends and pack. I know you are watching so you probably know all of this but I just wanted to say I love you." Stiles stands back up and gently caresses the stone before he walks off.

Walking to the oldest section of the cemetery he walks around till he spots the monument he is looking for and he walks up to it. Looking around he confirms that he is alone and that no one is anywhere nearby, he can sense three people but they are in the newest part of the park, but just in case he angles himself so that anyone who looks over will only see him standing here respectfully. Looking at the markers he confirms the names he had listed before he recites the spell from his book. After he calls out each name on his list he pauses and when he feels the slight tremor in response, he activates his earth sigil and pulls, drawing the item through the ground, up from the graves, to break free on the surface. After a few minutes he has a small pile of seven bones gathered together. Reaching down, Stiles respectfully puts them in the small box he brought before he concentrates on the grass to encourage it to grow over the holes he just dug.

Getting back into his jeep, Stiles heads for Kelsey's and picks up the phone. "Hey Stiles, I got your message and I had to bump a paying customer, so this better be important" Kelsey halfheartedly teases.

"It's really is Kels" Stiles assures her. Hanging up he speeds up as he drives out of town. He had decided not to portal there to save his strength but the clock was running down and the one thing he couldn't determine was how long it would take Blake to figure out that the pack was free and what she would do when she did.

"He said what?" Derek asked Isaac after the teen walked into the loft.

"Scott said he and Jackson both wanted to train with us and Allison said she was willing to show us some of the tricks that Hunters use so we can practice fighting against them" Isaac told the Alpha who was staring at them looking off balanced.

"Allison said that if we knew their methods, we would be better prepared" Erica said looking bored. "I'll admit I still have some trust issues, but I like the idea of learning how to protect myself" she adds with a look at Boyd.

"And they are not here because?" Derek prompts his betas.

"Allison said she was busy with something until later. Suggested we meet at eight to train if it was okay with you. Jackson said if we met then he could also come" Boyd contributed.

Derek stood there, arms crossed, as he processed all of this. He had been trying to get Scott and Jackson to be more connected with the pack but while they had showed up on occasion, he had never managed to get everyone together at one time. Let alone with the option of Allison offering to help them prepare to protect themselves from Hunters. Definitely seemed like a win-win scenario "Okay" Derek finally tells them. "Let the others know and we can meet here."

"That's the other thing" Isaac said looking slightly guilty. "Allison suggested that we meet at the Hale House. She didn't say why."

Derek frowned but Erica snorted. He looked at the blonde and she laughed. "Maybe she didn't tell you, but I heard her tell Lydia that she was going to booby trap the woods for us" Erica told them and saw the surprised looks on the three men's faces. "I think Lydia was going to help her set some of the traps. At least that's what I guessed when I saw the evil look on Lydia's face when she glanced at Jackson" she chuckled.

Derek raised his eyebrows and thought that it might actually work. "Okay, let them know we will meet at the house at eight" he agreed. Isaac pulled out his phone and started texting while Boyd and Erica moved over to the window and Derek got a small smile as he saw how close the two of them were standing. Did one of them finally make a move he wondered?

Stiles leaves Kelsey's shop and tries to sit up in his seat so that he doesn't rub his back any more than he has to in order to avoid irritating his new tattoo. After reading his books several times, he realized that if he wanted this particular spell to work, he was going to have to make a rather permanent commitment that, once done, could not be undone. Strangely enough he was able to find the perfect location for the new tattoo and Kelsey had added it to his tree, blending it perfectly like it had always meant to be there. Stiles decided that he definitely did not want to consider the possibility that he was always planning this. No tonight at least, but he realized it would probably be soon, assuming he survived this.

Dialing his phone he waited till the other voice answered. "I need a favor. I need you to get Doc Deaton out of his office and keep him out for twenty minutes, tops. I am twenty minutes out from the clinic" Stiles said quickly.

"Stiles" his father said with a sigh. "Do I want to know what you are going to do?" Noah asked even knowing he shouldn't.

"Just a little B&E, light theft, nothing major" Stiles quips and smiles at the expression he is sure on his dad's face. "It really important dad, I wouldn't ask otherwise."

