
Teen Eagle

When Scott is bitten in the woods his true nature turns out to be that of a wereeagle instead of a werewolf. (based on Talons from season 5) The unique powers of his transformation allow him to become one of the most powerful alpha's alive. Pairing: Scott x Lydia

Grimm48 · TV
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41 Chs

alpha Scott


Jackson walks through the woods looking for where Dereks howl might have come from. He knows that it should be somewhere in this area, as much as it doesn't make sense to hide someone near his own house.

Jackson decides to smell the area and can smell the scent of Derek and other people coming from a gate let into the ground in the near vicinity of the hale house. Opening it Jackson goes into the bunker and walks through the halls, seeing light burning he guesses that he's in the right place so he follows the hallway to where Derek is held.

He has just finished freeing Dereks left hand when they hear someone coming towards them.

Jackson decides to stay hidden for now and the hunter left in charge of torturing Derek comes in the room, turns on the light pointed at Derek

"Ready to have some more fun? To be honest my knuckles are kinda hurting so I brought some help. I need to warn ya I used to play in college." He says arming himself with a baseball bat and taking a swing at Dereks rips, only for Derek to catch the bat with no problem.

"I brought a little help too." Derek replies and the hunter turns around seeing Jackson standing there. Derek used his lack of focus and knocks him out with a punch that send him flying to a corner of the room.

Derek then removes the plate taped to his abdomen to electrify him and says "Jackson help me with this." looking at his other chained up hand.

"No, not until you tell me what I'm supposed to do? Are we fighting with Peter or against him?" Jackson asks.

"You really wanna talk about this right now?" Derek asks annoyed.

"Well I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Scott says that the alpha will either kill me or just use me till he doesn't need me anymore but you seem to be on his side despite him killing your sister."

"That was an accident. He didn't know what he was doing." Derek defends his uncle.

"You sure? Scott says that your sister was lured here by a deer which had the mark for revenge carved in its side and that Peters nurse asked for a copy of that picture. Seems suspicious to me." Jackson explains.

Derek looks angrily to the floor and gathers his strength to break the cuff chaining him up himself.

"We're gonna kill him. But I can't do it alone, you'll have to help me." Derek says and grabs his stuff from the table in the room, dressing himself again and leading them outside.

|Hale house|

"Something doesn't feel right." Derek says looking around.

"What do you mean? Seems peaceful to me." Jackson says looking around more intensely.

"No it's kinda like its.." Derek starts.

"Don't jinx it." Jackson reprimands Derek.

"Fine, you're right." Derek replies and a second later he falls to the ground with an arrow shot in his left shoulder.

Jackson looks to his right and sees Allison taking aim at them with Kate leaning over her giving her orders. He can hear her say "Now the leg." and Allison releases the string, sending the arrow into Dereks right knee.

"Flashbolt." Kate says and Allison takes aim again and fires the arrow, blinding him. Derek warned him "Jackson your eyes! But sees that Jackson was to shocked to react and breaks the arrows stuck in him, hobbling over to Jackson pulling him along headed to his house yelling "Jackson go!"

"Allison what the hell? I thought we were kinda friends?" Jackson asks getting angry at everyone being out to kill him apparently.

"Well I know the truth now." Allison replies.

"What truth? I'm a werewolf so what? doesn't change shit, other than that people are trying to kill me." Jackson yells.

"I don't believe you. Kate told me what your kind is like." Allison says.

"Thank god, now shoot him before I have to shoot him myself." Kate groans walking up behind her.

"You said we were just going to catch them." Allison says shocked.

"We did that, now we're gonna kill them. See, not that hard." Kate says walking over to Allison while shooting Derek with her gun.

"Oh no I know that look, that's the you're gonna have to do it yourself look." Kate says pushing Allison out of the way and takes aim at Jackson who is shrieking back from the gun so close to him.

"Kate what are you doing?" Allison asks while falling down.

"Too bad you are quite the looker." Kate says getting ready to pull the trigger.

"Kate! I know what you did. Put the gun down." Chris says walking up to them.

Jackson looks between the two confused.

"I did what I was told to do." Kate replies.

"No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now, you're holding a gun at a sixteen year old boy, with no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the Code!" Chris says repeating the code in french.

"We hunt those who hunt us." Allison whispers to herself.

Kate puts her finger at the trigger and Chris takes aim at her warning her "Put the gun down. Before I put you down." and shooting the tree behind her.

Kate lowers her weapon and the door to the hale house opens.

"Allison get back!" Chris orders his daughter.

"What is it?" She asks frightened, while they all direct their focus at the door.

"It's the alpha." Jackson says shifting.

Peter runs out in his completely transformed form and rushes around them, starting his attack by throwing Chris over.

He then knocks Allison over and after that Jackson.

Kate who is the only one left standing yells "Come on. Come on!" looking around herself, holding her gun ready to fire.

She turns around to where Chris was knocked over and Peter, now in his human form grabs her hand. Kate tries to fire a few times but no shot hit, because Peter just over powers her, making her unable to aim. He then Punches her wrist, breaking it and grabs her by her throat throwing her to the porch of his old house.

