
first meet

I'm here on the rooftop of the hospital slash my favorite spot It's already six o'clock and I'm Waiting for the sunset.

While I was thinking about some random things. I heard some footsteps behind me. I was really shocked. What might that be. I really feel scared right now. Being here alone at the dark part of the rooftop makes me think of some scary stories that i've watch on tv.


My eyes widened.

I can't handle this anymore. I slowly turn on my back and there. I saw the boy who occupies the room next to mine. I gave out a heavy sigh when I realize that its not a ghost. It seems like He didn't notice me at all. Maybe because, I was on the darkest side of the rooftop.

He goes near at the edge of the rooftop and stepped towards the railings. And I was really startled when he started to shout angrily.

"Aaaaahhhh!!!" His voice echoed.

I was thinking if I will go near him and maybe comfort him. But then he cried and started shouting again that makes me go out from where I was.

" I can't take this anymore. I wanna die. I give up. I don't want to live in this fucking world anymore. Dammit."

By hearing that words, I can't help but go out and shout at him.


And then I saw that cold eyes again.