
TBBT: Rajesh’s Rebirth (The Big Bang Theory)

On a morning that was meant to be like any other but destined to be extraordinary, Rajesh Koothrappali awakens in a world that is both familiar and uncannily new to him. To the sound of an unfamiliar alarm and under the soft light of dawn, he finds himself disoriented, not just by the space surrounding him but also by the unusual sensation of an internal presence that does not belong to him. Rajesh, a talented but socially inhibited astrophysicist, is thrust into a surreal experience where the memories of David, a confident and charismatic American, begin to merge with his own, triggering an unexpected transformation. This introspective journey leads Rajesh to a crossroads between his old identity and the new persona emerging from this peculiar synthesis of souls. With the predominance of his original essence, Raj discovers confidence and charm he never knew he possessed, accompanied by newfound abilities and desires. As he struggles to adapt to this rebirth, he finds himself in front of the mirror, not just confronting the image of a changed man but also the reflection of his fading insecurities. Determined to redefine his life, Rajesh embarks on a quest not just for self-discovery but also for a complete overhaul of his existence. From updating his wardrobe to embody his newfound confidence to exploring relationships and opportunities that were once beyond his wildest dreams, Rajesh sets out to live a life that is a vibrant tapestry of experiences, emboldened by the memories and skills of David. “Rajesh’s Rebirth” is a story of metamorphosis, chronicling the extraordinary transformation of a man who, awakened by the fusion of two souls, endeavors to live beyond the confines of his previous self, embracing the vast array of possibilities that life has to offer. . . . A/N: THE MC DOES NOT KNOW THE PLOT First of all, Rajesh will have a turnaround in his personality, perhaps the first episodes will be more focused on group dynamics, but later I want to delve more into Rajesh’s personal life. I aim to present him in a different light; I’ve always liked taking characters who were labeled as “bad” and turning them into something more, so I plan to do the same here. Remember, this fanfic is purely a slice of life, no action or anything else you might be thinking of. It’s about comedy, following the parameters of the original series. I’ll try to create new dynamics among the characters, aiming to keep them as close as possible to their original personalities. I created this Fanfic because I never liked how Rajesh was portrayed in the series. He was a person who always struggled with everything. As a good author, I wanted to bring a different perspective. What if Rajesh was a Bad Boy?

Worldofimagination · TV
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18 Chs

Rajesh’s encounter

Raj: (Adjusting the camera, smiling confidently) Hello, Mom, Dad.

Raj's Dad: Rajesh, son, we're so happy to see you well. But we need to talk about something important… it's time for you to think about marriage.

Raj's Mom: Yes, dear. You're not getting any younger, and we want to see you settled, happy.

Raj: (Keeping calm and confident) Mom, Dad, I understand your concern. But I really want to find someone on my own, I'm not ready for an arranged marriage.

Raj's Dad: (Looking disappointed, but understanding) We understand, Rajesh. We only want the best for you.

Raj's Mom: (Excited) Well, speaking of which, do you remember Lalita? The Gupta's daughter?

Raj: (Surprised and curious) Lalita? Of course, I remember. We used to play together when we were kids. How is she?

Raj's Mom: She's doing very well. And believe it or not, she's single. We thought…

Raj: (Interrupting, interested) Wait, are you suggesting that Lalita and I…?

Raj's Dad: Yes, we spoke with her parents. They would be happy to arrange a meeting for you two. Just to see if there's a spark.

Raj: (Thoughtful, but visibly excited) Well, this is… interesting. You know, I always liked Lalita. Maybe seeing her again isn't such a bad idea.

Raj's Mom: (Relieved and happy) Oh, that's wonderful, dear! We'll arrange everything. It will be casual, just for you two to reconnect.

Raj: (With a confident smile) Okay, let's do it. But, just for the record, this doesn't mean I'm agreeing to an arranged marriage.

Raj's Dad: (Laughing) Of course, Rajesh. One step at a time.

Raj: (Smiling) Thank you, Mom, Dad. I… am really looking forward to this.




Raj is standing in front of his mirror, trying out his best smile, while Leonard, Howard, and Sheldon, armed with unsolicited opinions and snacks, make Raj's couch look like a reality show jury panel.

