
Tank Lord: The Iron Beast

The story would take a place on Africa and Europa as he goes on a campaign and fighting for the German Wehrmacht, the MC was defiant and always disliked how the SS Party doing things thus opposition always occurred. The MC always tried on trial due to always mocking and insulting the party but due to his exceptional skill, he always been let off from the court-martialed in the army, not only were his company supported but they were also loyal towards him because of his inspiring charisma they would even follow him to the death. During the last eastern front holding the front, his entire company were betrayed and backstabbed by the SS party from behind not only dying from that he was last killed by the enemy due to extreme infamy towards him but luckly fate said otherwise as he was reincarnated back once more to the battlefield, not as a tank commander but a newly appointed lieutenant with his first tank and teammates. On the way fighting to the eastern front this time, he would lead his newly recruited and formed team spearheading into the enemy line with his commander in chief who will support behind the line. Either he won the war or die trying, Blitz. Warning: Image or picture may change if there were any complaints about it and the word will be a normal English no mixture of the german word like Jawohl and anything similar. It's a work of fiction as the story is not based on real person and event.

Mirragez · Krieg
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7 Chs

Met her the first time after my...

Richard who is currently sleeping for about two minutes was disturbed when a sound was heard from the door across the room and at the same time a voice was heard, it seems the two girls who didn't follow him into the room now is in front of the door planning to entertain him.

Opening the door Richard found Alice was hiding behind Emmy this put him in an awkward position as they tried to tease, he usually used it was too much for someone like her.

"Sir, my friend here just had her first day in here but when she was left alone with you. she just turned shy and sensitive just instantaneously after I left her alone... so can you tell me just happen," said Emmy as she showed a concerned but annoying look at Richard.

"Ah, about that... when you left, she goes to the bathroom for a minute as I go to the room after a while, I was planning to take a look at my clothing inner stitches when she suddenly opened the door and seen me half-naked before closing the door with a slam," said Richard with an indifferent tone.

"Ah... is that so? Alice" said Emmy as she grabs her by the collar then before turning back to look at Richard " Then enjoy your stay, sir" as she closed the door.

"Those odd girls... well back to napping again, never mind I should think my plan for a moment," said Richard as he thought another plan for later.

Having been alone Richard thinks of a plan as he wants to make proceeding with Poland's occupation policy while hoping to gain some support from the local populace, wondering if it would work nicely enough for some of the Poland people to join hand fighting against the Soviet army.

Before suddenly a knock was heard from the door again since Richard remember that he was taking a bit rest he remembered the two girls before would come back to company him again, and it was as expected as Emmy and Alice's face turned red probably, she already listened to the reason why Alice turned quiet.

"So erm... can we help you with anything-?" said Emmy with a blushing but eager look.

"No at the moment unless you want to stay it's okay," said Richard as he walks to the large sofa then lay down.

The two girls were surprised by the man in front of them as this was actually the first time, they saw a man that acted like him which is very confusing to the two of them.

Knowing they could not return empty-handed they walk to the inside of the room before closing the door as Alice sat down on the far end where Richard sleep while Emmy sat on was another sofa but smaller in size.

"Alicia," said Emmy as she stared at Richard's sleeping face.

"Yes? Emmy" answered Alicia as she turns her head.

"I know this is too much for you but… you want to take a step further with him," said Emmy with a kind smile.

"No, I don't dare to…" said Alicia in surprise.

"I know, it was actually frustrating for me but this Is the first time anyone was indifferent towards me I did try to seduce him but there was no reaction at all," said Emmy as she gave a weak smile while touching her side hair.

"… That's" said Alicia not knowing what she should say.

Emmy stretches her body up which startled Alicia for a bit as she turned her head toward Emmy.

"What? It's the first time I had a good break for a long time, unlike you Alicia since it's your first day" said Emmy with a smile as she sat normally but with a bit more relaxed posture.

"Ah, yeah… " as she then stared at Richard's sleeping face.

"Well, want to sleep? I meant nap" said Emmy as she looked Alicia "Unless you want to look at his face until tomorrow?" she added.

"Eh?" Turned red after hearing Emmy's comment "But I'm curious with him" as she talks back.

"Well almost everyone I knew who got married first started from that except me," said Emmy before she started to brood in sadness.

"Ah, don't worry about it maybe there would be someone who will take you, probably," said Alicia not knowing what to do.

Emmy who listened to Alicia word could only cry silently as the two chattered for a bit more until midnight.

For half an hour the three who previously managed to rest for some time, now return to work as the two watched Richard wakes up being professional, they greeted him.

"Do you have a good sleep, sir?" said Emmy with a smile.

