
Taste of Love.

"I've had a taste of love, and now I never want to stop loving you." My smile faltered slightly, and a tear dropped from my eyes. "No, we can't be together. I can't put my baby in danger." ---------------------------- Kehlani is a 20-year-old woman from England. She finds out that the man she called dad wasn't who she thought he was but she doesn't let that deter her from loving her family with all her heart and letting people who she thought would not be in her life anymore back in. But what will she do when letting certain people in her life causes someone to hate her and their goal is to make Kehlani's life miserable? Liam is a 22-year-old man who lived in England most of his life but originated from Italy. To others, he seemed like a man who had to do what was necessary to get whatever he desired but he only wanted one person who he thought he couldn't get. Kehlani. She brought out the best in him but he made a mistake that caused them to part ways. However, Liam is determined to get her because she was the one who gave him a taste of love.

peentaker · Teenager
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40 Chs

"But they're blood."

Chapter 16

I sighed heavily and ran a hand through my messy curls. I hated feeling powerless. It reminded me of the time that I had to do things to save my family and right now I'd hate for that family to be disappointed in me.

I stepped away from Liam and walked off into my room without talking to him. I knew it confused him but I didn't want him to see me cry. I just wanted to be alone.

I walked to my bed and sat down at the edge with my head in my hands. A silent sob racked through my body and my body shook. A stream of tears rolled down my cheeks, and I sniffed. I slowly wiped my tears and composed myself so no one would ask why I cried.

I stared at the beige ceiling, my mind was clouded with thoughts and worries. I wanted to talk to my brother, but I was scared about how he'd react. I didn't want him to be disappointed in me, that was the last thing I wanted.

Once I had finished crying, I picked my phone up and sent Kaiden a text telling him to come upstairs and he had replied by saying that he'd be up soon. I fiddled with my necklace, a sign that I was nervous and scared.

A knock came from the other side of the door then it slowly pushed open. Once Kaiden stepped in, he just walked up to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I love you, K." he gave me a kiss on the cheek and pulled away.

I wiped my tear-streaked face and smiled weakly at him and patted the spot next to me.

"You know 3 years ago when I came home with a huge bruise on my cheek?" Kaiden nodded without speaking "I had to sleep with someone to protect you and mum and Karrie. This man said he'd hurt you three and 2 other people if I didn't do what he said, obviously I didn't want innocent people to get hurt so I had sex with him."

"W-What? You could've told me and we could've told someone Kehlani. I thought you trusted me." his green eyes filled up with tears and he averted his eyes.

"I trust you Kaiden, and I also know that you'd do anything to protect me including telling the police and that would put all of you in more danger. I now know that the other 2 people were Kayleigh and dad and we may not have known them for long but they're blood and I'd do everything to protect them." My voice came out strong but inside I was shitting myself.

"Were you a virgin?"

"No. A few days before, I got a text saying what I had to do, so I slept with Liam. I didn't want a stranger to be my first, so I gave my virginity to someone I trusted and loved." I felt comfortable with Kaiden. I knew I could tell him anything without him judging me.

"You should've told me Kehlani. You didn't have to go through this alone, I'm always here for you." He smiled sadly.

"It's happening again Kaiden. Well, not the same thing but I'm kind of getting blackmailed. They're saying they will tell mum what happened last summer if I don't stay away from Liam. At first, I ignored them and sent a rude text back and I'm sure it angered them but you know how I am. I can't help it." I shrugged.

"Just do what they say Kehlani, stay away for a while until we figure something out."

I nodded silently and fell back on the comfy bed. Kaiden looked at me hesitantly and bit his lip.

"What is it?"

"Karrie is here." he smiled sadly.

"And what's the problem with that?" I questioned.

"She's here with John." He sighed.

"That's fine Kaide. I've forgiven him." I smiled brightly and got off the bed intending to greet Karrie and John.

Kaiden got up after me and followed me out of my room into the dimly lit hallway.

Once we got to the living room, I saw a woman with long, silky brown hair sitting next to a light-skinned man.

Their heads shot up once they heard us come in and I saw John visibly gulp.