
The new world

"First you should know that they have an different understanding and use of the energy you call Chakra. While you use hand seals to manipulate Chakra, they tend to move their hole body in complex patterns (chinese martial arts) in order to manipulate the elements. But unlike you they believe in the existenz of only the four elements fire, earth, water and air. Your raiton (lightning release) is part of their fire element. Besides the four elements there are several more like lightning, ice and metal. But they are rather a purification of the four elements than new elements."

"In order to bend an element you need to open a specific Chakra-point. Normal people can only have one opened Chakra-point, some even have no opened Chakra-Point and hence can't bend. An exeption is the Avatar. He/she has a mighty spirit living inside his/her soul. This allows him/her to bend all four elements and even manipulate the Chakra of others. Eventhough he/she hasn't learned this ability yet. Furthermore the Avatar gets reincarnated when he/she dies. He/she can also use the Avatar state. In this state the Avatar can bend the four elements simultaneously and gets extraordinary strong. However open Chakra-points can be often inherited. Therefore are much more Bender in this world than there are Shinobi in yours. Finaly four big nations were founded. Each nation represents an element. And also because the opened Chakra-points being passed down genetically, each nation consits mostly of benders of only one Element. For example it would be quite rare to find an Firebender in the earth kingdom. Only the Airbender are different, they have an nomadic lifestyle and consits mostly of monks. Despite their four temples they have no land like the other nations. For a long time these nations lived together in harmony. But at some point the fire nation became more and more arrogant. They are much more advanced in technology than the other nations. So they got the idea to share their wealth and knowledge with the other nations."

"But this sounds quite reasonable to me. What is the problem with their train of thoughts?" Asked Jiraiya curiously. "Well they tried to achieve their aim by founding colonies. Especially in the earth kingdom they established many colonies. Because of this the balance of power was threatened. So the Avatar, who has the order to maintain balance, had to interfere. Everything was alright at first, because the leader of the fire nation and the Avatar were old friends. So they found an peaceful solution. But when both were quite old, a vulcano erupted on the island were the Avatar lived. Of course the Avatar tried to stop it in order to save the people on the island. But he was old and therefore quite weak. Even with the help of his dragon it seemed impossible for him to save the island. But his actions made it at least possible to evacuate the inhabitans of the island. But he still fought with the vulcano. Also he didn't have to fight alone. His old friend, the fire lord joined him in his strugle. But during their fight the fire lord realized, that he could continue with his plans if he lets the Avatar die. So he betrayed his friend and let him die."

"Of course he knew that the Avatar would be reincarnated. But it would be only a little child, which of corse lacks the power to withstand him. Furthermore he knew that the next Avatar will be born as an Airbender from the Avatar cycle (fire, air, water, earth), because the last Avatar was an Firebender. (That's just the element they are born with of course they can master the other elements through training). So he decided to extinguish the Air Nomads with the power boost the Firebender get through a comet. However the Avatar manages to escape the extinction of the Airbender and vanishes for a hundret years by sealing himself in a sphere of ice. But finaly he is released and travels around the world to learn bending. In the end he can even stop the firenation and bring back peace. But strugles will continously arise and only the next Avatar will be able to bring back the peace for a longer time."

"But still a lot of people have to suffer and I hope you could prevent this. So my plan is to send you four in order to prevent the vanishing of the Avatar or to take the place of the Avatar if he still vanishes. Jiraiya would be the first of you in the new world. So he could raise you and guide you properly. Nagato, Yahiko and Konan your major task would be to help the Avatar. Do you agree or do you have any other suggestions?"

"No, I think you know better than us what is the best. But tell me, will we be able to use Jutsu and Chakra there like we used in our world? Or will we have to bend like everyone else in this world?" Jiraiya asked with a thoughtfull expression on his face.

"You should be able to use both hand seals and bending techniques. But it will be much harder for you to use Ninjutsu, because the energies in this new world are somehow different from the energies you had in your world. So you should find a way to mix both types in order to get stronger. This way you could end up even stronger than you were before (in Naruto Shippuden). But you won't have to much time training, at most 15 years. By that time Avatar Roku is supposed to die. Jiraiya, you should be 30 by then. But you will have to figure out a lot, so your progress will be much slower. Your duty would also be to raise the other three and look after them." "But can't you just let us be born earlier?" Yahiko asks. "I might be mighty but I am not omnipotent. Also the time you have should be enough."

"Furthermore I want you to give you some of my power to make sure that you will succeed.

Yahiko, you will be given the power of the 'black turtle'. You will have great talent in using water and earth both as a bender and a Shinobi. Also your defense will be quite high.

Konan, you are granted the power of the 'green dragon'. You will be able to influence wood and therefore also have control of paper. If you combine this with your paper jutsu, you are bound to be powerful. Furthermore you could maybe even be able to fly.

Jiraiya, you are connected with the power of the 'red phoenix'. Your talent to handle fire will greatly increase. Also you will have an incredible regenerative ability. Thus if you work hard, you might be able to fly too some day.

Nagato, you will be given the power of the 'white tiger'. You will be able to control metal and have an extreme offensive battle power. Also the 'white tiger' will increase your yin attribute. This is especially benefitting your Rinnegan, because the Sharingan and Rinnegan are both yin related Dojutsus (eye techniques). Furthermore you should be able to generate cold. So with your yin power you could for example freeze water and therefore creating ice."

"But how much of the power, that I will grant you, is usable by you depends on your training. If I gave you the power right a way, your bodies would be unable to cope with it and explode. To train your given abilities you should visit the tempel of your heavenly animal. Then your training speed should increase significantly."

"We understand, we won't fail you", promises everyone. Each of them is gratefull for the special gift they are about to receive, because they seem to fit each of them perfectly. "So, let's get startet." Says the old man while he claps his hands one time. When the clapping sound arrives at the doors, the painted animals come to life. They move towards the four and enter their body. Each of them feels that now a great power is slumbering in them. The sheer amount of energy, which they feel in them, shocks them.