"Ah, yeah... it was... comfortable," said Richard as he sat down positioning himself.

"Here you are, sir," said Alicia who pour water on a glass then gave it to him.

" Thank you" as he grabs then drank the water quickly.

Richard stands up then tightens his tie before noticing the jacket he used was being held by Emmy as she gave it to him, where he accepts it and puts it on then walks to the door as the two followed him outside.

"Thank you for using our service," said Emmy and Alicia as they courted their skirt "We hope you will continue using our service" as the two added.

"Sure, I will return," said Richard as he slowly walks away.

When Richard was walking through the corridor and was about to go midsection to the stair, he meets one of the friends who entered the place together as he waves at Richard as he noticed him then opened his mouth.

"Hey there... Richard was it?" said the guy looking at him.

"Yes... and who you were, again?" said Richard indifferently.

"Oh, please don't joke around I know you remember me," said Louise as he laughed.

"Okay, okay I remember really you looked like someone who has a sad dog face if you went sour on me," said Richard as he turned his head away.

"... you got those two girls at the same time, really I lost," said Louise as he sighs in defeat after looking at Richard two girl.

"Well at the very least you still got a beauty though," said Richard as he shows a grin back at him.

"Ah, yeah... true but even so I want four beauties to escort if I can," said Louise as he announces it at the presence of the three girls proudly.

Hearing the word, the two of the girls included Alicia and the girl behind Louise felt embarrassed while Emmy shows a calm indifferent face but with an odd light-blue aura appeared suddenly behind her.

"Sir if you would desire for four escorts then you could pay more for it and since it, midnight the cost would be double the price of the original as we need to register your name and find the escort that is near the end of their shift," said Emmy calm but with a heavy tone in her voice as she smiled at him.

"Hm, how much is that?" said Louise as he was intrigued by what Emmy just said.

"Usually it would be 450 RM (or Reicht Mark which is based on real currency I remember reading) but since you ordered 4 escorts than it would be 1.800 RM then with sudden night request it would be 3.700 RM that also included the tip for the escort," said Emmy as she counting the total money before ending it with a polite smile.

Louise was teasing and joking about it but when he heard the total amount of the bill, he went pale instantly as he heard it his face turned into a frown then turning his head toward Richard as he could not afford to pay it on his own.

Richard knew if he were to continue watching him then could not back out from it and since everyone who was there watching him could no longer ignore it any longer as he sighs in regret doing it before opening his mouth then his hand reaches his pocket to reach his wallet.

"Okay since you want me to pay that much, next time don't go here if you don't have much money," said Richard as he gave a cheque to Emmy with his right hand.

"Thank you for your... payment and have a nice trip, and have a good night," said Emmy as she received the cheque in her hand.

Richard quickly walks down with Louise hoping to meet with the others as the two walks down through the large stairs when the two see Rommel who actually standing on the receptionist flirting with his girlfriend as she notices the two's return where she bowed down to the two greetings them.

"You two enjoyed the company of the girl's," said Angie as she smiles and bowed a bit.

"Yeah, we hav-" says Richard as he cut by Lousie.

"The girl who was with me before who was she again, I want to come here again next time." Said Louise as he nodding in frenzy.

"Ah, yes sir. If you wish to visit us again please refrain from calling the girl mid-working as it would be difficult for us to do business, please take this card to call us a week away before visiting the establishment." Said Angie as she gave out the establishment card.

"Yes, I will and gladly so the girl before who was she?" said Louise.

"About that we could not gave any personal information of our staff to the customer unless she tells it herself, pardon me." Said Angie with her professional smile.

"Ah, okay…" said Louise as he was a bit sad hearing the news before turns back normal "So everyone here yet?" as he changes the topic.

"No, not all but you may leave first Louise, I will go back after talking with Richard a bit." Says Rommel as he looks at Louise.

"Oh, okay… I will return first then but I will tell them that you're going to be late." Says Louise as he leaves the establishment.

"Sure, it's fine." says Rommel as he stares at the leaving Louise's back.

After seeing Louise left once more Richard turn his head to Rommel but he was preceded by him first.

"Rommel so how is it? I remember you wanted to meet with those general's and the vice leader." says Rommel as he pulled out the cigarette.

At the same moment, Angie pulled a lighter from her receptionist table and help light Rommel's cigarette as she put the lighter back in the table's drawer.

"Well, it's good but not entirely good enough, there were some drawbacks especially with sir Rudolf." Says Richard as he sighs slightly.

Hearing what Richard just said he coughed mid-smoking while Angie who was listening was surprised that she covered her mouth in an instant as she just heard something unbelievable.

