
Taming the True Fire (HP)

[OC Harry Potter fanfiction/Marauders era] Catherine McMahon is not your ordinary witch. She keeps a dark secret about her very existence, from which she tries to escape in the friendships and love she finds at Hogwarts. Exploring her heritage and growing powers, Catherine is faced with choices which could destroy her family, friends and her soul. [R18+] This is not a happy and easy to read story. There are a lot of dark, and possibly triggering, themes and topics throughout the story. In later chapters there is explicit sexual content, dominance and submission, and related alternative sexual practices. Also, most of the characters, including the OC, are very far from good, perfect people. There's a lot of emotional pain involved. I change the lore significantly, where I needed for the sake of the story I'm trying to tell, but besides that I try to stay true to the HP universe as we know it. This includes the books but also other sources such as games, the FB series, etc. You can see my visual idea of the characters, items and events from the fanfiction on https://pin.it/5CqE3zjkx All images are generated via AI.

Sailea · Bücher und Literatur
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152 Chs

Chapter 52: Snake in the Grass (3)

As it turned out Gryffindors were indeed supportive of their team and while they couldn't hide the disappointment for not winning the Quidditch Cup, the majority considered this just a setback while being confident about the team's inevitable success in the future. 

Peter Pettigrew was in fact so supportive that after the end of the game, he attempted to get some treats from the Kitchens to lift the spirits of James and Sirius. Unfortunately, Peter being Peter, combined with some bad luck, led to a week detention with Filch.

"He made me clean every bathroom in this castle with a toothbrush, I swear!" – the boy was complaining to James and Remus, while they were waiting for Professor Slughorn to allow them into the Potions classroom.

"I can't believe you managed to step on Mrs Norris' tail." – chuckled James.

"It wasn't on purpose!" – Peter objected defensively – "She decided to lie down just in front of the Kitchens' door… and she was not there when I entered. She was probably spying on me! That's why I hate cats."

"From what I see, the feelings are mutual." – James shrugged – "The scratches that Nyx gave you two weeks ago are still visible on your skin."

"This is not a cat. It's some kind of a demon!" – Peter snapped, feeling cold chills thinking about the blazing green eyes of the Kneazle.

"Who's a demon?" – asked Sirius, had just arrived with Catherine.

"Flame's familiar." – James giggled.

Catherine scowled and looked at Peter in such a way he felt ready to accept another week of detention with Filch if that would have allowed him to escape the present situation.

"No, she's quite a nice kitten… just a bit playful." – he tried to smooth things.

Thankfully, Professor Slughorn arrived at that moment, accompanied by the Slytherins, and for the first time ever, Peter was more than happy for the Potions class to commence. 

Slughorn was in an excellent mood, a big part of it due to the Slytherin's victory in the Quidditch tournament. However, he proved himself to be a gracious winner and besides a few vague remarks he didn't comment on the matter. On the contrary, he decided to dedicate that particular class on revision for the upcoming end-of-the-year exams and allowed the students to brew whatever potion they wanted from the second-year curriculum. 

Catherine browsed impatiently through the pages of her copy of Magical Drafts and Potions, wondering what potions Snape will choose. Realising the direction of her thoughts, the young witch hissed in annoyance. She felt truly pathetic. While she could brew excellent potions, she just couldn't get to Snape's level, and this frustrated her to no end. 

"What's the matter?" – asked Sirius, who was chopping dragon liver nearby.

"I can't decide what potion I should make." – the girl lied immediately. There was no way in hell she would willingly admit she put so much effort into competing with Snape.

"You'll figure it out." – Sirius said confidently – "You have an excellent intuition, just make whatever you feel like making."

Catherine smiled faintly and opened the book at a random page. 

'Girding Potion… okay, I've tried impressing Slughorn the regular way, and it didn't work. Maybe it's time to indeed follow my instincts.' – the girl thought and quickly started preparing the ingredients she needed.

They had learnt how to make Girding Potion sometime in December and Catherine vividly remembered the unbelievable stench the green liquid produced during the whole brewing process. The girl contemplated in front of her empty cauldron. Then, all of a sudden, she got an idea and quickly dashed towards the storage area, returning swiftly with a small vile of green mucus. She quickly gathered her two braids into a roll and pinned them on top of her head using her wand, making sure no hair would get in the way.

At the end of the class, Slughorn was moving among the steaming cauldrons, correcting some mistakes here and there. He spent good five minutes praising Snape's impeccable Confusing Concoction.

"Truly remarkable, but Severus, my boy, you do need to follow my instructions a little bit better next time. This is a potion we're yet to learn how to make next year!" – said the Potions Master, chuckling, without as much as a shadow of being disappointed by his student's blatant disregard for the task they were supposed to accomplish. 

"I wanted a challenge, and I don't need to revise the second-year curriculum." – came the arrogant response by Snape, earning another chuckle by Slughorn.

Catherine felt the overwhelming desire to grab the Slytherin's cauldron and pour it on top of his head but instead she turned her attention to the professor who had finally arrived at her table.

"Now, what do we have here, Catherine?" – he asked, bending down to take a closer look at the Girding Potion which was just the right shade of forest green – "Is this a Girding Potion? But it doesn't have the specific smell it supposed to?"

"I made some modifications. It turned out that a little bit of Enlargeslug mucus completely neutralises the reek, produced mainly due to the doxy eggs and it does not compromise the intended effect of the potion." – the young witch explained to the beaming Slughorn, while quickly catching a glance of Snape's sulky face in the corner of her eye. 

"Hahah, two stenches that counter each other! What a marvellous and ingenious idea, my dear girl! Ten points to Gryffindor!" – Slughorn said, clapping his hands – "I'm very pleased with the progress of the class and I'm positive that everyone is on the right track and will do just fine on the Potions exam! Keep up the good work!"

Catherine smirked with satisfaction and started collecting her stuff when she heard someone approaching. 

"Catherine, dear," – said Slughorn, smiling – "I know this might be a little bit of a last-minute invitation but this Saturday I'm organising a small tea party for a few selected students. It's going to be the last one for the year and I would love if you can join us!"

"Thank you, Professor. I'll be delighted to attend your party." – immediately responded the young witch, feeling a rush of excitement through her body. 

"Excellent! Five a clock on the little meadow next to the herb garden of the school!" – the Potions Master smiled broadly with the look of a spider who had just coughed a juicy fly – "It was a lot of work persuading Professor Sprout to let me use this place, believe me, but it's going to be a great party! Robes are not mandatory of course!"

"Looking forward to it!" – smiled Catherine, her mind already busy with plans how to approach her teacher in order to acquire the information she so desperately needed for preparing the Animagi Potion.