
TBATE┃The Long War.

"This boy... You shall be my successor, you can't understand me now, but you must be prepared for the days to come. My mistakes have placed a great burden upon you and I won't be able to save you this time... Find the Sins, absorb their power or create a team strong enough for you to win the war... It does not matter which option you choose... Goodbye, Osiris."

DhRuV · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

LW - 1.

Before you start reading I want to let you know that this story is my very first one, I'm not even in high school yet writing this, so I don't have much experience in storytelling but I felt like I should start somewhere and this was the Idea I had in mind, there will most definitely be a whole bunch of mistakes and seemingly repeating issues and for that, I apologize in advance. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my story.


Opening my eyes, I was met with nothing but darkness, no source of light was in sight. I felt like I would be sucked into this darkness if I kept looking into it, but the weird part was that the more I looked into it, the more it felt like something was watching me.

"What the hell happened?" I asked to no one in particular, looking in all directions I couldn't see a single thing I couldn't hear anything either, and in my opinion, that's worse than not being able to see, seemingly having your world on mute is like hell for me.

"Argh!" I covered my eyes as a bright white light shone upon me, it was so bright that it was starting to break through my pale white arms, it felt like this light would burn me up at any second, but the temperature stopped rising and I was left with a warm feeling running across my body.

The light started dimming, noticing this, I slowly lowered my arms to face what the light had brought.

A giant white wheel with multiple divided sections was currently in place of where the light descended, I was dumbfounded, I thought it would be a ROB or God maybe, but it seems my luck isn't so bright.

'I don't even know what happened, but I'm guessing I'm dead? That seems more logical than me just waking up here I guess...' I mentally commented, heaving a heavy sigh at the thought of dying without knowing how I looked up to the wheel and read its options.


Cursed Energy.


Sage art.



Fire Manipulation.

Light Manipulation.

Earth Manipulation.

Water Manipulation.

Ice Manipulation.

Darkness Manipulation.}

Reading these options got me a bit excited as well as confused, I had no idea what was going on, I may have been a 16-year-old boy but I wasn't one to lock myself in my room to read and watch anime all the time, I only read a few novels and one manga but never finished it.

'Am... Am I supposed to spin it or something? What if it lands on nothing? Would I just be thrown somewhere or something?' I mentally mused, floating in place and not moving was the only thing I did for the next few minutes or hours? I don't know I can't tell how long I've been in here since there's no sun.

"Haaah, fine whatever. It's not like I have anything to lose." I then walked or more exactly floated to the wheel and placed my hand on the lever, pulling down I closed my eyes and hoped I got something good.





My eyes shot open as I heard a loud explosion, my gaze shot all over the empty void, looking for the cause of the sound but was pulled out of my searching by a loud DING! That came from the wheel.

{Ice Manipulation.} Was the power it landed on, my eyes shot open as my nonexistent heartbeat sped up, my face formed an excited smile as I shot my arms in the air to celebrate.

"Holy hell! My luck is insane!" My eyes lit up as I stared at the wheel in front of me with anticipation and greed, I lifted my left hand and once more spun the wheel, I noticed that the number in the middle of the wheel went down by one point, it was now left at 1.

'Huh? Is that how many times I can spin or something?' I thought while rubbing my nonexistent chin. Kind of ashamed that I thought about something so obvious for so long...

But anyway.

The wheel soon stopped once more with a loud DING, my eyes lifted with anxiousness, my insides were immediately filled with the feeling of giddiness and excitement.

{Darkness Manipulation.}

I didn't wait for a single second longer and immediately spun the wheel once more and watched as the name in the middle changed each passing second, until it started slowing down and stopped at,

{Mild Strength Enhancer + Perfect Copy. PERMANENT, PASSIVE!} My eyes lowered with disappointment before they lit up once more with excitement.

"Strength enhancer? That means I shouldn't have to worry about working out, right? That would definitely reduce the amount of time I would need in order to be able to start exploring or whatever is going to happen to me... Perfect Copy? I've never heard of this ability before..." I muttered with my hand on my forehead.



My full attention was once more pulled towards another loud bang, but this time it was a giant gate-like thing, it was stone and in an oval shape, it had a giant wooden log in the middle along with a handle, there was a sign on top of it that read.

"The Beginning After The End."

I stared at the sign with confusion as I racked my brain for something along those lines, my eyebrows started furrowing as I still couldn't remember what the hell 'The Beginning After The End.' is.

'Tbate... Tbate... AH! It's that one story with the red head kid right? I didn't finish that story though... I only read up until he got back from his adventuring... Argh, this is going to be a little annoying going into a world that I barely know.' I noted with a sigh, my head lowered as I thought of all the possible dangers and adventures I would have in this world.

My face formed an excited smile as I was sucked into the gate that was now opening with a giant white light.

'Well, let's see what this world has to offer for me!'