"I didn't have any booking pertaining sir Rudolf today… I even never hear anything about him going to any embellishment nor was he ever visited her, a visit from him would be honor to have." Says Angie after reading and closing back the schedule book.

"You sure it's him, the second great leader?" says Rommel as he still coughing a bit.

"Yeah, its him alright… Angie are you sure that he didn't slip in together with another general's appointment?" says Richard as he turned his head to Angie.

Angie was in thought for a moment as she placed one of her hand on her chin while her other hand goes below her breast, Rommel were staring at Angie's breast a bit as he gulped before he was lightly hit on the head by a fan held by Angie as she replied to Richard.

"Yeah, what just you said is probably true since we've always been booking schedule from the caller instead of all people who are joining the caller. Sorry about my mistake, sir." said Angie as she bowed a bit while looking down feeling shame and when she stands, she then looked at Rommel before continuing "Rommel, Darling you may love to see my breast but do it when we are in private and not being serious right now, especially with this young gentleman."

"Yeah, okay..." says Rommel with sad face to Richard with a bit of pout.

"So… where was I again, ah right. Who was the general was with him, sir? Perhaps, you might know few of them" says Angie as she opens once more while searching the last name she freshly written with an ink before.

"Sir Gunther, Sir Willheim, and Sir Maximilian" says Richard as he said indifferently and with some respect.

Unlike before when she was still mid-opening another page, she fully stopped after hearing more unbelievable words comes out from Richards as she was still looking inside the page with a surprised look and her hands slightly shook at this very moment but the one who felt the most surprises were Rommel as he quickly put out the cigarette on the nearby bin.

"Say what?! So, are you saying that all three of them, were on this place on the same time, this is crazy did try inviting Gunther but not it shouldn't be enough to make him come and also for three of them to also came? Is something unheard of." Says Rommel as he stared at Richard's eyes wide.

"Thats... is really something unbelievable, indeed. I may be the host of this new establishment and during all those times when I working as one of the entertainers and all those years as newbie until now, I never have such people visiting on any establishment, Sir Richard your opinion or suggestion possibly may have been the reason why they came to visit even using an alias which is almost something unheard of." says Angie while staring straight at Richard in disbelief while wearing slightly a professional smile.

"Indeed, I also felt the same thing miss... Angie." says Richard as he glanced at Angie before slowly turning his head to her.

"Oh, call me Angie its fine... we will be meeting often when you both visit both me and Rommel so I'll be in your care, Richard." says Angie as she bowed slightly while raised her skirt from the side once more.

"Ah, the same I'll be in your care... Rommel, I will also be going back to now if I were you better come back early there will be an alert tomorrow morning." says Richard confidently as he walks to the establishment's entrance.

"... you sure about that Richard? Theres no way that going to happen, right?" says Rommel in disbelief before opening his mouth while looking at Angie "Dear, I'll be leaving... if what he said is true, I'm going to be screwed." as he moves forward close to Angie then gave a peck on her cheeks.

"Okay, sent me letter when you are unable to come back Rommel." says Angie as she waves a goodbye on the leaving Rommel running after Richards.

Hearing what Richard just said the other soldier who also works on the same field felt confusion of what he just said before turning their gaze at each other for a moment before also following suit leaving their escort and quickly running after both of them leaving their female escort as the last few of them gave a kiss on the girls who were with them before carrying a cap with them, they recently put down then wearing it on top of their heads and followed behind.

"Really those boys... well, girls it seems to be break time until another customer arrives," says Angie as she claps her hands.

"Yes, Madam," says the girls as they walk to their break rooms few even stretching their hands as they walk inside.

Alice who was about to enter the break room before stopped for a moment then turning her head toward the door where Richard just came out from which Emmy also turned her head towards her in concern before hugging her from behind which surprised her friend.

"I know you are worried about him Alice but you are yet to be someone for him." says Emmy as she hugged her.

"Yeah... I know, it's just... never mind." says Alice as she turns her head back inside while being released by Emmy.

"... what is it Alice, come on tell me." says Emmy as she followed from behind before closing the door to the break room.

Returning the Richard who are inside the truck with a couple of soldier and cadet who are returning to the base, Rommel who was asleep along the journey as Richard looked at the window with grief and sorrow looks like he has seen something he never thought to see during his visit.

"Carla..." says Richard said in low voice.


Who is this Carla, you're asking? Well, that's the point of my every story let you readers decide and think deeply about who she might be is it someone he has seen or was someone with an alias who works on the place, Curiosity does kill the cat but what if the gods want it to be known.

This is the last chapter on this site and if you wish to continue reading please read it on the link below:


Thank you readers for reading this story and have a nice day.

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