

A few days later, in the woods on the outskirts of the Ling city of Ling country.

in the enter of the forest, guards are guarding and a woodcutter is approaching,

Guards: Go away go away! The ten young master is hunting and idlers are not allowed to approach.

The young master is coming setting on a lion.

guards: See the tenth young master...

[ Jisan Kamal, The tenth young master of the ling ten skills. 21 years. 2nd year of medicine at shark academy. His father is a present leader of Ling's country. the reason for absence from the academy is weak health]

Guard: Ten young masters, Those prisoners on death row have already been escorted over.

Jisan: This young master gives you a chance to live. If you can't be found by the prince, the prince will have someone remove the enchantment here and let you leave.

Prisoners look at ten young masters with fearful looks and trembling

Jisan: How? This master is a ghost. If the master hadn't caught you, You would have survived. An is extremely searched and caught, but you understand.

guards broke those Prisoner enchanted,

Jisan: well the game starts, you run away! I don't look at you. I count one to one hundred, and it starts!

Jisan closed his eyes and tell them

I don't look at you. I count one hundred and start!




Prince opens his eyes and glace at them,


the prisoner runs away and hides as fast as they can.

Jisan sits relaxed in the lion's body and whispers,

Where is the fun of playing ghost during the day? Wait until dark to stimulate. Jisan closed his eyes and smiled ...

sniff, sniff, sniff,

The smell of barbecue where it comes from?? Jan looks at the guards and asked them,

Which of you brought the barbecue? Why is it so fragrant?

Guards: If you go back young master, The subordinate didn't even bring it!

Jisan: This young master go and see that, you are waiting here! When there is no young master, don't run around...

guards: Yes

Jisan is leaving and the guards are looking at each other,

Guard X: Is it okay to send people to follow?

Guards Y: Do you dare to not listen to what the tenth young master said? If you have the guts to follow.

Jisan slowly goes to barbecue fragrance and thinking carefully,

But where does this fragrance come from? Those ten prisoners who escaped for their lives think that they have little time to escape. So they will no to do this. Could it be there are other people in this forest?

Over there!

Leonia sitting in the forest and eating a chicken leg Attentively. Jean is approaching Leonia and asked her,

Jean: Hello! Who are you?

Leonia: And who are you?

Jan looked at astonished Leonia

Jisan: You don't even know this young master? Let me tell you, this young master is Jisan Kamal. The tenth young master of Ling country.

Leonia: Oh! Tenth young master

JIsan: You haven't told this price what your name is!

Leonia: It's not you who said it. I have to say it.

Jan staring at Leonia eating a chicken leg

Jisan: What do you eat?

Leonia: Beggar chicken, try it. Have you ever eaten?

Jisan: All right since you invite this prince this prince will try it!

Jisan sit hurridly and take a bite of chicken leg .. and said

Tasty ...

Leonia: Of course, I baked it! Do you want to drink?k

Jisan: Drink!