Kate yells in pain and then gets pulled inside by Peter.

Allison manages to get back up and runs after them scared for her aunts life.

Allison sees Peter standing in the middle of the former living room, holding her aunt up by the throat with his claws ready to slit her throat.

"She is beautiful Kate. She looks like you, although not as damaged. So I'm going to give you a chance to safe her, apologize. Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years. Say it and I'll let her live." Peter offers getting worked up, remembering all that's happened to him and his family.

"I'm sorry." Kate says weakly, barely able to breath from Peters tight grip on her throat.

Peter then slashes Kates throat, as a memory to his dead family.

"I don't know about you Allison but that apology. Didn't sound very sincere." Peter says approaching her.

Jackson, fully transformed gets before her and huffs at Peter, blocking his way and Derek walks up behind Peter also transformed. "Run." Jackson says and Allison dashes out of the house.

Jackson and Derek both Jump at Peter hoping to get him with a two sided assault but Peter simply throws both of them into the opposite direction, both hitting the walls hard.

Derek gets back up and gets closer to Peter again, while Peter grabs him by his throat and lifts him up, letting Derek hit the ceiling forcefully and then pushes Derek away.

Jackson takes his chance and jumps on Peters back trying to strangle him but doesn't even get a grip before he gets flung over and hits the ground as well.

Peter lifts him up into a sitting position and then throws him back at the wall behind himself.

Derek uses this opening and jumps at Peters chest, vaulting of it kicking Peter in the chin

Peter not even stunned by this backhands Derek across his face and then hits his back hard sending Derek to the floor again.

Jackson gets up but falls back down again when Peter throws Derek at him.

Peter starts to get worked up and growls, his mouth shifting uncontrollably.

Derek uses a table to leap off it slashing at Peter, who dodges and throws Derek at a closet in the corner of the room.

Jackson growls and charges at Peter blindly, who grabs Jackson by his head and slams his knee into Jacksons gut two times, and then flings him against a wall again, punching it.

Jackson manages to duck under the punch, gets behind Peter and shoves Peter against the wall himself, kneeing Peters back.

Peters face shifts again a bit and he headbutts Jackson away, then grabbing him by his throat and choking him.

Jackson tries to resist and hits Peter in the face, making him shift everytime he's struck. Peter then whirs Jackson around and throws him head first at the door frame, where he hits his head at the beam and falls to the ground. Peter then has enough and shifts into his complete werewolf form, getting down on all fours and growling at them.

Jackson then gets thrown outside the house, landing on the ground unconscious.

Meanwhile Allison who ran outside, is checking on her father who is lying unconcious on the ground, where Peter knocked him over. Allison manages to wake up her father who is watching what's going on with his gun ready to defend himself and his daughter.

Peter in alpha form jumps after him and wants to charge at Jackson, when a car honks and Scott gets out looking pissed.

"You really made a mistake dragging Lydia into your crap." Scott hisses, shifting.

Scott then sees that his Talons are glowing blue and notices that he feels even stronger than before and thinks "That's weird."

"How did he become an alpha?" Chris says looking at Scotts red glowing eyes.

Scott decides to leave the question of what's going on for later and jumps at Peter, clawing at his face wildly, leaving a lot of scratches.

Peter howls and throws Scott off himself, getting back down on all fours and running at him, tackling him to a tree, where he keeps Scott pinned, biting down at Scotts leg.

Scott screeches out in pain and stabs Peter in the back with all of his Talons.

Peter roars out in pain, but feels himself loosing strength and starts to shift back a bit, before he manages to break free from Scotts Talons and gets some distance between them.

Scott then runs up the tree, not noticing that his feet have become birds feet as well.

Scott having run up the tree a few steps, jumps of it heading at Peter with extreme speed.

Scott puts his feet in front of him and sinks the Talons on his feet deep into Peters chest, reaching behind himself, Scott gets into a handstand and throws Peter over himself, with his feet.

Peter lands face first on the ground and rolls around howling in pain, starting to shift back and lies on the ground barely able to breathe, after getting stabbed that deep from his front and back.

"What is going on?" Stiles asks getting out of his car, looking at his best friends new appearance.

"He's become an alpha, I don't know how though, maybe Deaton can tell you." Chris says, while Allison runs towards Stiles hugging him and kissing him deeply.

"Hmph." Chris clears his throat.

"Oh I don't care dad, we just survived a supernatural maniac trying to kill us all, I think you can let me enjoy some time with my boyfriend." Allison says.

Meanwhile Derek and Jackson have woken up again and have come out of the house, now standing next to Peter.

Derek kneels over Peter and Jackson pleads "wait, you said that there is a cure, if you kill the one who bit you. If you kill him now I'm stuck like this forever. "

Derek thinks it over and Peter chokes out "you have already decided. I can smell it on you."

Derek raises his claws and slits Peters throat. He then stands up, his eyes glowing red and turns to the others saying "I'm the alpha now!"