Noah took a deep breath and agreed, extracting a promise for answers later before hanging up. Stiles continued to the clinic but stopped far enough back that he could watch the clinic unnoticed. He was lucky, he only had to wait about five minutes before Deaton came out, locked up, and drove off. Moving quickly, Stiles drove around back and parked at the rear of the clinic. Reaching for the key that he knew was hidden, Stiles paused and allowed his mind to relax and once ready he opened his eyes "Dangos i mi yn wir" he chanted and glanced at the door. Stiles saw several runes and markings appear, the protections that Deaton had put on the place. He smiled as he recognized them and opened the door.

Walking in Stiles glanced around for any more magic and saw that most of the protections on the place were against werewolves and other supernatural beings, not other magic users, but he wasn't going to take any major risks. Heading for the cabinet where he knew the doc kept his supplies, Stiles was relieved to see that there were no additional traps or protections there. Opening the door of the cabinet he smiled as he saw the jars and bags in front of him and he started looking for what he needed.

First he grabbed a jar of dried Rowan berries. Rowan was powerful on its own and the berries are known to give one sway over spirits. Searching he yelps in surprise when he sees the candles labeled Mullein, jackpot! Mullein candles will help in the seeing of spirits and communicating with them. He wonders why the doc has them since they are used mostly by necromancers but since they appear to be a bit old, so maybe he's had them for a while. Stiles spots the jar of Dittany of Crete and almost fist pumps in excitement, the stuff is awesome and Stiles was sure that he was going to have to find an alternative for it as it was one of the best herbs to help spirits appear.

If his luck holds, Stiles will be able to get everything he needs here in one stop! Glancing around the jars he passes over most of them before he stops again at a bag labeled 'Yew'. Opening it up he finds leaves and branches from the tree and he smiles wildly. Yew is often called the 'Tree of Death' so Stiles adds it to his backpack with the other ingredients. Finally he spots the jar of Mugwort and adds it to his pack before closing the cabinet and hoping that the vet won't need anything in the next few days.

Leaving the clinic he relocks it before getting in and driving back to the house. He has about two hours before he needs to meet the others. Looking at his phone he opens his contacts and hits 'call'. "Allie? We good? Really? Okay. Look I need Lydia to meet me at the my house, can you let her know? Jackson and Scott can help you with the final prep. Thanks" he hangs up and takes a deep breath. This was going to be rough.

"Hello" Alan Deaton said politely to the deputy as he walked into the station. The Sheriff had called and asked if he could come in to help them out and despite the oddness of the request, it had been a rather slow day so the vet was able to close up and come right over. "The Sheriff called me to come in" he said with a smile.

"Sure thing doc" Andy said easily and stepped into the main area just as Tara stepped forward.

"I can take you back" she says to Alan and nods at Murray who smiles at them. "Thanks for coming Doctor Deaton" Tara says as they walk back to the Sheriff's personal office. Walking in they see the Sheriff pacing by his desk and he looks up and nods at them.

"Thanks for coming doc, have a seat" Noah said as he sat down. "Deputy Graeme and I were talking and we want to do some renovations for the station and we wanted to see if you could advise us."

"Sheriff, I'm not sure how I can help you with that. I am not a contractor" Alan responds genuinely confused at the question.

"I was hoping that you could refer the person who built your front counter" Noah says with a smile. "You know, the one made of rowan wood to keep out werewolves?"

Alan never lost his poker face, the Sheriff would have to give him that, he just raised a rather judgmental eyebrow and looked at the two of them. "Werewolves?" he asks, his voice managing to convey both pity and disbelief exceptionally well. The sheriff figured that he wouldn't give an inch more than he had to based upon Stiles' rather colorful descriptions of their interactions. "Sheriff I am not sure that I am the person you should be talking to about this" he says never flinching.

"My apologies" Noah said smiling. "Obviously I was mistaken. I was under the impression that as the local Druid, as well as being the former Emissary of the Hale pack, this was one of your areas of expertise." Noah smiled as the vet blinked and sighed.

"Stiles told you" Alan said looking at the man with a resigned look. "I am guessing he told you…?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Everything" Tara says with a smile. "Right Sheriff?" she asks her boss and he nods in agreement causing the vet to take another glance at the man. "I mean what he didn't, Argent filled in when we brought him in" she added.

Deaton looked at the deputy with an extremely interested look. "So Mr. Argent knows you know" he muses.

