

After preparing dinner, I settled into the dining room, the savory aroma filled the air, tempting my taste buds as I anxiously awaited his return from washing up. He had left the simmering stew on the stove and made his way to his room to freshen up.

Moments later, he came out from his room, dressed in comfortable pajama pants and a white sweatshirt. His hair, still damp from the cleansing touch of water. He stood before me, his eyes shimmering with a mix of tranquility and genuine concern.

"Why aren't you eating?" he inquired

"Was waiting so we could eat together" I replied with a slight smile

"Really?" he queried.

I nod, confirming my desire. With a subtle shake of his head, he made his way back to the kitchen.

Moments later, He then returned with a tray gracefully balanced in his hands and filled with food. He placed the tray delicately before me, the tray revealed a generous serving of fluffy rice covered in a delicious beef stew. A colorful platter of crisp salad waited next to it.

"Thank you," I said, my lips curving into a grateful smile as I looked at him. However, his reaction was far from what I had anticipated. His countenance remained stern, as he calmly sat down. A hint of worry could be seen dancing over his features, leaving a faint frown mark on his brow.

"Your dad" he began his voice tinged with concern

Sensing his unspoken thoughts, I swiftly interjected "He hasn't called yet" my words tinged with a hint of disappointment.

"He and I have already spoken, and he has also had a conversation with my dad. So, there's a chance that my dad will pick you up tomorrow for you to stay with him until your dad comes to get you the next day. " he disclosed

"Your dad is in Sydney?" I inquired, curiosity lacing my words

"Yeah" he responded, his voice soft yet filled with an undercurrent of hidden emotions "He arrived right after Christmas, he usually only visits sometimes for business-related reasons."

It seemed apparent that Mr. Kingsley has entrusted his company to his son, granting him the authority to oversee its operations here in Sydney while he attended to the branch and international divisions, I inferred from the given circumstances.

"So, I'd go stay with him instead?" I posed the question, uncertain of how I truly felt about the proposition. The prospect of leaving David and staying with Mr. Kingsley instead was both enticing and daunting, as it meant bidding farewell to the comfort of his presence.

"That's if you want to" he replied "My dad thinks you're having a hard time staying with me," He continued, sounding slightly vulnerable, as if he was worried for my wellbeing.

"He's not wrong" I admitted as I delved into my plate of food. The truth was that, for just one day I'd stayed with him, I had grown accustomed to his companionship and wasn't prepared to say goodbye.

"You don't have to go with him. If you wish, you can remain here." He offered

I arched an eyebrow, a playful grin playing at the corners of my lips. "Is that why you've been acting so unusually nice towards me all evening?" I couldn't help but tease.

"I have always been nice," he retorted, his voice laced with amusement.

"No, you've not" I laughed, the sound dancing in the air, coaxing a chuckle out of him.

Quietly, we delved into the food. Upon completing our meal, he stood up, extending his hand to retrieve my tray, willingly offering to clean the dishes.

"No, Allow me" I interjected playfully.

His gaze fixed on me with a subtle glare but I refused to meet his eyes, instead swiftly gathering everything from his grasp

"Fine," he said, raising his hands in surrender

"You could assist me" I suggested

"No way" he replied as he walked toward the sitting room "You can handle it yourself" he called out casually, his words floating through the air as he settled in to watch TV.

I couldn't help but chuckle softly.

The moment I finished washing the dishes, the sound of my phone resonated on the kitchen counter. Hastily, I dried my hands with a nearby towel, and stealing a glance at the illuminated screen, my heart hoping for a call from my Dad. However, it was Lisa instead, my vivacious cousin who often visited our home. Perhaps she had arrived at our place, I speculated.

"Babeee!" I exclaimed in unabashed excitement, unable to contain my excitement. Before I could utter another word, a burst of energy reverberated through the phone line.

"Where the heck are you?" Lisa's voice echoed through the phone, her tone laced with the familiar edge she always carried. She loved using cuss words, yes, she was a total bad influence and a low-key bad bitch. Despite that, growing up together, she had become more than a cousin; she was my confidante, my partner in crime. We had shared countless adventures and secrets, even my cherished childhood toys. Although it was often challenging for cousins to find harmony, our bond was unlike any other I had encountered.