Raj: (practicing poses) "What do you guys think? Does this smile say 'I'm a mysterious and fascinating man', or just 'I have something stuck in my teeth'?"

Leonard: "Definitely something in the teeth. Maybe try less… effort."

Sheldon, focused on his laptop, doesn't look up.

Sheldon: "Interesting. Did you know that a 2008 study found that genuine smiles are more attractive than forced attempts? Raj, maybe you should think about differential equations; it always makes you smile."

Howard: (with a mischievous smile) "Or just imagine Lalita is a differential equation you're about to solve."

Raj laughs, shaking his head, as he grabs his leather jacket, the final piece that completes his 'astrophysicist who doesn't take everything too seriously' look.

Raj: "Don't worry, guys. When it comes to talking to women, I'm like a… what's it called? Oh, yes, an 'expert'."

Penny: (entering the apartment) "An expert, huh? That's new. Guess I missed the class on how turning 'watching physics documentaries' into irresistible charm."

The room bursts into laughter as Raj shrugs, displaying a charming confidence.

Raj: "Penny, Penny, Penny, when you have natural charm like mine, there's no need for documentaries. Plus, this time, I have a plan."

Penny's skeptical look only makes Raj smile more.

Raj: "You see, the plan is simple: unshakeable charm, cunning intelligence, and, if all else fails, a serenade at the piano in the bar. How could anyone resist such an irresistible combination?"

Sheldon: "Statistically, piano serenades increase romantic potential by 17%, assuming the execution is at least mediocre."

Raj: (grabbing his keys) "So, that's it. Brace yourselves to witness the redefinition of 'romantic success'. Sheldon, keep the couch warm for me; I'll return a hero."

Exiting his apartment, Raj leaves his friends in a mix of admiration and amusement. He may not have the entire game of a classic conqueror, but he sure has the humor and self-confidence to make the evening interesting.

Howard: "This is going to be epic. One way or another."

After Raj's theatrical exit, the apartment plunges into brief silence. The friends' gazes converge, a tacit understanding forming among them. The suggestion doesn't need to be vocalized, but Howard, unable to resist, breaks the silence with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Howard: "So… are we following him?"

Leonard, hesitant, adjusts his glasses, considering the moral and ethical implications of such an endeavor.

Leonard: "I don't know, guys. Isn't that a bit… stalkerish?"

Sheldon, always the rational one, tilts his head, pondering the proposition.

Sheldon: "Interesting. From a scientific viewpoint, we could consider this a field study on human social behavior under romantic pressure. Of course, for purely academic purposes."

Penny, crossing her arms and shaking her head with an ironic smile, knew the group's dynamics well enough to know where this was heading.

Penny: "Oh, sure, 'purely academic'. You just want to see if Raj will make it or do something ridiculously funny."

Howard stands up, excited by the idea, and heads towards the door.

Howard: "Exactly! And who would want to miss that? Plus, if he starts playing the piano and singing, I don't want to hear only Raj's version of how amazing it was. I want to see people's faces!"

Leonard, still reluctant but unable to contain his own curiosity and concern for his friend, sighs and agrees.

Leonard: "Alright, but if we get caught, we're just there to… get a drink. Total coincidence."

Sheldon, already heading towards the door with a determined walk, adds:

Sheldon: "Excellent. And, if necessary, we can always use the excuse of a failed social experiment. Now, we should maintain an optimal observational distance to avoid detection and ensure uncontaminated data."

Penny rolls her eyes, amused and resigned to the group's decision.

Penny: "This is going to be hilarious. I'm in, but just for the record, this is totally stalker behavior."




Lalita Gupta enters the bar, immediately capturing all eyes. Her long, dark hair is styled in perfect waves that fall to the middle of her back, reflecting the soft light of the environment. Her eyes, deep and lively, display a captivating mix of intelligence and a hint of mischief, framed by dense lashes that lend depth to her gaze.

She wears an emerald green dress that wraps her in an aura of natural charm. The fabric of the dress gracefully hugs her curves, while the subtle neckline and the hem that ends just above the knees add a touch of refined boldness. The vibrant green of the dress perfectly complements her golden skin tone, enhancing her exotic beauty.

Lalita meets Raj with a smile that seems to light up the entire bar. Raj, displaying a confident posture that speaks volumes about how far he's come, greets Lalita with a genuine smile.