"Well, telling him that if tried pulling his 'hunting crap' in my town without following the code so close that no one would have any doubt of his adherence, that I would personally put him and his merry band in a hole so deep that he would never come out of it counts, then yes, he knows" Noah says and Alan's eyes widen, impressed at the man. "He is providing those of my deputies who are in the know with the appropriate weapons and ammo however after the Kanima attacked the station, we feel some defenses here are warranted as well. Don't you?" he asks and Alan smiles.

"This is definitely new" Alan admits looking at them. "You son is going to make things interesting around here. I am only sorry he didn't have the magical gifts to be a druid" he sighs genuinely disappointed. The teen was smart, resourceful, and… "you are distracting me aren't you?" he asks knowingly.

The Sheriff smiles. "He said he needed to do some shopping among your supplies. I didn't ask for details" Noah admits. Alan shakes his head.

"It was hardly necessary, I am happy to help out. I will speak with him about that later. But you wanted to discuss some ideas for protections?" he asks leaning forward and seeing both of the officers smile and Tara pulled up a chair to sit beside him. They started writing down thoughts and ideas.

Stiles pulls up to his house and sees Lydia standing on the porch looking annoyed. Jumping out he grabs the box and his supplies and heads for the door. "I am assuming that this is important?" she asks sharply.

Walking in the house, Stiles nods as he leads her into the kitchen. "I need to make an ink for tonight and I need your help" he tells her. Putting down the box on the table, Stiles moves to the kitchen and starts unloading the stuff from the clinic next to the supplies he had already set up before his errands.

"What is all of this?" she demands suspiciously.

"I robbed Deaton's supply cabinet" Stiles says with a smirk. "I figured he would have what we needed. Okay, we have to make three things: one a very special ink that needs time to brew, a special mix of herbs to burn as incense, and a special tea that we will be drinking."

Lydia looks intrigued, but she doesn't say anything which Stiles counts as a win. Pulling out his book, he turns to the recipe for the ink and pulls out a pot. "Okay, I am going to start here" he mutters and starts adding ingredients. He reaches for his dad's bottle of whiskey and whispers an apology to the spirits of alcohol, snort…spirits...Stiles laughs having amused himself, and pours it in the pot. He asks Lydia for each ingredient, preparing them before adding them to the pot, until he has all but the final three items.

"Next we add gravedirt" he mutters as he pulls out the jar of dirt he collected at the cemetery earlier and puts in a scoop. "Then…the hair of a Banshee" he says turning to the redhead with a guilty look.

"I'm sorry" Lydia's tone is frosty "I am certain I did not hear you correctly." Her glare pretty much promises death.

"Lydia, it's necessary. You are a banshee, and Banshees are closely associated with spirits and death and when Peter used you in his ritual, you were also...altered" he tells her.

Eyes blazing, Lydia grabs his hand "Altered how?" she whispers and Stiles can see the mix of fear and anger behind the question.

Taking a deep breath he tried to sound reassuring "you pierced the veil between the living and the dead. That leaves a mark. Because a banshee is supposed to herald death, but Peter used that power to instead reverse death, so now you have an aura of death. Necromancers call those who have been affected like you Àngixe to thánato or 'touched by death'. It means that your abilities will be much stronger than a regular banshee, but it also means that you will draw death to you wherever you go" he says gently.

"So Peter Hale turned me into a some kind of DEATH MAGNET?" she demanded shrilly.

"Kinda. As a banshee you would always be drawn to death, especially to those facing death. But as a 'touched' you are not just drawn to death, it is drawn to you. You should probably avoid haunted houses" he suggests with a smirk that fades when she turns and slugs his arm.

"How much hair?" she asks in a very dangerous voice. Stiles holds up his fingers to show about an inch as he hands her a pair of scissors. Lydia glares as she grasps her hair, but she cuts the amount he needs and Stiles add it to the bubbling mixture.

"You said three ingredients? What's left?" she asks looking at the thick black mixture.

"Blood. But that will have to wait till we get Derek and Peter for it, but it isn't a problem, we can add it to mix once we get there" Stiles assures her. "Now the incense."

Stiles and Lydia spend the next few minutes chopping, crushing, and grinding items into a powder that looks significantly different from the one they used to break the Darach's spell. "How are you going to make this into a cone or stick?" Lydia asks curiously looking at the large pile of powder.

