
Technology Library (English)

Reincarnated with a bookstore full of high-tech information, his goal is the search for knowledge, exploring different universes to study their peculiarities.

BOZALTO · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Meeting my little sister and rolling dice

Once inside the house, Red asks the AI that his parents named Spark after the family name.

"Spark, where is Yellow? She should have finished her classes by now" Red.

"She is playing in her room, Red" The AI replies

Entering her room and he meets her, she is lying down, she seems to be playing some game in VR, his little sister is a girl with short hair, cute facial features and quite troublesome.

It seems that the original Red had been wanting to choke her for a while now... his happy expectation of having a cute little sister is starting to cool off.

Shaking her a little calls her until she gets out of the game

"Brother? What did you bring me?!" Yellow asks after noticing that her brother is back.

"Why should I be bringing you something?" he can't help but respond involuntarily as a reflection of the original Red.

¨She must believe that mom sent me to bring her something now that she gets home¨ he thinks, feeling sad again

Yellow stares at Red with a dissatisfied look, apparently not believing him.

Looking back at her he can't help but notice that the clothes she's wearing are horrible.

¨It seems that the fashion of Xandar does not fit the aesthetics of the earth, at least not anywhere that is not the red carpet, there they even dress with pieces of meat¨ Red thinks.

"Yellow, mom and dad went to work on another planet, it's a bit of a dangerous place so they couldn't take us" the rhetoric he prepared tells her.

Hopefully she believes it, she might not find out what happened today unless Red goes out with her or hears about it from one of her friends, but the home AI parental controls should help censor that from any VR conversation.

She is momentarily stunned by the news but she soon responds.

"You're lying, mom and dad wouldn't have left without saying goodbye to me" she says, agitated

"It's not a lie, you can go out and check, they didn't come home" Red replies to her despair

Yellow leaves the room and checks the whole house, Red looks at her as she continues to check each room, in the end she stays as if her soul had left her, then she reacts.

"If mom and dad went on a trip because they didn't take anything, everything is still in the room" Yellow asks on the verge of tears.

"Damn why do you have to be so smart now, luckily I already thought of that" he thinks.

"I don't know, the trip seemed to be urgent, they asked me to pick up their things and send them by mail" Red

Yellow begins to tremble, it seems that she doesn't know what to do, he hugs her and she begins to cry out loud.

¨Ughh, it's good that small children are quite gullible¨ he thinks sadly while he pats her back, until she calms down.

"Why don't you go to your room and get some rest I'll make you something to eat and you'll feel better then" he says to which she nods and goes back into the room.

Red starts cooking, he decides to prepare something sweet, well, it's not like he knows how to cook anything other than that, most of the ingredients in the freezer are unrecognizable to someone on earth.

Only the ingredients that he uses in the desserts that he learned to make with his mother serve he, so he thinks what he is going to do now.

Well, before making plans for the future he should know well what options he has, he plans to find out that he will be told by the emergency services later and investigate the alleged bookstore in detail.

he opens the window while he cooks the food and picks up where he left off.


Technology Library


Halo (locked)

Warhammer 40K (Locked)

Rick and Morty (Locked)

Legendary Mechanic (Locked)

Dead Space (Locked)

Men in Black (Locked)

Dragon Ball (Locked)

Resident Evil (Locked)


Free dice roll available.

Do you want to roll the dice (yes/no)


He tries to press 'yes' to the dice roll, but it starts just thinking about it.

Multiple elements begin to pass through the screen, like a CS:GO roll although all the elements are the same, bronze starter pack>gold starter pack>legendary starter pack...

¨It seems the roll isn't for a specific item, maybe it's better that way, or I could get something stupid like a plasma pistol, considering that I live in a technologically advanced civilization it wouldn't be as useful as if I were on earth¨ he thinks

Movement starts to stall and stops at the Gold Starter Pack, to which he immediately opens it


Technology Library

*Ting* Congratulations you've got the Gold Starter Pack, do you want to open it? (yes/no)

*Ting* You got the AI The Weapon (Halo)

*Ting* You have obtained the biological seed of the protagonist (Legendary Mechanic)

*Ting* You learned the fighting technique (Equilibrium)

*Ting* You unlocked Halo Section


Red stands still for a moment, lots of knowledge and experience going straight into his memory, all pertaining to fighting techniques, but suddenly he hears the beeping of the oven and manages to compose himself.

