
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Bücher und Literatur
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59 Chs



I hadn't even ascended the steps when the grand double doors swung open with a resounding thud. Standing proudly in the center of the entranceway was a little girl, her hands resting on her hips in a scolding manner. An indescribable expression played across her face—part scowl, part excitement, and joy peeking through her facade.

With that same half-scowl, half-delighted expression, she gracefully descended the stairs and slammed the crown of her head into my gut.

Reacting swiftly, I lifted my arms to shield Sylvie, but I couldn't save myself from the force that knocked the wind out of me.

For a moment, silence enveloped us as I gently stroked Ellie's hair, her face still nestled against my chest.

"Welcome back," she mumbled.

"Sorry?" I attempted to pry my sister off me, but she clung tighter, refusing to let go. Ellie looked up at me, her eyes red and filled with tears, clinging to me like a baby koala. "I said welcome back, Big Brother."

"Thank you, Ellie. It's good to be back," I replied with a warm smile. "Now, how about you release your grip on me?"

"That depends," she narrowed her almond-shaped eyes, "are you going to leave again?"

Chuckling, I shook my head. "No, I'm not going anywhere."

"In that case..." she let go, quickly wiping away her tears with her sleeve. She looked at me once more, this time with a livelier expression. "Come on, let's go inside!"


The sound of my mother's voice jolted me back to reality. She and my father rushed forward, their faces filled with relief and joy.

My father, his aging body still retaining a muscular build, scooped me up with a bright grin.

"My boy!" he exclaimed, his face beaming. "You haven't grown a bit!"

"Your beard, on the other hand, seems to have grown longer, old man. Trying to match the wrinkles on your face?" I smirked, wrapping my arm around my father's neck.

"Hey! That's my husband you're teasing!" my mom scolded, as my father gently set me back down. "Now, come here."

My mom enveloped me in a warm embrace, her arms providing a sense of comfort. As she released me, I could see the struggle in her eyes as she fought back tears.

"Sorry for worrying you," I said, a tinge of guilt in my voice as I observed her teary eyes.

Sniffing back a sob, she looked up, quickly wiping away a stray tear before mustering a smile. "You take after your father, you know? Always finding trouble, always giving me sleepless nights. When the ring activated..."

My father draped his arm around my mom's shoulder, pulling her closer. "Your mother couldn't sleep for days after the ring activated. We knew you wouldn't go down so easily, but that didn't stop us from worrying."

"I'm sorry for causing you so much worry," I repeated, feeling a pang of remorse in my chest.

"Fortunately, the Guild Hall updated the status on the masked swordsman, Note, and mentioned that you and your party arrived safely at the branch near the Beast Glades," my dad continued, playfully tousling my hair with his free hand.

Ellie, who had been hiding behind dad, peered out from behind him.

"It seems like I've done nothing but cause trouble for all of you," I said with a wry smile before looking at Ellie. "I'm sorry, Ellie, for being away for so long and for making Mom and Dad cry."

"I forgive you," Ellie sniffled, seeking refuge once again behind our father.

"Worrying for their children is a parent's job," my mom reassured. "And don't worry about Ellie. She's been waiting by the window all day ever since your friend Elijah arrived with Jasmine."

"Mom!" Ellie gasped. "That was supposed to be a secret!"

My little sister clung tightly to our mother, making her surrender as laughter filled the air.

"I suppose that's my cue," Elijah chimed in from the top of the staircase leading to the second floor. My newfound friend had been patiently waiting for our family reunion to conclude alongside Vincent and Tabitha.

"Took you long enough to get here. Did you take a detour before arriving?" I joked, giving him a playful grin. "Where's Jasmine, by the way?"

"She already returned with the Twin Horns," he answered, removing his glasses and wiping them with his shirt.

"Arthur Leywin, the prodigal son returns!" Vincent exclaimed, slapping my back as he enveloped me in a tight bear hug.

"We're glad you're back safely, Arthur," Tabitha added, pulling me into a comforting hug, her lavender scent enveloping me.

"So, you're back as well," a familiar voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to see Jude entering the house, his emerald gaze sweeping over our gathering before a warm smile graced his face.

"Jude!" my mother and Ellie exclaimed, rushing toward him.

"I'm fine, Mother," he assured them, wrapping his arms around the two of them.

"If you're looking for Lily, she's not here," Vincent grinned mischievously, while Tabitha rolled her eyes at him.