"We don't have time for that. Instead we are going to use the easy way. I picked up some bamboo charcoal for the incense and we will light it up and sprinkle the herbs on the coals, releasing the scents" Stiles explains.

Lydia nods and pauses for a moment. "You know…I think my mom has an antique incense burner at the house. She bought it at some charity auction, why I don't know, but it's one of those that hangs on a chain so you can swing it around. Would that work?" Lydia asks.

Stiles looks at her with a blinding smile. "That would be perfect! I could kiss you!" he says happily.

"Uh…no" Lydia says looking at him sharply.

"Spoilsport" Stiles says with an easy look that surprises Lydia. He turns back to finishing the mix completely unaffected by her dismissal. Not even a flicker of hurt or sadness.

Lydia narrows her eyes and stares at the happy teen. "You like someone!" Lydia accuses and smiles when she sees the startled reaction from the teen. "Don't even try to deny it. You do! Who?" she says with a look of delight.

"I am not talking about this, especially not tonight. Besides, you know that I only have eyes for your perfection" he says with a sappy look.

"No…you don't, not anymore" she smirks at the rather panicked look on his face and decides to delay this particular confrontation. "I will let it go for now, but we will be discussing this later. You have found someone new, someone you are not trailing after like you did with me which probably means you are actually nervous about it" she ponders and Stiles reacts just enough that she recognizes it. He has got it bad!

"We need to make the tea next. It will help all four of us tonight" he says and Lydia frowns.

"Four of us? Which four?" she asks.

"You, me, Peter, and Derek" Stiles answers. He then proceeds to explain exactly what his plan is for the night and how they are going to free the Hales. Lydia, ashen faced, stares at Stiles in something close to fear or shock, he isn't exactly sure which.

"Can you really do this?" she whispers. "Should you?"

Stiles looks uncertain. "I don't know" he finally answers.

Stiles pulls up to the Hale house about twenty minutes before the 'official' training time. They had stopped by Lydia's house to get the censer, the official name, to burn the incense so they were almost ready to go. Allison, Jackson, and Scott were already there and Stiles and Lydia watched briefly as Allison directed the three wolves finished setting up the field according to her instructions. Lydia and Stiles headed to the house and slipped down to the basement.

"This is not a place I ever wanted to be" Lydia says, distinctly unhappy.

"I'm sorry Lyds, but I need to see if they are here" Stiles says as they walk into the scorched basement, soot and smoke damage still clearly visible on the walls and floors. Stiles sits down and slips into his meditative state as Lydia sits across from him. After a moment he reaches out and they clasp hands and Stiles reaches out with his senses…but nothing. He tries for several minutes before he gives up. "It's not here either" he says sadly.

"Maybe nothing survived the fire" Lydia suggests but Stiles shakes his head. He knows something did, and he is pretty sure of what he is sensing so they must have made it, but that means he will need either Derek or Peter to cooperate. Stiles knew that this whole effort was going to be the hardest thing he had attempted so far and he figured he only had a 10-15% chance of success, but if even one of them responded, it might be enough.

Stiles and Lydia headed back upstairs where they saw that the others had gathered in the yard and he notices that they are looking at each other, worry clear on their faces. Putting on a reassuring smile, he and Lydia walk out to join them, Lydia going to stand beside Jackson as the four of them all turn to Stiles in expectation. "Okay, Lydia and I are almost prepared for tonight, but here's the deal. Right now, we need to trap Derek and Peter in mountain ash in the yard. Once they are secure, Lydia and I will need to do some stuff because we need to do something different for Derek. I know this will be hard, but once we are ready, I need all of you, and the trio, to leave" Stiles finishes and waits for the reactions.

"Wait! You want us to leave you two here? With them? No way!" Allison barks and Stiles sees that both Jackson and Scott are in full agreement with the huntress.

"Guys, I couldn't find Peter's key and Derek will not react like you all did. I can't free him that way and what I need to do…he doesn't deserve to have witnesses. If I could, Lydia and I wouldn't be here but we have to be" Stiles says carefully.

"Wait a second. Everyone heard our fears and doubts, why is this any different?" Jackson demands.

"You don't want to be here" Lydia whispers and they turn and see the look of fear and apprehension on the girl's face. "I don't want to be there but I don't have a choice. The more of us that are there, the less likely Stiles' spell will work."

