A story of love, friendship, betrayal, an American classic. Maybe not, with a Japanese and Black, an Indian, a Mexican, a Korean, and an English lady.... what could go wrong oopp said too much.
Huh(said Jonny). *she calls Laila* LAILA, I JUST SAW JONNY, I THOUGHT HE WAS IN PARIS(said Lyn). Look Lyn y'all are more alike than you think, you're both artist(said Laila). Okay we broke up badly(said Lyn). No one even knows how y'all broke up(said Laila). Only one person(said Lyn). I know who(said Laila). Wait Laila don't tell anyone(said Lyn). *she tells our whole friend group*. Yo Jon Tom knows how you and Lyn broke up(said Ben). WAIT WHAT, NO ONE KNOWS THAT(said Jonny). *they all call Tom*. TOM TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED(said Laila). Wait what do you mean(said Tom). With Lyn and Jon what's their breakup story(said Steph). Uh well um I have to go(said Tom). *Sabi and Tom call Lyn*. BRUH LYN WHY'D YOU SEND THESE PEOPLE TO ME(said Tom). Yeah why not to me I know too(said Sabi), Well cause Sabi you would kill me and Tom I didn't tell Laila a name(said Lyn). I'm sure Jonny's pissed now, I'm happy(said Tom). I don't know what you have against him but I like it(said Sabi). I know right(said Lyn). Ima call Jonny(said Sabi). Alright Sabi(said Lyn). *Sabi calls Jonny*. Hey Jon I know you must be pissed(said Sabi). No shit Sabi(said Jonny). Look I'm tryna help(said Sabi). Fine, just tell me why she's telling Tom of all people about our breakup(said Jonny). She can tell anyone she wants(said Sabi). Fine please just help me with this(said Jonny). Alright I will(said Sabi). So uh you're going to the reunion, you ran away from Jon, and you're rich(said Sabi). That's about it(said Lyn). One week later, *Steph calls Lyn* Yo all of us are going shopping for the reunion you're coming(said Steph). Wait you're not asking me(said Lyn). Duh I'm ordering(said Steph). At the mall, Hey Lynny(said Laila). Why did San tell y'all that nickname(said Lyn). Cause you broke his heart so he got revenge(said Steph). Alright that's fair(said Lyn). *They go to multiple stores*. We're ready(said Sabi). I'm not I need shoes(said Laila). Alright(said All). *Sabi gets a text from Ben*. Yo Jon and I are at the same store you're at you need to leave(Ben texts). Why do we need to leave(Sabi texts). Cause it's gonna destroy this gathering(Ben texts). Fine I'll hurry it up, stall(Sabi texts). Uh I'll get you the shoes y'all go pay(said Sabi). Alright thanks Sabs(said Laila). *they go pay, Sabi joins them*. Isn't that Lyn and the girls(said Jonny). No it's not just ignore them(said Ben). Oh it is, I'll go say hi(said Jonny). That's not a great idea(said Ben). Why not(said Jonny). Well your ex is there(said Ben). I don't care, I haven't seen these people in years(said Jonny). Fine(said Ben). *Ben texts Sabi*. JONNY WANTS TO SAY HI HE'S COMING NOW LEAVE(Ben texts). WAIT WHAT I'LL HURRY(Sabi texts). Girls let's go NOW(said Sabi). Wait(said Jonny). Who's that(said all).