
Teaming Up with System 225 (BL)

With the creation of different dimensions and universes, came forth intelligent beings. To regulate these dimensions and universes, higher beings took control of containers called UniOrbs. These containers not only regulated the Gods and the souls of those worlds but also dictated the processes of reincarnation. The UniOrb could not do this on their own, so they contracted souls to become "Systems" that made sure souls were able to reincarnate, but not all souls were fortunate enough to do so. "Systems" then teamed up with souls called "Hosts" to make sure unfortunate souls got their wishes fulfilled, their souls healed properly, and ready for reincarnation. To make sure the Systems and Hosts had a proper base of operations, the UniOrb created a separate space called the Command Center. This Command Center was at the entrance of the reincarnation sea, where souls would go to their next destination. The person in charge was called, "God System." One System was not satisfied with their status quo. They created something known as the "Villain System." This Villain System was designed to suck the life and energy from different worlds, using it to spread a virus that would slowly take over the UniOrb. Their goal: Take over the UniOrb to become the new higher being that controlled it. When all hope seemed to be lost for those in the UniOrb and its Command Center, one System, System 225, gained control from the Villain System, rescued his "Host," and together go from world to world, gaining enough energy to combat the System that created the Villain System. Oh, and also rescuing God System along the way. Book cover credit: Alice - https://vgen.co/this_is_ALiCE_draws

MakusCorner · LGBT+
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173 Chs

Dystopia (2)

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After drying his hair and putting on his bathrobe, Grey saw that Cyan was already in the room, relaxing on the bed.

Cyan felt more human here than when they first met.

"Valen, come here…"

Grey came over and saw some pills and water on the table. What was that?

"Ah, those? Apparently, the pills are used to induce heat in omegas… I don't know if you want to use those though."

"Well… Let's think about that later. Let's talk here since there are no cameras in the room."

There also weren't any microphones as the people in charge of the cameras were not interested in hearing couples have sex.

Grey laid on the bed next to Cyan. The sun was still up, so no one felt the need to have sex so quickly.

"Grey…" It was a name that Cyan held deep in his heart. He knew this was the only place he could call his husband like so. "You smell like lavender… so relaxing. I really like it."

He smelled like lavender? He hoped it wasn't too strong… "Really? You smell like an ocean breeze. Feels like I am on vacation. I like your scent too."

"Glad you like my scent."

"I'm glad we were able to meet so early. If you weren't my husband, I would have to start the world all over again…"

"I am also relieved... When I woke up in this world and found out I had to marry someone, I was a bit conflicted. I'm really happy it's you."

"Me too."

Honestly, he felt grateful that he and God System could meet so quickly. At least they could get through this world together from the start.

"Cyan… I don't really have memories of this body, so can you tell me a bit about the place we are living in?"

"This city is called XU239. Normal citizens can't leave the town but there's a select few that are allowed to come in with supplies. As for how new people get here, they have to be screened by the workers at the City Hall. The Lord of this city has the final say with everything though."

"The Lord?"

"That's correct. The Lord… Well, we don't know their name, we just call them the Lord. I also work at the City Hall, but I haven't seen the Lord once."

"Do you know where I work?"

"If I remember correctly, you are a teacher at the local school. You teach Year 5."

The local school was split into three buildings: Primary, Junior High, and Senior High schools. There were no universities, but they did have vocational academies that people could choose from after finishing their senior education.

Year 5 students were in Primary school. They were the last grade before the kids moved up to Junior high school.

According to Cyan, they had a week off to enjoy their marriage. Then they would have to go back to work.

Well, that made it easier for Grey. He had time to just relax and learn more about the world from Cyan. It would also give him time to look through the course material that he needed to teach the kids.

"Hmm, then let's relax for a bit." Cyan brought Grey into a hug. He just wanted to cuddle.

"Okay, that's fine with me."

'System, could you search through the original's computer and gather all the data I need for my job? With all these cameras, I don't know whether I would be deemed suspicious if I suddenly forgot everything.'

[Of course, Grey. Leave it to me! I will be sure to be extra careful too.]

'Thank you.'

He didn't know if he was being paranoid, but if the Lord of this city had people watching them through their cameras, obviously they would watch what they did on their electronics, right?

It was best to be cautious. Better safe than sorry.

He needed to see how this world worked before creating a plan.


A week quickly went by. They did have sex but they didn't use that heat-inducing pill. He didn't need it at all. He was already in love with his husband.

Anyway, with the help of System 225, he was able to understand what he was supposed to be teaching his students, but still, it left a bad taste in his mouth.

If he had to describe it, he would have to say a lot of it was propaganda. Half of the curriculum was general stuff like maths, science, history, and literature. The other was learning about the "Lord" and how to be helpful to the "Lord." It started to sound more like a cult.