The other three look conflicted but Stiles can see that they are about to agree when they hear the familiar roar of the Camaro. The sleek black car pulls in and parks next to Jackson's Porsche and Stiles' jeep. Derek, Erica, Isaac, and Boyd all climb out of the car and Stiles watches as Derek spots him and Lydia and he looks momentarily confused at their presence. Stiles notices that he is wearing a tank top that really shows off his arms and shoulders along with some rather tight jeans that cause him to squeak.

He glances over to see Lydia staring at him thoughtfully. Nope. Not dealing with this. Standing up he heads to the rest of the group. "Is Peter coming?" Stiles asks casually.

"Who knows" Derek sighs. "I told him to but that only means we have an even chance. He listens about as well as you do" he says looking at Stiles who manages to look offended at the comment. "Allison, would you like to start?" he offers with just a hint of trepidation.

"Thanks Derek" she says with an easy smile. Turning the group she nods at them "I have set up something that should be quite a surprise. When hunters attack, they will often target the Alpha as a priority target" she explains. "Taking out the Alpha means that the pack becomes destabilized. While the Alpha is a pack's strongest weapon, they are also the most vulnerable weakness because a pack is lost without them. So for this exercise, your job is to protect Derek."

The betas, Scott and Jackson, all surround Derek in a circle with Erica and Boyd at his back, Jackson and Scott at his sides, and Isaac out front. Derek frowns at the deployment of the wolves and he glances at Allison to see if she is going to say anything. She doesn't.

"The other thing to remember is that hunters are not going to engage you hand to hand, that is a last resort and it means that everything else has failed. Hunters prefer to use long distance weapons and tools designed to mess with your senses. Be prepared" she warns seconds before a siren wails causing them to clap their ears at the jarring noise. Seconds later several loud explosions go off with bright flashes of light and there is the sound of something launching. Derek looks up and sees a few dozen balls arcing towards them. "Move!" he yells and starts to run only to crash into Jackson who has dropped into Derek's path with a loud groan.

Derek pauses at the beta's distress just as he feels claws hit his leg and he falls forward rolling as he snaps up with a snarl and sees Erica, claws red and dripping leaping for him. He grabs her and tosses her to the side about to demand answers when Boyd crashes into him sending him stumbling. "Stop!" he yells but Isaac and Scott leap at him both of them aiming for his head and stomach. Derek blocks Scott's punch and shifts them around so that the beta's body takes the hit Isaac throws instead of him.

"Teamwork!" Allison calls out with a happy smile as Derek's legs are kicked out from under him by Jackson, sending him crashing to the ground. Erica leaps at him but Derek kicks up and sends the girl flying to crash into Boyd who was running in for another attempted hit. Derek jumps up and glances around and sees Allison circling the fighting wolves shouting instructions while Stiles and Lydia are both watching seemingly unconcerned. That's when it clicks, Allison set this all up so they could try and fight an Alpha as a pack.

Nodding in agreement with the idea, he turns and jumps several feet landing right next to where Isaac is getting up as he grabs the blonde beta and picking him up he tosses him to a tree as the teen grunts. "High Low" Jackson yells as he launches at Derek's head while Scott goes for his legs. Derek manages to dodge Jackson, but Scott manages to get a good hit in and Derek goes down. He manages to kick Scott off but it is a short reprieve as Boyd lands hard on him. The next few seconds sees the rest of the pack launching at him, Scott pinning his left arm, Erica his right while Jackson holds down the left leg and Isaac the right. Boyd presses down on Derek's his shoulders and they seem happy so Derek let them have a moment of victory before he roars and shoves with all of his strength throwing all five of the wolves off of him.

"You got cocky" Derek said as he started to sit up and saw Stiles walking around him towards his feet, something falling from his hands.

"Or they were just a distraction" Lydia says with a chuckle as Derek turns and sees the redhead circling him, dropping…mountain ash! Derek springs forward but it's too late. Stiles tosses his handful of his ash and the circle is now complete. Derek hits the field and is pushed back with a flash of blue and he stands up and looks carefully around him. He is well and truly trapped.

"That was unexpected" he admits. "Okay, undo it and we can try again." The pack all look at him for a second before looking, as one, towards Stiles.

"Sorry Derek, but that's not gonna happen" Stiles says sounding guilty. "There are other plans for tonight." He turns to the rest of the pack "has there been any sign of Peter?" he asks but everyone shakes their head. "Boyd, Jackson, try and find him and bring him back here. Tied up if necessary" he instructs them and they both nod and run off.

