

Inside 'The Flavor Vault', the atmosphere buzzed with a blend of aromas and chatter. As David and I settled into our seats, a flicker of curiosity ignited within me. The encounter at the entrance had piqued my interest, and I couldn't help but inquire.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, my gaze fixed on his softened expression. "And, who was that?"

He met my gaze, with a sigh, he responded, "That was my cousin, Damain. It's best if you don't get involved with him."

I felt his hesitation to share further details, yet his statements left me with more questions than answers.

"But.." I tried to push for more information but he swiftly halted my inquiries.

"Would you like to have something?" he interjected, diverting our conversation.

Caught off guard, a smile flickered across my face, causing me to abandon my previous plan of nagging

"Yes, please" I responded. The worries I had were pushed aside by the thought of enjoying some delicious foods.

As we waited patiently for our order, a pretty waitress dressed in uniform with an apron approached our table with two trays of food, her demeanor indicated a familiarity with David. Involuntarily, my gaze fixated on the exchange between the two, observing them as they conversed. The waitress blushed and smiled in response to David's inquiries while he kept a straight face.

"Enjoy your meal," A smile graced her lips as she uttered the words before gracefully departing.

In that fleeting moment, I couldn't help but notice David's gaze lingering on her retreating form. So, he is capable of gazing at a woman after all, despite his façade. Our gazes intertwined and I quickly averted my eyes, pretending to be engrossed in the enticing spread laid out before us, a tempting assortment of a burger accompanied by a side of crispy French fries.


The mere sight of Damian stirred up a flood of emotions within me which brought back a past that had been marked by constant conflict. Growing up, we were never close, always at odds with each other.

The last time Damian and his family paid us a visit was when I was just fifteen years old. It was after that visit that my grandfather entrusted his greatest share of the family business to my father, his second son, effectively bypassing Damian's father, my uncle. With this transfer of power, a rift emerged between the two brothers, and my uncle and his family ceased his visits to our home. It was as if a schism had formed, driving both brothers apart, each going their separate ways.

Upon graduating from Harvard last year, my dad, the chairman made me the CEO of his company, entrusting me with the main branch of our family enterprise here in Sydney. Meanwhile, the branch in Wollongong was under his watch. My uncle, on the other hand, assumed the responsibility of managing another segment of our business in campbelltown. Since the demise of my grandfather seven years ago, when I was just seventeen, the firm under him had stalled. There had been no development or decline.

The weight of my grandfather's legacy and the expectations placed upon me were palpable. My promise was to redefine the company's future and provide a way for growth and prosperity so that my late grandfather's legacy wouldn't be lost.

Ever since I reached the age of 17, coinciding with the passing of my granddad, it felt like I became detached from the world around me. A sudden change came over me, pushing me into a state of introversion. My capacity to engage in conversations with others diminished, and even the simplest act of smiling proved arduous. My aspirations shifted, as my father repeatedly reminded me that I would be assuming control of the company in a few years. Consequently, my primary focus became making my father proud, leaving little room for friendships and leisure. Fun took a backseat to relentless studying and work.

Since Damian traveled abroad to study, he remained absent for years, only coming back last year and bringing with him an unwelcome storm of trouble. His reappearance was accompanied by a relentless barrage of criticism, aimed squarely at me and my supposedly pampered lifestyle. He took it upon himself to lecture me nonstop, calling me spoiled and enjoying the benefits that our grandfather had showered upon me. I constantly ignored and pushed him away, if only he were aware of the duties and difficulties involved in managing a business, he would understand that it was no simple task.

* * *

The waiter at The Flavor Vault who happened to be a former classmate from high school, consistently greeted me with a warm smile whenever I stopped by for a meal, despite my lack of amicability. I had no interest in forging new connections, content with the company of just Joan and Phil. However, that changed when Jane entered the picture, and I found myself inexplicably smiling more often in her presence, captivated by her adorable looks and remarkable mannerisms. I attempted to ignore these feelings, pretending not to care, yet occasionally, I just couldn't resist smiling.