He finds in his hand a storage unit that he doesn't recognize, it's not like the ones used at home, he also feels that there is something different in his body, he feels a little bad.

¨I better finish what I am doing quickly and go to rest, the first two and the last one are quite good, as for the third, I would have to adapt the fighting technique to the high-tech environment by developing it, at least I don't have to learn it too¨ Suppressing her curiosity to review them in detail, he continued with what he was doing for her discomfort.

Cutting a piece of the dessert that he doesn't even know his name and going to take it to his little sister's room.

"Yellow the food is ready, you can eat here if you don't want to go out" he gives her the food on the bed to which she asks.

"Red, when do you think mom and dad will be back, didn't they tell you?" she asks sadly.

"I don't know, such business trips usually take several years," he says as he cuts her a piece of dessert and hands it to her.

"come on open your mouth, say aaaaaaa" Red says expectantly

Yellow looks at him with an annoyed look and proceeds to take the plate and silverware herself.

¨Ughh, I feel like my heart has broken¨ he thinks to herself lamenting.

At that moment he hears a notification from Spark (It's the AI of the house)

"Red, there is a visitor at the door, do you wish to let him in?" Spark

"No, I'll take care of it myself outside" he replies

"Brother, who's at the door?" asks her little sister.

"Yellow, when you're done eating, leave the plate in the kitchen" Red says ignoring her as she looks at him looking unsatisfied.

At the door.

"Please identify yourself" he asks the person out loud.

"I'm from child protection, I came for the notification that they made to emergencies about a couple of children" declares the man.

Opening the door Red asks "can we talk outside here? My little sister is inside I don't want her to find out what she happened to our parents yet"

The man nods and they start talking, then they reach an agreement, from now on the child protection center will activate new functions of the AI of the house to supervise the brothers.

He will put restrictions aimed at minors and the AI will also teach them how to cook and do other chores, since Red assured him that he can take care of it himself and he is also a 13-year-old boy already. If they were one or two years younger, the man told him that he would take them to a shelter until they grew older.

It seems that he will also contact the neighbors so that they are aware of them and they will give them a pension, it is not too many credits (credit is Marvel's space currency) just enough so that they can live without starving and buy things like clothes and other things from time to time.

¨I need to get a job if I want to raise capital to start developing and I should take advantage now while the pension is active and I don't have to worry about household expenses¨ thinks Red

He says goodbye to the man and goes back inside, the discomfort worsens.

¨I'll go take a bath and rest, even though I dusted off my body before, I still feel dirty¨ Red.

Already in the bathtub in the middle of the tub while he was bathing he began to get a fever, even in the water his body temperature continues quite high.

¨Shit now that this day is becoming eternal, what else could happen to me?¨ he thinks while he gets a little distracted.

¨What should I do now, is a good time to start thinking about plans for the future¨ Red

Opening the Halo Section in the bookstore, he notices what's inside.


Technology Library

Slipspace Technology

Artificial Intelligence Technology

Quantum Neural Technology

Plasma Engine Technology

Hard Light Technology



Lots of links appear in the Section, he follows the links which show him huge amounts of technical information, which is also full of other links between the lines, links he follows but only finds more and more.

He starts to feel dizzy, but then he feels better, the fever also starts to go away, then he hears a series of notifications.

*ting* Your race has evolved to superior human

*ting* Void Dragon genes begin to integrate (estimated time 7 years)

*ting* Chaos Observer genes begin to integrate (estimated time 15 years)

*ting* Integral Formation of the genes of unnamed species (time indeterminate)

The previous chapter broke, who knows why, but I already fixed it, I'm uploading this novel in English too, but translated by Google, it's on my profile, I just hope it's not so horribly translated as in MTL. Ughh, I get nauseated just remembering.

BOZALTOcreators' thoughts