
Play Tricks

Jisan take a bite of a chicken leg and asked Leo

Jisan: there is a curfew here, how did you get in?

Leonia: I was there when you didn't cast the curfew.

Jisan: then you are lucky, you have met me. Otherwise, you would not be able to get out. where are you from? Isn't it from our ling country ling city?

Leonia: it's not that I am from a seventh-class country.

Jisan: ah? Seventh country? That is a country with very small influence and strength, and it is far away from here. How can you, a person from a seventh-class country, come here?

Leo is: I am here to find someone.

Jisan: find someone? Did you find it? Do you want this young master to help you?

Leo: I found it, but I haven't. Thought of how to subdue people,

Jisan: it's simple, if you want to subdue the little brother, you just need to twist your fists and go directly to him!

Leo: oh? Solve it with fists? This is not good, is it?

Jisan: why not? they are all guys who bully the weak and fear the hard if they don't accept it they can just hit it, how easy is it?

Leo: I will think about it. By the way. What are you doing here?

Jisan: we are playing ghost hunting

Leo: ghost hunting?

Jisan: Do you want to play together? I am a ghost. There are ten death row prisoners in this forest, I let them go.

As long as they hide and pass me, there is a chance of survival. Otherwise ... he

also looked at chicken jean finished and said

Leo: oh?

(As expected, this baby face is really as it is said in the information. It is not a harmless and innocent boy. But being born into the royal family is nothing simple)

Leo: how can it be exciting to play ghost with people? If you want to play, you can play for real, dare you?

Jisan was shocked to hear about this and asked,

Jisan: where did the ghost come from playing for real?

Leo: I heard that there is a mass grave in Qingguoich is full of ghosts! However some have set up formation, so no one approaches them. There are all kinds of ghosts in that place but most of them are fierce ghosts, with fluttering white clothes, green and white fangs, and filtering will o the wisps.

Leo looked at Jisan fearfully looks and also asked

Leo: Well, it's even better if you go at night.

Jisan: Ah! Don't say it, don't say it. My goosebumps are up.

Leo: Thought you were not afraid?

Jisan: You, have you seen it?

Leo: Of course, I have seen it. Do you want to hear it?

Jisan: Then tell me what it's like to see a ghost.

then Leo started telling and Jisan looks with curiosity,

Leo: This matter will start from that night. It was a dark and stormy night, the motion. I go home alone.

The night is desolate and the wind is bleak. From a distance, I saw a child standing at the gate of the large courtyard. The child stood blankly at the door, noI going forward ...I saw that he suddenly turned around and used towards me!!

Jisan: Is he a ghost

Leo: He is not a ghost. But his grandparent's .father and mother are all ghosts. Because they were killed and their resentment persisted.


Jisan: are you really from a seventh-class country, are there people this kind of daring?

Leo winked and told, Maybe I am more fearful.