
Top 10 annoying shit in movies we all hate

Hello friends and welcome back to tea with me , your regular host cam is back here with another way to ruin your day.

Before we start I just wanna say thank you all for reading my book has 634 views and I am grateful for that..... okay I said it now can you take the gun off my head


Top 10 annoying shit in movies we all hate

I swear I am not stalling okay heheh ( if only I was funny😢 )


Now you see these phrases mostly in horror movies where a character asks who is there and I don't know if I'm the only one with a brain and everyone is just stupid ( no offense) But I'm pretty sure the killer ain't gonna fucking tell you where he or she is like what kid of response are you hoping for its a freaking horror movie 😒

sandy : hello?! IS ANYONE THERE

sandy: Hello?!

[ insert creaking noises]

sandy: hello....


[ insert heavy breathing]

sandy: AHAAAAaaaah

killer : oh hey I'm in the kitchen, want a sandwich?

Like.... bruh what kind of response are you looking for its dumb 💀

2. Over exaggeration of problems

I'm not the only one that feels like being 6 foot 1 inches is a life problem. I've seen girls 7 feet in heels ( totally not referring to tall girl ) but you get my point like , I'm pretty sure the problem isn't your feelings for her its the girl herself. I feel like Bella choice of boys isn't the best ( twilight) . first there is Jacob who never seems to wear a shirt and then Edward is gonna go naked at graduation day , I think I see a pattern here . Like zombies 2 ( Disney movie so it obviously gonna shit) they get new were wolves and the anti monster rules are back on so the zombies can't go to prom but they are all free to roam the city... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME 😒

I'm pretty sure prom isn't gonna stop people from getting hurt and instead of them to face the real problem they are blinded by their " love " and want to go to prom together....😶


We all knew i was too lazy to finish this list so a part two will be coming out too

peace out mfs ✌👀👄