Lalita: "Raj, look at you! Who would have thought the shy boy who could barely speak in front of girls would transform into this charming and… daring man?"

Raj: (laughing lightly, a bit embarrassed) "Oh, Lalita, please, let's not dig up that dark past of mine. I prefer to think I was a… diamond in the rough."

Lalita: (still smiling) "A diamond, huh? Well, it looks like someone did a good job polishing. But seriously, I can hardly believe it. You were so… How do I put it? Quiet."

Raj: "Quiet is a kind way to put it. I'd say more 'mute as a statue', especially around someone as radiant as you. But look, times change, and apparently, so do I."

Lalita: "It's true. You've changed a lot. Now, you not only speak, but you also radiate this… confidence. What happened?"

Raj smiles, appreciating the opportunity to revisit the past with Lalita, but wanting to keep the tone light.

Raj: "Ah, you know, a bit of exposure to terrifying social situations, a touch of desperation… And, of course, friends who never let you forget every embarrassing moment of your life. But let's talk more about you. You've always been the star, shining bright. Tell me, has that glow only increased?"

Lalita: "So, that glow you mentioned… I think it's more about finding my own path, you know? Just like you. By the way, I heard you've become a renowned astrophysicist. That's incredible!"

Raj: "Ah, renowned is a strong word. Let's just say I have my moments under the stars."

Lalita laughs, shaking her head at Raj's humorous self-deprecation.

Lalita: "That in itself is quite an achievement. Who would have imagined? Raj Koothrappali, the talkative one."

Raj: "Yes, it's a new era. But seriously, Lalita, I've always admired how you were always ahead, even when we were kids. It seems you've found your way to shine even brighter."

The conversation takes a deeper turn, with both sharing dreams and challenges faced over the years. Between stories of the past and hopes for the future, the bond between them strengthens, enriched by humor and sincerity.

Lalita: "And to think about all the high school drama… Now it seems so small, doesn't it?"

Raj: "Totally. Except for my 'dark drama' of not being able to talk to girls. That was big. Monumental, I'd say."

Lalita: (with a playful smile) "Well, it looks like you've more than made up for it now. I'm impressed, Raj. Seriously, I never thought I'd say this, but you… you've become quite interesting."

Raj: "Interesting, huh? I'll take that as a compliment coming from you. But, if I may be so bold, you've always been fascinating to me, Lalita."

The light flirting between them, tempered with mutual respect and a sprinkle of humor, makes the evening even more delightful. As the bar begins to empty and the last song plays softly in the background, both realize that this reunion might be the beginning of something new and exciting.

Raj: "So, Lalita, what do you say about exploring what this 'new era' has in store for us? Who knows, we might discover some new constellations… or at least a new favorite restaurant?"

Lalita: "I'd say I'm ready for that adventure, Raj. With you leading the way, I'm sure it will be an interesting journey."

As the evening progresses and their conversations deepen, the atmosphere in the bar subtly shifts. A slow song begins to play, soft and enveloping, capturing the attention of everyone present. The bar host, sensing the romantic mood setting in, decides to make an announcement.

Host: "Ladies and gentlemen, the next song is for the lovebirds. We invite you to join us here at the front for a dance."

Raj, inspired by the moment and feeling a bubbling courage, turns to Lalita with a sparkle in his eyes.

Raj: "Lalita, would you do me the honor of this dance?"

Lalita, surprised but clearly delighted by the invitation, accepts Raj's outstretched hand.

Lalita: "With you leading, Raj? How could I refuse?"

As the soft and enveloping music fills the bar, Raj and Lalita make their way to the dance floor, an air of anticipation between them. The soft lighting of the venue illuminates their faces as they begin to dance, a meaningful exchange of looks marking the start of a memorable moment.

Raj, with a flicker of confidence and a conspiratorial smile, extends his hand to Lalita.

Raj: "So, Lalita, ready to relive prom, but without the teenage awkwardness and 100% less acne?"

Lalita: (laughing as she accepts his hand) "Only if you promise not to step on my feet this time, 'Mr. Lead Feet'."

They begin to dance, Raj surprisingly agile, guiding Lalita with a finesse that defies their past experiences. With each step and turn, their connection grows, flowing as naturally as the music that surrounds them.