"Well, um... It's a rather long story" I stuttered

"Why, on the first day of the new year did your dad mention that you were at some Mr. Kingsley's residence in Sydney? Are you there to assist his wife? or what? Make me understand" she inquired

"You wouldn't believe the turn of events that unfolded babe" I replied

"I've come to expect nothing less than extraordinary from you, so do share the details." Lisa chuckled

"You won't believe it, but I accidentally hopped into the wrong car"

"What? Are you still a child?" gasping in disbelief, she exclaimed.

"Before you scold me, let me clarify" I quickly interjected "It turns out, it was none other than Mr. Kingsley's son's car."

"Uhm! Hellooo! I do not know who Mr. Kingsley is, let alone his son" she replied "Who exactly is he, and how does that provide clarification?" her voice laced with a hint of intrigue and curiosity.

"Mr. Kingsley is an elder at the church, and his son, well, you won't know him, but, I mean, he's quite the young gentleman" I whispered as I discreetly peeked through the door, ensuring he couldn't overhear our conversation while engrossed in his television program. "He's exquisitely handsome, not even Clinton or Jason, can compare" I continued, unable to contain my excitement. Lisa and I had our own ranking system.

"Oh my word!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. "How did you become so fortunate? This is like a dream, to be locked up with some prince. Have you guys kissed yet?" she squealed with unbridled delight.

"Common! No!" I exclaimed "Besides we're still trying to get along"

"You've already spent nearly two entire days in each other's company" she declared, I could feel her eyes widening with amusement

"He's somewhat hard headed and you know! I don't know! He's Mr. Kingsley son yunno!"

"Where is he now? Go and have a conversation with him, and when I say 'talk,' I mean truly engage with him. Then, tomorrow, come back and provide me with a detailed account of what occurs tonight. I can't be the sole love of your life for eternity. Farewell" she concluded, her words laced with a hint of playful impatience.

"Wait, please wait" I desperately tried to interrupt her.

"And don't disappoint me" she declared before abruptly ending the call.

Lisa tended to be dramatic at times. How could she even forget about our plans for the New Year?

"Hard-headed?" I heard a voice echo from a distance. Startled, I turned around to find him standing by the door, his expression plain.

"How long have you been here?" I exclaimed

"I thought you were finding it difficult to leave the kitchen, perhaps encountering some sort of obstruction" he calmly replied, his tone laced with a hint of amusement, before nonchalantly making his way back to the sitting room.

"What else did you hear?" I shouted after him, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me.

"Just hard headed. Who were you referring to?"

"Who else?" I retorted, my tone slightly resentful, as I found a seat on another couch, placing some distance between us.

As I glanced at the television, I noticed he was watching Nat Geo Wild. Normally, I had always considered it a boring channel, but watching it now with him, it seemed unexpectedly captivating and educational.

Involuntarily, my eyes would drift towards him intermittently, I wondered if my company was a bother or a welcome relief for him. Suddenly, our gazes collided, and I quickly averted my eyes, feeling a twinge of unease. Yet, his eyes remained fixed upon me, intensifying my discomfort.

"Would you like to watch something else?" he asked

"Uhm, No, I quite like it" I stuttered, accompanied by a slight smile. "It's fascinating how Cats are meticulous groomers and take pride in keeping themselves clean" I added

"Yes, it helps them maintain a neat appearance but also serves to regulate their body temperature and promote bonding through mutual grooming" he said with evident enthusiasm.

We had a rambling talk for several minutes about both domestic and wild animals. Listening to him enthusiastically share his personal experiences and anecdotes was incredibly enjoyable and brought on genuine laughs.

As time passed by, the weight of fatigue started to grip my eyelids gently nudging me in the direction of sleep, However, he remained wide awake, his attention now captured by the glowing screen of his phone. I got up from my chair ready to go to bed.

"I'm going to work with you tomorrow," I declared, my voice carrying a determined undertone that mirrored the stubbornness of my desire.

"No, you're not" he countered

Choosing to brush off his immediate refusal, I muttered to myself "We would see about that" and I withdrew to the comfort of my temporary room to fall asleep.


How are you doing lovelies?

I genuinely hope you are enjoying this book, I assure you that there is yet more to come :).

NimeChancreators' thoughts