Why did they have to teach about this Lord and how to be helpful to them? There were even talks about how "almighty" they were, like a god.

Well, even if Grey didn't like it, there was nothing he could do until System 225 came back with better information. He couldn't hack into anything in this world since almost every move would be monitored…

Why was this world so difficult?

Since Grey had an early day, he got dressed in business casual clothing. It was the school's dress code. He wore a white button-up shirt, a blue tie, and black slacks to go with it. He also styled his unruly hair with the help of Cyan.

Cyan had a car, so he dropped Grey off at work. "Have a good day at work, honey!"

"Thank you, love."

They gave each other a quick kiss.

There was a camera and microphone in the car, watching and listening to them. They couldn't be too intimate.

After seeing Grey enter the building, Cyan went to work as well. Cyan had to wear a suit every time he went to work, so he had one in four different colors. He wore a navy blue suit to match Grey's blue tie.

His face went back to an expressionless look as he made his way to the center of town.

He worked at the City Hall. He was just a lowly civil servant who handled phone calls and organized data. As for what the data was, he wasn't allowed to ponder about it. He wasn't even allowed to talk about it with his co-workers. No one was allowed to talk about the data. It was strange how things worked in the City Hall but he didn't say anything.

"Cyan, bring the data to me before lunchtime." Cyan's supervisor said while passing by his desk.

"Yes, sir."

Cyan got to work. This time, he was much more cautious of the data, trying to see if he could find anything to help Grey…

Meanwhile, Grey was standing in front of the class, all his students staring at him. He only had 16 students, 8 Alpha children, and 8 Omega children. They didn't say anything about his marriage. No congratulations were offered or any questions about how married life was. It was strange to see every kid seem so detached, but he could not do anything about it.

He started off the class how all teachers in the school started it.

"Okay class, please stand up and recite the pledge."

The kids said in unison: "I pledge allegiance to the Lord of XU239. We are all under one Lord and one Lord only. Under the protection and guidance of the Lord, I swear to do my part so that our nation can continue to thrive. May the Lord continue to look over us."

It made Grey extremely uncomfortable to recite it, but he did so at the same tone and speed as the students. He didn't want to seem suspicious.

"Everyone, please be seated."

All the students, at the same time, sat down. No child was a beat-off. No one smiled, laughed, or even resisted.

"In today's class, we will be continuing fractions with multiplication…"

The rest of the class went smoothly. Every child participated to the best of their abilities. They were smart, quick to learn, and had no problems understanding the lesson. Some questions were asked, but they were quickly resolved.

It was the first time Grey had ever seen a class that didn't have any kids talking, screaming, complaining, or laughing. Everyone did what they were supposed to do.

He taught three classes that day. Each class started with the pledge and ended with the pledge. All the kids, who looked similar to one another, acted the same. He couldn't see any unique personalities within the kids.

Every child seemed too perfect to be true.

By the end of the day, Grey was mentally exhausted. It wasn't hard to keep a poker face, but it was so depressing to see everyone having the same face and showing no emotions.

All he wanted to do was collapse on his and Cyan's bed and sleep, but he knew he had to do this again tomorrow.

Grey waited outside of the school for Cyan. As someone who was married, they only had one car that was given to them by the government. He could only wait for Cyan.

He didn't have to wait longer than 10 minutes before Cyan pulled up at the front of the school.

"I'm sorry I'm late. There was a bit of traffic today. There was a crash at an intersection."

Grey was a bit taken aback. After being surrounded by perfect children all day long, he didn't expect an accident could happen. He just assumed that driving regulations were just as strict as how his students were taught.

"Do you know what happened to cause the accident?" Grey couldn't help but ask. Was it safe to assume that he could ask about something that seemed out of the ordinary?

"I heard it was a double suicide. A couple held hands and rushed into a busy intersection with their car. Many people were injured."

Cyan paused, trying to think about how to phrase his next sentence.

"I'm not surprised since this happens often."

"I'm not surprised either."

Grey understood Cyan's hint and buckled the seat belt.

With the microphone and camera in their car, they couldn't discuss anything else. From Cyan's explanation, no small talk ever occurred in the car as it could be deemed as a distraction.

When they got home, Grey went to make dinner while Cyan washed up and put their belongings away. After dinner, he was finally able to wash up and lay on their bed.

In their room, there was finally some privacy for them to talk about the events that happened.

Grandpa Marky: This is the last chapter I will be posting for tonight. Sorry for being a bit late though. I've been battling intense fatigue (love chronic illnesses). I will go back to posting three chapters at a time for the rest of this arc (it's just there's an uneven amount of chapters which is why I decided to post two today haha).

Anyway, that's it from me! I will see you all later. Have a lovely day/night my beautiful grandchildren :D <3

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