Raj: (while dancing) "See, I've been practicing. Took an online course called 'Dancing Without Disaster: How Not to Be a Hazard on the Dance Floor'."

Lalita: "That explains the newfound skill. Though I do miss your old 'clumsy charm'."

Their dance becomes a blend of graceful steps and moments of laughter, as Raj insists on adding dramatically over-the-top moves, making the experience more fun than technically perfect.

Raj: "And for my next trick, the infamous double twirl. Ready to defy gravity?"

Lalita: (with a look of feigned terror) "Only if you're prepared to catch me. I don't want to end the night as the first casualty of the 'Raj double twirl'."

Predictably, the "double twirl" ends up being more of a clumsy, spinning hug, leaving them laughing and a bit dizzy. As the music comes to a close, they embrace, sharing a moment of genuine joy and connection.

Raj: "Look at that, no feet were harmed in the making of this dance. I consider that a roaring success."

Lalita: (smiling) "I'd call it a success… strangely charming. You really surprised me, Raj."

From the Friends' POV.

As Raj and Lalita headed for the dance floor, Leonard, Howard, Sheldon, and Penny, gathered discreetly at the back of the bar, watched with a mix of anticipation and mild skepticism.

Leonard: (whispering) "Ok, who had 'Raj becomes Fred Astaire' on the surprise bingo for tonight?"

Howard: (with an ironic smile) "Definitely not me. I was betting more on 'Raj trips over his own feet'."

Sheldon: (analyzing the situation) "Statistically, the likelihood of disaster was high. This is a significant deviation from prior data-based expectations."

Penny: (chuckling softly) "Shhh, look! He's actually doing really well. Who knew Raj had those moves?"

As Raj and Lalita began to dance, their fluid and coordinated movements defied any prior expectation. Raj, in particular, exhibited a grace his friends had rarely, if ever, witnessed.

Leonard: "Wow, I'm… impressed. And slightly scared. Raj has secrets."

The attempt at a "double twirl" by Raj elicits muffled laughter from the group, but it's the obvious joy and chemistry between him and Lalita that captures their attention.

Howard: "I guess I'll have to update my impression of Raj. From 'talking statue' to 'Dancing Don Juan'."

Sheldon: "I believe this observation warrants a revision of my paper on the unpredictability of human behavior under the influence of affection."

As the music ends and Raj and Lalita return to their table, the group decides to continue observing from a distance, not wanting to interrupt the moment. They exchange looks of complicity and a silent acknowledgment that perhaps they had all underestimated Raj's ability to surprise them.

Leonard: "Well, I think we owe Raj a drink for that performance."

Howard: "Agreed. And maybe a round of applause."

After sharing a moment of dance with Lalita, Raj feels the night still holds room for one more surprise. With a nod to Lalita, indicating the best was yet to come, he confidently approaches the bar host.

Raj: (to the host) "Do you think I could have a moment at the piano? I have something special in mind, and I promise it will be brief."

The host, familiar with Raj from karaoke nights and curious to see what he had planned, nods with a smile.

With permission granted, Raj approaches the microphone with almost theatrical calmness. He looks out at the audience and then at Lalita, giving her a reassuring smile.

Raj: (into the microphone) "Good evening, everyone. I promise not to take much of your time. I just wanted to share a little surprise with a very special friend who's here with me tonight. And, who knows, maybe bring a little more melody to our evening."

He then sits at the piano, the lights softly focused on him, creating an intimate setting. The first notes float across the bar, capturing the attention of everyone. There's nothing cheesy or forced about his approach; just the genuine intent to make the night memorable.

Raj: (continuing, after the first notes) "This is for anyone who's ever reconnected with someone special. May the good memories always resonate louder."

🎵Journey - Don't stop believin🎵

Raj (singing): 🎶Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world🎶

🎶She took the midnight train going anywhere🎶

🎶Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit🎶

🎶He took the midnight train going anywhere🎶

(Pausing, he began to strum on each key of the piano, bringing a lively vibe to the place.)

The friends, witnessing the moment from afar, feel a mix of pride and surprise.

Leonard: (whispering) "I never thought I'd say this, but Raj is really killing it."

