
Tear a Path

The earth explodes in size, bringing with it great beauty and monstrosities. Wang Zhao Hui, a man singled out by the great cataclysm forges a road towards what he lost as the only trapper with a broken system (as in it doesn’t work) *Cover picture not mine *From google, just edited *https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.shutterstock.com%2Fimage-photo%2Fhiker-silhouette-stand-on-cliff-260nw-538549126.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.shutterstock.com%2Fsearch%2Fsunset%2Bsilhouette%2Btrekking%3Fimage_type%3Dphoto&tbnid=CsvUOLqZh_3ilM&vet=1&docid=D7U3H1YoEP9_fM&w=347&h=280&hl=en-us&safe=strict&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwiZ58609LvhAhUxTnwKHcpNAUEQMygAegQIARAa

bcrow · Fantasie
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320 Chs

Counter attack

Using his left hand, he flicked a pebble towards a nearby tree, drawing the sight of all the reptiles. Sucking in his stomach he kicked against the reptile's leg, sliding him away from right under it's claw.

As soon as it had noticed, it lunges towards Zhao Wei with mouth wide open. Taking out the pole between his hands, he held it in between so the reptiles teeth snapped on it instead of him. Switching his grip on either side, he twisted around and pulled the pole over head to throw the reptile in a makeshift shoulder throw.

Rolling down in the next move, he reached for his spear where it was flicked away. And just in time as the other underlings came bounding towards him. Just as it was 2 meters away from him, right where he was sprawled before, a light shone under its feet.

Zhao Wei had finally remembered that he was a trapper. Through his review of their fight, one event knocked this information back into his head which was the branch slapping the reptile as it was running towards him, reminding him of the skill he hadn't used.

The wrap trap didn't even hold for a second. For Panda, it was small and it's power relied on its speed and sharp horn, hence once the wrap trap activated it was difficult for it to escape. This reptile's thigh alone could account for two of Zhao Wei's legs, the Wrap Trap tore as it was moving forward. But this was what Zhao Wei had waited for.

At full speed what caused anything to trip wasn't a boulder, it was usually a small pebble. Like wise, the insignificant Wrap Trap had made a minor disparity in the rhythm of it's left and right leg, causing it to trip and roll over.

As it's body was about to smash down, Zhao Wei held the spear upwards in it's direction. Like hitting a nail with a plank, the result was obvious as it was now a literal kebab.

It didnt stop there as he picked up both the spear and the reptile and rushed at it's disoriented companion, using both his and the dead reptile's weight to run through the lizard on the floor.

Triumphantly, he stood up and turned towards their leader, but he was blind to be disappointed. In it's eyes wasn't a hint of anger or frustration, it was purely annoyance. As if it thought that it had to do the dirty work now that it's underlings were dead.

He felt a strong bloodlust fill the atmosphere as it had opened it's mouth, toxin dripping down it's lips. Holding it's forelimbs up it slid it scraped it's claws against it's teeth, coating them in a thick goo of the toxin.

Zhao Wei immediately tried to pull out the spear. Even though the pole was tough and hard it didn't give Zhao Wei an edge in attacking as using it like a club depended on his own strength to deal damage.

The big one didn't even give him the chance as it dashed straight towards him. Although it's size causes it to lumber as it followed the fight, it was actually far more agile than it's peers as in a split second it was infront of Zhao Wei.

In this moment, the flesh gave way and Zhao Wei could pull his spear out but as he turned the only thing that filled his vision was the muscular body covered in scales. It had turned to the right, it's tail flicking at Zhao Wei like a whip, smashing the spear Zhao Wei had put up causing bits to fly and cut him here and there, but it didn't stop. The tail followed through and hit him on his right shoulder causing the tip to smash his back.

The taste of hot iron flooded his tongue. He couldn't even use the impact to fly off as he staggered to keep his ground. The big lizard continued to throw a flurry of attacks, it was all Zhao Wei could do to deflect it's blows with the pole. His muscles tore, breathe ragged and his bones clicked against each other with every impact.

With it's two companions, Zhao Wei still managed to keep his head above water. Now, he was just drowning under the constant onslaught of blows.

He was getting sluggish, the more it went on the slower he got, claws and teeth constantly got closer with every exchange. Sometimes, even the pressure of the exchange would split his skin.

He didn't even understand how he was still alive. It was far stronger and faster than it's peers. The way it used it's appendages showed purpose instead of simple ferocious strength. But Zhao Wei understood something when he saw it's eyes, it was having fun.

It could've killed him easily, but it wanted him to expend his strength, to feel the futility of his struggle. This wasn't just a beast of the jungle, they fed out of necessity, it could probably eat well for some time with the boar beast alone. This beast needed to exert dominance, it needed to feel in control, it was malicious. It was intelligent.

Through the chase and the fight they had somehow reached a rocky potrusion which Zhao Wei could see from up in his home. Zhao Wei consciously brought them closer and closer there. If he was up against the wall, he thought he could use it to redirect the force of the blows into the walls.

With it he lasted a few more minutes under its barrage. Suddenly, it stopped. Confused, Zhao Wei looked up. It was clear what was going on. It was bored, probably deciding to execute him now. Irritated that it's prey didn't fall to despair at it's fruitless attempt to preserve it's life.

But Zhao Wei wasn't ready, he couldn't be taken yet. He wasn't done. He didn't put himself through pain and exhaustion to be done.

It lunged in, ready to bite Zhao Wei's head off, Zhao Wei could only muster everything he had left.

For everyone reading, thanks for your patience and thank you for reading. It honestly boosts my confidence and makes me want to write a better story for you so thank you so much and here’s the bonus chapter I promised.

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