
Tech Cultivation Monarch

Alex Mercer, a brilliant scientist equipped with a neural chip enhancing his cognitive abilities, faces an unexpected twist of fate. After a tragic demise, his consciousness transmigrates into the body of a crown prince in an unfamiliar world. Alex leverages his technological prowess to advance his and his army's martial arts skills. Unveiling a dazzling array of strategic innovations. [This is a original story, no faceslapping]

electron_atom · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: New world

In the year 3402, the advanced prowess of human technology had reached unprecedented heights. Among the pioneers of this era was Alex Mercer, a distinguished scientist specializing in neuroscience and cybernetics. This particular year marked a significant milestone as Alex conducted a groundbreaking experiment in the Centauri Proxima galaxy.

In the vastness of space, Alex's laboratory was a testament to the fusion of intellect and technology. The chip implanted in his brain, a marvel of cybernetic augmentation, served as both an extension of his cognitive abilities and a recorder of valuable data.

"Chip, record the information," Alex commanded, his voice echoing through the sterile confines of the high-tech laboratory.

The chip, a silent companion embedded in his neural network, responded dutifully. "[Recording information... 99%... 100%]"

The unique feature of this world was the integration of such neural chips in the brains of newborns, serving as lifelong companions and sources of assistance. The experiment Alex was conducting delved into the realms of quantum mechanics, aiming to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.

As the experiment unfolded, lines of intricate code flashed across the multitude of screens, each keystroke representing a calculated step toward the unknown. The air within the laboratory crackled with an otherworldly energy, and the quantum field surrounding Alex shimmered with latent potential.

In a climactic surge, when the experiment reached its peak, the experiment failed and blinding burst of light that transcended the boundaries of human comprehension apperared. In that ephemeral moment, Alex's "body melted due to high temperature and his consciousness was in dark area traversing corridors of multiverse, which was pulled into an unfamiliar vast world.

As his consciousness returned alex found himself in a bedroom which can be said be big and beautiful but has no sense of technology.

Confusion lingered as he found himself in a room devoid of the familiar hum of technology—a stark contrast to the advanced laboratories he once navigated.

Alex's gaze swept across the grandeur of the room, appreciating its beauty but sensing the absence of technology that had become an integral part of his existence. The question lingered in his mind, finding its way to his lips, "Where is this place?"

At that moment, a bearded man entered the room. He saw Alex awake, and an audible gasp escaped his lips. "Prince, thank God you have woken up!" he exclaimed, his relief palpable. "I will call the queen," he added, rushing out of the room with a sense of urgency.

As the door closed, Alex was left alone with his thoughts. Memories began to resurface, like fragments of a puzzle falling into place. The realization struck— he was Crown Prince Alex of Veridia, a kingdom in the far west land. The transition from the sterile environment of his laboratory to this regal space was as disorienting as it was intriguing.

The room, though lacking in technology, held an air of elegance and history. Alex took a moment to absorb his surroundings, contemplating the stark difference between the two worlds he now found himself straddling.

His musings were interrupted as the bearded man returned with a middle-aged woman who exuded authority—the queen.

She entered the room with a mix of concern and joy on her face.

"My dear Prince, you're awake. How do you feel?" she inquired with a warmth that hinted at genuine care.

from his memory he found that the name of this body name is the same as his previous one alex mercer. The reason he was in bed is because he fell in coma while out hunting with his guard as he was attacked by fierce beast.

He looked at the woman in front of him Isabella Mercer who was queen of veridia kingdom. Queen Isabella Mercer has rich chestnut hair and mesmerizing blue eyes. She was mother of alex in this life. complex emotion built in his mind as he was orphan in his previous life but he experienced feeling of love from his family in his memories.

" i am fine mother" said Alex

Queen Isabella Mercer's eyes softened with a mix of relief and maternal concern as she heard Alex's response. The complex emotions swirling within Alex mirrored the intricate dance of confusion and understanding.

Isabella Mercer, queenly in her bearing, approached Alex with a warmth that transcended the formalities of the royal court.

"My dear Alex," she spoke with a motherly tone, "we were so worried when you fell into that coma. It is a true blessing to see you awake and well."

A flicker of recognition crossed Alex's face as he processed the information. The dual existence of memories from his past life and the newfound connection with Veridia's royal family added layers of complexity to his emotions.

"Mother," Alex continued, using the term with both familiarity and a sense of realization

Queen Isabella Mercer nodded, her eyes holding a mother's understanding. "You may have questions, my dear," she said, gesturing for him, "and we have much to discuss. But first, let me assure you that you are safe here in Veridia, among those who care deeply for you."

Queen Isabella Mercer's gaze softened as she inquired, "Do you remember anything before you fell into a coma in the forest?"

"no, i remember i was attacked by herd of second class fierce beast, if it weren't for my guard sacrifice i wouldn't make it" Alex replied a little lost in his memories

according to his memories this is a very vast continent where there are many kingdom and warriors are a strong force. the realm of martial arts are Third class warrior, Second class warrior, First Class Warrior, Peak Warrior and finally Transcendent Warrior. Fierce beast are also divided into third class, second class, first class, transcendent beast.

Transcendent warriors are rarely seen.

"Don't feel sad son, i have paid family members of your guards a lot of money" Isabella said

'IF I FIND SOMEONE BEHIND THIS INCIDENT, THEY WILL PAY" she had dangerous glint in her eyes.

Of course, Alex didn't notice this; he was looking at the ceiling, trying to organize his messy memory, as it hindered him by constantly showing him previous and present life memories all jumbled up.

Seeing her son like this, Isabella was distressed and didn't want to disturb him further.

"Alex, come to dinner tonight. We will talk there," Isabella said as she looked at him.

"Yes, Mother, I will surely arrive in time for dinner," replied Alex.

Receiving the reply from him, Isabella walked outside the room with the bearded man, who was the housekeeper, Gilbert.

(end of chapter)