🎶A corner in a smoky room, the smell of wine and cheap perfume.🎶

🎶For a smile, they can share the night.🎶

🎶It goes on and on and on and on!🎶

🎶And it goes on and on and on and on!🎶

🎶Strangers waiting,🎶

🎶Up and down the boulevard.🎶

🎶Their shadows searching in the night.🎶




🎶Don't stop believin'

🎶Hold on to that feelin'

🎶Streetlights, people

🎶Don't stop believin'

🎶Hold on

🎶Streetlights, people

🎶Don't stop believin'

🎶Hold on to that feelin'

🎶Streetlights, people

After Raj's vibrant performance ended, the entire bar was engulfed in applause.

The atmosphere was one of pure celebration, with the music having bridged the gap between everyone present.

As Raj thanked the audience, from a corner of the bar, a woman, clearly moved by the spirit of the performance and wanting to mark the moment with a dramatic and humorous gesture, decided to throw a bra towards the stage. The piece flew through the air, landing softly near the piano, a comedic tribute to classic rock performances.

Raj: (picking up the bra with a smile and raising it in the air) "It seems our night has reached true rock show status. Thank you, miss, for this… ah, 'compliment'."

The bar exploded into another round of laughter and applause, the gesture being received with the light humor it was intended. Raj, tossing the bra back with a theatrical gesture and a graceful nod to the woman, continued to laugh along with everyone.

Lalita: (laughing, as she welcomed Raj back to the table) "Well, it seems you've definitely made your mark tonight. How does it feel to be the newest rock sensation?"

Raj: (still laughing, sitting down) "Ah, I knew my music career would have its highs. But I never imagined it would include collecting lingerie during performances. Maybe I should reconsider this astrophysics business."

Lalita: "You know, I was a bit apprehensive about what tonight would be like. But now, I can honestly say it was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had."

Raj: "I was nervous too, you know? Didn't know if I could play well or if people would like it. But that moment… with the bra," he paused, laughing, "it just showed how unpredictable and wonderful life can be."

In another corner of the bar, Raj's friends continued to watch, now blending more easily with the rest of the crowd, their conversations revolving around Raj's performance and how far he had come.

Howard: "I have to admit, I never expected Raj to be able to turn a night at the bar into a memorable show."

Penny: "Yeah, and that part with the bra was the icing on the cake. Raj definitely has a new story to tell."

Howard: "I'm so jealous…"

Sheldon: "Interesting how a common object can become a cultural artifact in specific contexts. I wonder if…"

Leonard: (interrupting) "Sheldon, maybe we can save the anthropological analysis of the bra for another time. Let's just appreciate that our friend rocked the stage tonight."

Raj: (toasting with Lalita) "To the unpredictability of life and the surprises it holds. May we always find joy in the unexpected moments."

Lalita: "And may we continue to create memories as beautiful as tonight. To our friendship, Raj."

As the night drew to a close, the vibrant energy of the bar began to settle, and the last chords of music faded into the air. Raj and Lalita, now in a quieter corner, shared one last moment together, wrapped in the serenity that followed the storm of laughter and music.

Lalita: "Raj, I… I need to tell you something. I have to go back to my city tomorrow. This night was amazing, and I didn't want it to end without…"

Raj: "I didn't want this night to end either, Lalita. But I understand. And hey, this doesn't mean it's goodbye, right?"

Lalita: (with a soft smile) "Of course not. Actually, I was hoping… Could you call me? Maybe we can plan something… special. Something just for us."

Raj: (with a smile) "I would love that, Lalita. I'll call you, and we'll plan something that makes this night seem just the beginning."

Then, in a tender and meaningful gesture, Lalita approached Raj, placing her hands around his neck. She leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.

Lalita: "See you soon, Raj. I'm looking forward to our… something special."

After Lalita's departure, Raj turned around to find, to his surprise, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Penny watching him, a look of shared amusement among them.

Raj: (somewhat surprised) "Oh, you were… here the whole time?"

Leonard: "Yeah, we saw the performance and the… grand finale."

Sheldon: "Interesting. However, I question the scientific basis of the human mating behavior demonstrated."

Penny: (smiling, encouraging) "It was really beautiful, Raj."

Howard: "So, Raj, when are you going to release your manual on how to win over women with science? Asking for a friend."
