
Tears Of Darkness

Born without magic, cursed by the quintessential source of all living things: Aether, being deemed as a dead man walking in a world of Aether wielding killers, sword fighter Marbas beat the odds to achieve elite assassin status. Now working for a criminal organization named the circle. Marbas uses his hard-trained body, perfect weapon skills, and genius mind to hunt his prey. However, on one bloody night. Marbas found himself trapped in a mission, which caused the death of his mentor. Later on, he discovered that the same organization he's been serving for years was involved and a bounty was put in his head. Will Marbas be able to take his revenge? Will he be able to find the person who desperately wanted to kill him and does this relate to his forgotten past? *Special thanks to AsmB17 for this amazing cover. *This is what people will call a hidden gem. Yes, a hidden gem because this is the hardwork of years, now all before you, my friends. What to expect in this novel: * A very slow pacing, as the world-bulding is large, and the characters, to each their own backstory. * A very complex power system ( believe me when I'll say you'll need a paper and a pen when reading it ) * A lot of description, I need to make for my friends a vivid image of the wonderful world I built. * Different character's pov, also I will be going from first person to third person. * High quality writing, no rushed or childlish writing. Every thing in this story must be justified. * Intelligent, realistic dialogues between the characters. * You will have trouble knowing who the real MC is, but don't worry. It's all part of the plot. * A western tone, just like berserk. So excpect gore or unlpeasing scenes. * Different psychological views about different objects, also different morals. * No character is left without importance. You see that weakling most of my friends underestimated him, can play a major role for the plot. * A very strong language! * Finally be ready to lose your favorite character. What I expect from you: * Follow my instagram page to read more of my works and get any news of new releases: @mera.ki369 *Power stones, a lot of power stones so I can post a lot of chapters. * A share if that's possible, thank you and enjoy your journey

Meraki369 · Fantasie
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12 Chs


I could never find the strength to stand up.

While my broken limbs were begging for respite, my suffocated lungs cried for help.

*Heavy breathing noises*

(Save me!) is what conquered the fog of my thoughts.

I glanced at my environment. I saw scattered human parts and a red jam curtain.

A strange fallen angel's sculpture conquered my observation, I saw it shedding ichor, her agonized look brought shivers through my nerves. I had a deja vu feeling, that tragic view was no odd to me.

Although the image was misty because of my fully blood covered eyes, only my nose was in its perfect state.

This strong smell is no odd to me. It brought back my moments of agony and tragedy, the memories of despair and misfortune, helped me recall how neurotic my life is.

I was worried as I had someone in mind.

(Come on! Just this one.)

My body was indifferent and never listened to my call.

(Please. I beg you, stand up! The person needs our help.)

My muscles reprieved me at last. My heart bestowed upon me courage that pushed my body to obey my command.

Before I can crawl, I heard clamors from outside.

I had to retaliate against the reinforcements, so I looked for a sword rushingly.

I knew it was pointless as the flames had swallowed up everything and all that remained were ashes but still, I couldn't lose hope, not today. That person needs my help. I need to find him.

This situation is weird. How am I not trembling in fear as I usually do? Is this what we call maturing. Yes, it is. To become mature means to have a reason for living, to have someone dear to protect. My someone needs saving right now.

It seems the gods are on my side today.

Luckily, with their benediction, I found a dark longsword. It was glowing bizarrely.

A deep voice called me to pick the sword up but, I hesitated. I had a strange feeling that it wasn't just an ordinary sword.

"You want the power to save the people you care about."

Yes. I crave power. I mean, who doesn't.

The voice added:

"You don't want to repeat the same mistakes."

I remembered my errors. The people I lost just because I was pathetic and helpless.

"With great power comes great sacrifice as sacrifice entails giving up what is closest to your heart. Are you ready to bear that burden?"

My answer was obvious. A big yes! I always knew I was unique to the gods somehow. Is this my chance to become a hero?

Suddenly the sword charged at me and pierced through my head.

I could see its edge on my forehead, only there wasn't any blood.

Then without notice, it disappeared.

I felt my head spinning, all my veins were gleaming, and I was at the edge of exploding.

Am I dying?

I heard the voice laughing at me:

" You will have the chance to save your dearest friends only tears of darkness will rip your heart apart from humanity, then you shall be one with the true God and serve his divine cause! "

The voice multiplied into voices:

" We are Chosen by God,

the World is our living hope,

our timeless foundation.

Let our scars tell the story of our salvation.

By God's grace,

we light the way whenever the darkness descends.

God is the teacher,

we are the students wishing to ascend.

So though this world is shivery,

our faith shall not be frozen.

We aren't just called,

we want to be Chosen. "

Suddenly I had the sensation of rising above the place.

However, my body remained on the floor.

I guess this is it.

I will ascend and become an angel.

~End of prologue.