"Stiles…what the hell is going on?" Derek growls rapidly feeling that he is losing control of this entire situation. Why is everyone suddenly looking to Stiles and following his orders?

Stiles looks back at the Alpha and takes a deep breath. "I am going to have to ask you to wait a bit longer for that explanation Derek. I need you to trust me that this is necessary. For the pack, for all of us."

Derek glares but he can see the Alpha's nostrils flaring. He stares at Stiles for a long time before looking around at the others one by one before coming back to Stiles. He heard the teens steady heartbeat and while the others reek of nerves, Stiles is more...determined. Finally he lowers his arms. "Fine" he concedes and Stiles feels a rush of relief. "I trust you." Stiles heart soars and he is pretty sure every one of the wolves heard it but he can't help but smile. Derek sniffs and finally recognizes the smell that's been hovering at the edge of his senses. "If you tell me why are you bleeding?" Derek suddenly asks surprising everyone. Everyone turns to stare at Stiles.

"You shouldn't be able to smell that" Stiles mutters looking concerned. His concealment tattoo should have blocked the pack's senses but Derek has somehow detected his bandages. "It's a tattoo" he admits and sees several shocked expressions from the ones who haven't seen them yet. Derek's eyes just narrow.

"Show me" Derek demands in an even voice, never breaking eye contact.

Stiles hesitates. He really isn't ready for this, not with what he still has to do tonight. But looking at the Alpha who is calm and not fighting them despite being trapped by humans, a hunter, and a pack that has apparently betrayed him, Stiles realizes that he needs to show some trust as well. Sighing in resignation, Stiles starts to unbutton his shirt, and manages to ignore the cat calls coming from Erica. Tossing off his plaid overshirt, he reaches for his t-shirt and lifts it off, trying not to feel self-conscious about being shirtless around the carved statues of wolviehood. Stiles turns around to show his back to Derek and reaching back he pulls off the small bandage.

"There's nothing there" Erica says disappointedly. "Is it really small or something?" she asks. Stiles just chuckles and focuses on the eye tattoo. He really should have practiced better and he might be able to only reveal some of them but he hasn't managed to do that yet so as he cancels the tattoo's effect and the tree on his back appears, covering from his shoulders to his waist, magical symbols wrapped in the branches and leaves and there, in the center of the trunk of the tree is his new tattoo. The Hale Triskelion.

"Holy shit!" Isaac yelps and Stiles hears several others mutter similarly. Taking a breath he turns around and sees eyes widen further as they see the tattoos on his heart and both arms.

"Bro!" Scott whispers as he steps up to his best friend and stares at the intricate designs. "How? When? Why?" he stammers completely confused.

"Friend of mine. Summer. Long story, later, promise" Stiles tells Scott.

The air is pierced by Erica's squeal. "Oh my god you have a wolf on the back of your neck!" she screams pointing at the black wolf. "What the hell?" she jumps back as the wolf moves around to walk across his chest to lay down over Stiles' heart.

"Oh him. Yeah. Longer story" Stiles snorts but hesitantly looks back at Derek who is watching him with an unreadable expression.

"Impressive" Stiles spins around and sees Peter walk out of the woods and everyone jumps. "While I am fascinated both by the view and the untold story of your new…decorations, I am slightly more concerned about why my nephew is trapped in an ash circle."

"Coinnigh go tapa iad!" Lydia yells as she tosses her last rock at the beta. Peter looks surprised at her shout but that is nothing compared to his reaction when the magical ropes suddenly wrap around him. He falls to the ground struggling but Stiles moves and quickly circles the beta in his own ash circle.

"Nicely done" Stiles compliments the redhead just as Peter breaks free. He slowly rises to his feet, staring at the circle in disdain before glaring at Stiles in disappointment.

"Really? And what is your plan for all of this?" he asks the teen.

"You and Derek are under the control of the Darach" Stiles tells the two older werewolves. They both look at him in surprise before looking at the teen in disbelief.

"And how exactly have you come to that conclusion?" Peter asks. Stiles only shakes his head and goes to his bag and pulls out the supplies that he and Lydia had made this afternoon. Walking over to Derek he touches the small pouch of herbs and summons a small flame causing the bag to catch fire, burning the herbs inside. Tossing the bag at the Alpha's feet he looks at the suddenly shocked Alpha.