As Jane prepared to depart the next day, I knew I would miss her immensely. Yet, deep down, I found solace in the knowledge that she wouldn't have to endure the potential dangers of remaining by my side.

I glanced in her direction and caught sight of her piercing gaze before she quickly diverted her attention to the food before her. What thoughts might be occupying her mind this time? I fixed my eyes upon her, attempting to decipher.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She lifted her gaze to meet mine.

In that instant, I forgot the reason behind my initial attention, captivated instead by her enchanting and inquisitive expression. All I desired was to tell her how cute she looked, but my response took a different course.

"For personal reasons" I finally managed to utter, delicately savoring a bite of my sandwich and averting my gaze.

Her countenance couldn't help but contort into a frown at my reply.

After some time had gone and it was already past 7p.m, the weather began to change. The once-calm sky turned ominous as the clouds built in anticipation of an imminent downpour. We hurriedly left, wanting to get home before the downpour started.

* * *

The clock had already struck 9 in the evening, accompanied by a downpour of heavy rain. Engrossed in preparing some work-related documents for the following day, I occupied myself diligently, while Jane sought solace in the living room, engrossed in the television's glowing screen.

Completing my tasks, I gravitated toward her, noticing that she had slipped back into the comfort of my t-shirt and short I had left in her room. A faint smile crept across my face as I observed her from a distance, before joining her.

"Hi" she greeted in a tranquil tone, her voice carrying a distant chill.

"Are you feeling cold?" I asked, noticing her discomfort as the rain kept pouring and a freezing cold started to fill the air

"Um, yes, just a bit." She managed to stammer.

I stood up and swiftly made my way to my room to get a comfortable hoodie and a snug duvet. Handing them to her, I sat beside her silently.

"Thank you so much" she smiled folding herself into the duvet.

"Do you feel better?" I asked

"Yep" she responded, her gaze meeting mine with an infectious smile.

A faint smile graced my lips as I tenderly pulled the hood of her hoodie over her head, ensuring her warmth. An impulse surged through me, prompting me to brush aside her hair strands and unveil her face. She tilted her head downward slightly, as if evading my eyes.

Consciously, I averted my attention, fixating on the television screen, an attempt to quell the surge of emotions welling up inside me. She mirrored my actions, finding comfort in the distraction. Taking a breath, I brought up the topic that had weighed on my mind.

"Regarding earlier" I began, "I apologize if I startled you."

"When?" she inquired

"During my interaction with my cousin" I clarified.

"You call that interaction?" she laughed prompting me to laugh too

"Well…" I muttered

"It's fine" she assured me with a nonchalant air "It appears that you two aren't exactly on amicable terms, and he seems like a jerk"

"Yes, he is"

"Are you okay?" "Her words echoed softly.

In that moment, as I looked at her, my mind was solely focused on her. Being with her made all my other worries seem unimportant. She had the ability to make me completely forget about my problems. Suddenly, the notion of kissing her flickered within my thoughts casting a sudden chill upon my being.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit cold" I managed to respond, masking the depth of my longing.

"Join me" she offered, extending the warmth of her duvet.

I hesitated a bit before accepting her offer, and we snuggled under the cover together. She gently rested her head against my shoulder.

As time passed, I found myself comforted by the soft sound of her gentle breath, and I noticed that she had peacefully fallen asleep. At that instant, with her head nestled against me, a deep sense of duty to shield her enveloped me. It felt as though fate had designated me to protect her.

After a while, drowsiness started to overcome me as well. I reached for the remote and muted the television. Carefully, I rose, endeavoring to delicately support her head as I carefully placed her on the couch, ensuring her utmost comfort. Tenderly, I wrapped her in the warm embrace of the duvet.

Returning inside, I retrieved a mattress and settled it upon the floor, next to her sleeping form and I joined her in getting some rest.

Hey lovelies, I hope you've been enjoying the story thus far. But believe me when I say that there are even more fascinating aspects of David's character yet to come. I'm getting really excited and I can't contain it!

NimeChancreators' thoughts