"She got accepted into Xyrus Academy. She started attending last fall," Tabitha filled me in.

"Wow," I beamed.

After we were ushered into the adjoining room, we delved into a discussion about my adventures as an adventurer and Jude's training within the royal family.

To spare my family any unnecessary worry, I omitted certain details—exchanging a knowing glance with Elijah when skipping over Lucas's betrayal. However, aside from those omissions, I made sure to recount the events to the best of my ability.

My sister, seated cross-legged on the couch opposite me, with Sylvie curled up and slumbering in her lap, had wide eyes throughout the storytelling. Her gaze practically sparkled with fascination as I shared the fantastical tale of our dungeon expedition with Elijah. Yet, it wasn't only Ellie who became captivated by the story.

The entire audience seemed spellbound as Elijah seamlessly continued the narrative on my behalf, recounting how I had triumphed over the elder wood guardian. Skepticism filled the room until I finally produced the beast core, forcing them to swallow their doubts. All eyes stared in awe at the dull green orb, slightly smaller than my fist.

"Speaking of cores, Dad, what stage are you at?" I inquired.

A proud smile graced my father's face as he responded, "I recently broke through to the dark yellow stage. And what about you?"

I replied, "I have finally surpassed you. I am at the light yellow stage."

Everyone seemed to take the news in stride.

"What about you, Jude?" I turned my attention to my brother. A playful smirk danced upon his lips as he answered, "High silver stage."

The room fell silent. Stunned expressions mirrored on everyone's faces.

High silver stage?

Wasn't that just one level below the mythical white stage?

"You truly are a prodigy, Jude," my father broke the silence, his voice filled with admiration.

The others mumbled something similar while Elijah was looking up to Jude as if he was a deity.

Jude proceeded to recount his days at the palace before coming to Tessia, adding, "I also had the pleasure of meeting my little brother's elven girlfriend he made back in Elenoir~"

"Which girlfriend?" my mother interjected, her head snapping in my direction, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Before I could respond, my brother's grin widened. "The princess. Arthur aims high."

A crimson flush spread across my face as I hastily clarified, "Tessia and I aren't dating or anything, we're just childhood friends."

Jude couldn't resist teasing me further, remarking, "You should make a move, Arthur. She'll likely have many suitors soon~"

After Jude's playful banter about my relationship with Tessia subsided, the conversation shifted to Elijah. He had briefly introduced himself to everyone before my arrival, leaving out the details. I proceeded to explain to my family, as well as Helstea's wife and husband, that Elijah was not only a close friend but also the benefactor who had saved both Jasmine's life and mine.

"How would you all feel about sponsoring Elijah's education at Xyrus Academy, alongside Jude and me?" I proposed.

Vincent's eyes gleamed mischievously behind his glasses as he responded with a grin, "I'll have to negotiate with Director Cynthia to make some time, but I don't see why not! The stories I've heard today have piqued my interest. The inner businessman in me is excited."

I engaged in further conversation with my younger sister, addressing her curiosity about Sylvie's changed appearance and her slumber. After explaining that Sylvie was tired from our recent adventure, I realized just how drained I felt as well.

"Mom, Aunt Tabitha, I think I'll retire with Elijah and Jude as well. I'm quite weary from the journey," I admitted.

"Of course. Don't forget to freshen up before bed," my mother advised, her smile warm and understanding. Elijah respectfully bid everyone a good night, and we began to make our way upstairs.

"Goodnight, Brothers! Goodnight, Elijah!" Ellie's voice chimed in, carefully handing me my bond as we ascended.

As we entered my room, I instructed Elijah, "You go ahead and freshen up first; I'll take a moment to organize my belongings."

My room featured two beds, so Jude claimed one for himself while Elijah and I shared the other.

"Why do you get a bed to yourself, Jude?" I questioned, a hint of playfulness in my tone.

"Because I am the strongest," he retorted with a smirk, settling into his chosen spot. "And don't worry, Arthur. If you're afraid to come out of the closet, I won't judge."

I rolled my eyes at his teasing. "There's nothing to come out of, Jude," I replied, mimicking his confident posture as I too climbed into bed. Elijah placed a pillow barrier between us, eliciting a playful comment from me.

"But Arthur," Jude interjected, his tone turning more serious, "Don't forget about Tessia, okay?"

Rather than dignifying his remark with a response, I chose to ignore him and let sleep overtake me, my thoughts drifting away from his words.