"Sorry but I hope you understand that this really is necessary" Stiles says just as Derek starts to choke. He blinks but the smoke is too thick and he falls to the ground, dizzy and disoriented. He lasts a few more moments before he collapses to the ground, unconscious. Stiles waits a bit before pulling out a cup and knife and steps into the circle. He reaches for Derek's hand, slicing across it as he holds the cut over the cup as the blood drips into it.

"Why isn't he healing?" Boyd asks as they watch the cut continue to bleed.

"There is a weakened strain of wolfsbane on the blade. Not enough to poison him but it will slow the healing for a bit. Long enough to get enough blood" Stiles explains and then moves Derek's hand just as the cut finally closes up. Stepping down, Stiles puts out the herb bag and steps outside the ash circle, careful not to break it. He moves over to his bag and grabs another sachet of herbs and looks at Peter with a smile. "Your turn."

Peter glances over at Derek before raising his hands. "Perhaps we can negotiate?" he offers Stiles. "I'll let you collect your blood, you don't…well, do that" he nods towards the unconscious Derek.

Stiles narrows his eyes as the stares at the eldest wolf. "Okay" he finally says and pulls out a second cup and he steps over to the edge of the circle. Tossing the cup, Peter catches it just as Stiles tosses the knife which the wolf also catches. "Do what I did with Derek, one cut till it heals should be good."

"Stiles?" Lydia sounds nervous. Stiles just smiles, his eyes never leaving Peter's as the older man performs the blooding. He smiles once done and waits with the cup in his hand as he smirks oily at the teen.

"Don't Peter. I will still smoke your happy ass if I have to. Just set it down carefully and then stand back up" Stiles instructs.

Peter smirks at Stiles but he sets down the cup and the knife with exaggerated care and then stands up as he waits for the teen to reach for the items but Stiles just smirks back and gestures. Both the cup and knife raise up about two inches and float across the line before setting back down. Peter's eyebrows shoot up and his eyes flash just as Stiles, safely outside Peter's reach, picks up the cup and knife. "Thanks Petey" Stiles smirks and sees the older man nod at the teen's maneuver.

"You are definitely more than I expected" Peter said admiringly as he watches Stiles walk backs to his supplies and then his breath catches. "You have the triskelion" he says suddenly sounding very angry.

Stiles ignores the werewolf and starts mixing things up. He pours both blood cups into his bowl and then pours in the mixture that he and Lydia had made. Stiles looks up as Boyd and Jackson walk back to join them joining their girlfriends. Stiles nods at Allison who must have called them back.

"Adding the blood to the mix, Stiles nods in satisfaction as there is a brief flash and a plume of black smoke that rises up. Stiles sets the mixture aside and reaches into his bag, pulling out his box and reaching for a paintbrush. Opening the box he starts carefully setting out the bones. Picking up the first fragment, Stiles paints the crescent moon and the triskelion on it before setting it back down.

"What are you doing?" Scott finally asks as they watch Stiles moving in his tasks. Stiles doesn't respond as he concentrates as he paints the second fragment.

"Where did you get those bones?" Peter whispers, his nostrils flaring.

Stiles looks up at the man and his voice is firm but he notices that the pack all take a step back, even trapped, Peter is dangerous. "The Hale plot in the cemetery. They are from six of the ones who died in the fire plus Laura" Stiles tells the man and sees him blanch before roaring in fury as he flings himself against the barrier.

"You went grave robbing?" Scott's voice is horrified and Stiles looks at his friend for a moment before he finally nods.

"Yes. And I need you to help me get the final thing we need" Stiles says looking at Scott for a moment before he turns back to the railing Peter. "Where are her claws?" he asks and Peter freezes and his face immediately goes blank as he stares at the teen.

"Whose claws?" he says with a voice empty of emotion.

"I couldn't find any trace of Talia in the graveyard or the house, but there is a trace of her that is still out there. The claws of an Alpha, especially a powerful one like she was, would be magical artifacts. Her claws survived didn't they?" he asks the man.

Peter's eyes are twitching as he stares at the teen, completely ignoring the rest of the pack. "Why should I tell you?" he snarls.

