
Tank Lord: The Iron Beast

The story would take a place on Africa and Europa as he goes on a campaign and fighting for the German Wehrmacht, the MC was defiant and always disliked how the SS Party doing things thus opposition always occurred. The MC always tried on trial due to always mocking and insulting the party but due to his exceptional skill, he always been let off from the court-martialed in the army, not only were his company supported but they were also loyal towards him because of his inspiring charisma they would even follow him to the death. During the last eastern front holding the front, his entire company were betrayed and backstabbed by the SS party from behind not only dying from that he was last killed by the enemy due to extreme infamy towards him but luckly fate said otherwise as he was reincarnated back once more to the battlefield, not as a tank commander but a newly appointed lieutenant with his first tank and teammates. On the way fighting to the eastern front this time, he would lead his newly recruited and formed team spearheading into the enemy line with his commander in chief who will support behind the line. Either he won the war or die trying, Blitz. Warning: Image or picture may change if there were any complaints about it and the word will be a normal English no mixture of the german word like Jawohl and anything similar. It's a work of fiction as the story is not based on real person and event.

Mirragez · Krieg
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7 Chs

Character Name (Self-update)

Richard: the Main character of the story, his role were as a commander and Gunner of the Thirty-Six Panzer division instead of dying in battle, he returns in time to the first day he starts his day as a lieutenant but later on will rise to the rank where he previously leads the tank division like in previous life but with more experience than the other the only limits are equipment and resources to back his division's progress to conquest.

During the middle of the winter war, he already looks old enough to be an old man, but when he returns in time he returns to his youth which is enough to make every young ladies go crazy when they meet with him as they find him very attractive to make sure one incident when the ladies disrupted his free time and the other the general who is his superior find him a suitor for marriage to stop any further incident and it works.

But due to such an arrangement he always looks upset when he met her supposed wife and never once looks at her way as he always bypasses her as there was no love in the marriage but later on, he would regret his own decision with her death by a gunshot because the opposing party who disliked his rise of fame which seemingly has no stop.

Schultz: a Driver, will be added later

Hans: a Radioman, will be added later

Gunther: a Loader, will be added later

Erwin Johannes Eugene Rommel: The Infamous German Panzer Commander leading the front on Africa corps where he started his first career as a Shock trooper during the first Great war resulting recognition from the higher up and where he was placed as Commanding officer of the Panzer division along with Richard.

Where they later fight together during Poland, French before lastly the winter war where Rommel previously was meant to be placed on the Africa campaign but due to higher priority and early warning proposal that was vital to the Eastern front he was later placed together with Richard as they both command their own Panzer division.

Emmanuel: will be added later.

Engelbert: will be added later.

Louise: will be added later.

Angie: Supposedly Rommel's girlfriend since previously mentioned that Rommel always comes to visit her before she becomes the madam of the newly opened Pub, she is quite in love with Rommel and always tries to help Rommel boosting his reputation or recognition with the higher up.

Gunther Adolf Ferdinand Von Klugen: will be added later.

Wilhelm Franz Canaris: Brigadier General that commanded the newly created Sixth Army that tries to support Richard but after given the task to take Leningrad, he has a hard time trying to help out while at the same time pushing back the soviet army after many encounters with either battalion or even division.

Maximilian Heinz: A Captain that Specialized in Sabotage, Night raid, and Infiltration behind the enemy line.

Rudolf Hess: The vice leader of the party and second in command after Hitler the great leader as he always took care of the bureaucracy in hope of stabilizing the power in great Germany.

Alice: will be added later.

Emmy: will be added later.

- Do be aware that some character in the story may not be related in some event or may do not exist in the historical event and record in any way -

Here is the name of character if any readers want to add their character name (Historical based) please comment on this very chapter while other novels I made especially on that character name section also.

Mostly the name is based on historical reference but I'd rather not make it to precise to make it more random than the original (Don't say anything about Gender bender, that's is a total no)

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