A few hours later, they removed any kind of evidence that anyone was here and buried Peter under the house, then called the police, who is now looking around the house finding Kates body in the living room wearing the necklace she gave Allison.

Noah notices this and looks at the necklace thoughtfully, guessing that this woman is the arsonist from six years ago.

|animal clinic|

Scott, Jackson, Stiles and Allison filled Deaton in on what happened, asking him if he knows what is going on with Scott and Deaton looks at Scott saying "OK, show me your transformation."

Scott shifts and has his Blue glowing Talons again, his beak, glowing red eyes but his feet are still human.

"Hmm that's weird. They were birds feet earlier." Scott says looking down at his feet.

"I think I know what is going on." Deaton says.

"Really?" Scott asks surprised.

"Yes, you have become a true alpha, some one who becomes an alpha not by killing the previous one but through sheer force of will. I guess, when you saved Lydia from certain death and received her wounds you must have proven your strength of will, something almost no one is able to." Deaton informs him.

"As for the feet I have a guess, it's said that the an alpha were-eagles claws have the power to leech off the powers of others. Try to imagine yourself with birds feet." Deaton suggests.

Scott follows Deatons instructions and feels something change, he looks down and has birds feet again.

"Woah. So I got Peters powers, what does that mean? Am I gonna go crazy as well?" Scott asks scared.

"No that was all Peter, I think he had the power to fully transform into an animal, something you can do as well now with enough practice." Deaton informs Scott.

"Well that sounds useful. Does it have any risks?" Scott asks.

"None I know of." Deaton replies.

"Awesome buddy, now you can fight fire with fire next time a supernatural baddie comes along." Stiles cheers for Scott while Jackson looks disappointed at Deaton asking "Is there a way to turn me back?"

"No, I'm sorry I've never heard of anyone becoming human again after being bitten.

"Come on Stiles, lets get to my home and see if my dad will allow us to keep seeing each other or if we have to sneak behind his back." Allison says dragging Stiles off.

"OK, maybe that won't be so bad I mean it sounds exciting." Stiles jokes following his girlfriend.

"Well I'm going home, I need some rest after all this shit happened." Jackson says depressed and leaves as well.

Scott turns to Deaton and thanks him for helping him out these past few days and then excuses himself leaving to get to Lydias hospital room again.


Scott arrives at the hospital and immediately goes to Lydias room, seeing Natalie Martin sitting on a chair looking at her daughter sadly Scott knocks and enters after Natalie tells him to come in.

"Oh Scott I'm glad you're alright. I was told you were injured as well." Natalie says sounding worried.

"Nothing to worry about Mrs. Martin, look somehow it already healed quite well." Scott tells her pulling up his shirt showing her the crusted over bite and slash marks.

"How is she doing? Anything else the doctors were able to do or find out?" Scott asks looking at his girlfriend sadly.

"No, but they say she'll be OK in time." Natalie replies.

"Good and don't worry about constantly checking on her. I'll stay by her side till she's better and my mum is a nurse here as well." Scott tells her.

"OK, but I'm gonna come here as much as I can, she's my everything." Natalie replies.

"OK, I think you should get some rest now though, go home and try to sleep, I'll watch over her. You can trust me." Scott says softly.

"I know, and I think I'll do just that, I'll see you tomorrow morning then I guess." Natalie replies, kissing her daughter on her forehead goodbye and leaving Scott alone with the unconscious Lydia.

"Oh Lydia, please get better soon. There is so much I have to tell you." Scott whispers into Lydias ear brushing her hair out of her face.

Scott then sits down next to Lydias bed, and gets thinking about what could happen now that Lydia was bitten, "will she become a werewolf or did me taking her wounds change that? Well I guess I'll have to hope for the best." Scott decides.

|Argent house - a few days later|

Chris is reading the newspapers declaring that Kate was the arsonist behind the Hale fire, when Victoria comes over telling him "They'll be here in two days." having just gotten of the phone.

"We shouldn't have done it. That stupid necklace." Chris says continuing to read the newspaper.

"The police would have put it together eventually. Don't think for one second she's not taking the fall for something she didn't do." Victoria says grabbing the newspaper and putting it in the trash.

"We're gonna be pariahs in this town." Chris says.

"I can handle it." Victoria says convincingly.

"And Allison?" Chris asks.

"She'll learn." Victoria replies.

"What about Scott?" Victoria asks.

"I'm not the only one he has to worry about now. But as long as he doesn't spill human blood he's at least safe from us." Chris says.

Meanwhile Stiles and Allison are lying on the roof next to Allisons bedroom window, hugging each other while looking at the stars.

"At least your dad didn't try to kill me, he didn't seem happy that we're still going out but that is to be expected I guess." Stiles says.

"Yeah, but even if he were to forbid me from seeing you we'd find a way to be together. I mean between your ideas and my skill they don't stand a chance." Allison jokes.

"True." Stiles replies softly kissing Allisons head.