Stiles nods and walks back to his bag. Pulling out his supplies he mixes up his powder and once finished he brings a dose over to the beta and holding up his hand he blows it at Peter's face causing the man to cough and wave away the residue.

"Really? What was that for" Peter says rolling his eyes. Stiles freezes as he stares at the beta. There is no golden glow. It's like it didn't work. But why would it not work. It had worked every time before…"You aren't under her spell" Stiles reasons out.

"Whose spell?" Peter asks trying to sound bored but failing.

"The Darach. Ms. Blake, the English teacher, is the Darach" Stiles says.

Peter stares for a minute before snorting. "You mean my nephew, our illustrious Alpha, is dating a homicidal killer…again?" he asks looking highly irritated.

Stiles sighs and reaches out with his foot and breaks the ash line. "Yes. She had cast spells on the entire pack to protect her from detection or even being considered a suspect" Stiles says as he walks back to his stuff. He wasn't prepared when Peter slams into him, hand and claws at his throat before anyone else can react.

"And why should I not tear your throat out for violating my family" Peter growls and the others move forward but Peter squeezes causing Stiles to whimper and they freeze. "Another step and I will gut him" he growls.

"No you won't" Stiles whispers causing Peter to look back at him in time to see the green fire ignite in the teens eyes. Peter's eyes widen and his grip lessens a bit before tightening. "The entire pack was under her control and she is killing to gain power. Right now she has Derek under her spell and she might be able to compel all of you using the pack bond" Stiles manages to say around the pressure on his throat.

Peter stares at the teen, looking into those fiery green orbs for any sign of deception or lies but the boy doesn't blink, tremble, or falter. "I am thinking that I should have bitten you that night my boy" Peter says stroking his cheek gently.

"Don't" Stiles says loudly and Peter smirks at the teen.

"You don't like that?" he almost purrs as he squeezes just a bit on Stiles' throat.

"I wasn't speaking to you. I was telling Allison not to kill you, along with the others" Stiles says, his eyes shifting from looking at the elder Hale to over his shoulder. Peter narrows his eyes and slowly turns to look over his shoulder into the arrow currently aimed directly at his heart. He also sees the other packmates, eyes glowing, in their beta forms, all glaring at him.

Peter looks back at the teen and smiles. "It seems we have a standoff. They can't attack or I will rip out your throat and if I let you go, then they attack. I guess we will have to see how much they want to keep you safe" he suggests.

"Or" Stiles says and places his hand on Peter's arm and the werewolf blinks as the tattoos on his arm suddenly glow red and flames ignite on his arm causing the wolf to flinch. "My tattoos versus your claws? I am willing to test that, are you willing to burn…again?" Stiles asks in a dangerous voice.

Peter looks at the boy and sees strength there that eerily enough reminds him of his sister. Slowly he opens his hand and lifts his fingers away from the boy's throat, his claws retracted. "Another time perhaps, maybe without the others?"

Stiles smiles and the fires on his arm suddenly engulf him completely causing Peter to leap backwards. "Anytime Pete. I will be more than happy to send you back to the darkness" Stiles says simply. Another second passes and then the fire goes out leaving him standing there, shirtless and untouched by the flames. "Try that again Peter and you won't even feel the fires that incinerate you" he warns.

"Stiles!" Scott whimpers in shock.

"Damn" Lydia says admiringly. "I was really hoping for a repeat of yesterday. I doubt Peter would have been much of an effort after you took out the psycho twins. Maybe next time" she says with a disappointed sigh.

"What?" Peter's voice was strained as he stared at Lydia before turning back to Stiles. "You eliminated the twins?!" Peter suddenly looked a lot less certain as he stared at the gold-brown eyes that were looking at him without blinking.

"He also eliminated Ennis" Allison says and Peter blanches and swallows hard.

"You…you have…" Peter pauses and looks at the teen, reassessing this new information, and realizes that perhaps discretion is a better decision. "Laura put her claws in the vault. I can get them for you" he offers hesitantly.

Stiles nods. "Scott, you and Isaac go with Peter and bring them back. I need them, and Peter, back here by 11:15 at the latest" he tells them. Stiles can sees the questions in his brother's eyes but he just shakes his head. "Later" he promises and Scott nods and leaves with the other two.

Now? Now Stiles needs to finish preparing. Derek and Peter are going to have to face their family tonight and he only hopes that the Alpha will forgive him for this.