
Taming my naughty little girlfriend

"I have a girlfriend,Nike".Nike dismissed her comment with a scoff. "You must be trying to pull a trick on me dear Trina.You love Aiden so dearly you can't cheat on him". Haven't you heard of the word disloyalty?".Her brows rose in question. "Do you think I will fall for such jokes".He snickers."Prove it". He dared her to it and she kissed an unknown stranger. He had said that day ."Don't go around kissing strangers".He bit her ear gently that made her blush harder. MEET Katrina Owens the only child of a millionaire,the only heiress, pampered and showered with love all her life. But one day her father died and her life turns a different course. Three years later,she came back to only meet her fiance engaged to her cousin with the approval of her family,her inheritance and properties was passed to her cousin. And now she's determined to get back what was taken from her. MEET Asher Lee,a narcissist jerk known for his high intelligence, etiquettes manners and the youngest richest millionaire in the world. Two opposite attraction crosses paths again as something magical drew them to each other. Watch the sparks fly....... Filled with love, romantic tensions, comedy, families conflicts,envy,sad past that can tear them apart and characters one will love to hate and one you love to love. Trina has to make a choice... Leave her past behind and love the one man she can't have Or Never love again. A choice that can make her or break her....

Krisstal_99 · Teenager
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73 Chs


"Ow,Ted is here?".She giggle and took his face in her palm."Is this really you??".

"Yes!Now explain to me why you drank and got drunk!!".

"Isn't it observe....oops!".A drunk Trina who has been sticking her nose in a hole in the wall,seeing if it could fit in,giggled."I said observe instead of obvious".She laughs harder before turning serious."A certain person hurt her and she ran to me crying and i suggested for us to drink. ....ouch!Aunt Su!".She exclaims as SU slapped her on the arm.

"I told you to take Gowon to clear her head instead you to went for a drink and got drunk!!Can't you see she's pregnant!!".Su scolds as Trina burst into a sudden cry,leaving everyone in the room speechless.

"Trina,Trina".Gowon burst into cry too and ran to hug her."Why are you crying?Did they hurt you am going to break there heads,huh?".She placed her head against her shoulder."Stop crying huh?".

Trina sniffles and wipe her tears."Aunt Su is mean".She pouts.

Lin sigh."Klaus,take the girls and give them some drink to make them sober".

He nods and led them to the kitchen.

"It's all your fault!".Su harumph,quick to pass the blame on them.

Mrs.Oliphant scoffed in disbelief. "Our fault?We came here to apologize and to set the date of their marriage".

Everyone eyes widen in shock."MARRIAGE!!!".

Gowon pop her head outside the kitchen door."Marriage?Am i getting married to Mr.Oliphant?-".

"Shut up Gowon and go drink some water!".Lin snaps.

Grumbling she obeyed and went into the kitchen.

"I thought it through,Mrs.Su and I love Gowon and can't live without her and I don't care if am ready or not I will accept her and the baby nevertheless".He slowly explains.

"That's why we came to set their marriage,what do you say?".Mr,Oliphant ask.

Lin shrugs."We don't like you".

"Likewise".Mr.Oliphant replied.

"But it's not up to us but the children".Line says and they nod their heads in agreement.

Su fell on the sofa and lifted her legs into the air cutting her nails."If the children wasn't concerned i would have dragged your heads into our toilet-".

Mrs.Oliphant grimace. "Why don't you go ahead you bluffer!".She dares causing Su to shot to her feet.

"Bluffer?Let me show you if am truly bluffing,come here,come here Barbie!".Su chased her as Mrs.Oliphant hid behind her husband.

"Mr.Lin do something to your crazy wife".Mr.Oliphant insist.

Link burst into laughter as he held unto his stomach."Why should i when you can do that by going through the door".He rose a brows as Mr.Oliphant threw him a deadly look."Go get them darling".Line supported.

Ted shook his head at his two families stupidity and made his way to Gowon's room.

He opens the door to see her sleeping,her legs over Trina's head while Trina had kicked the blanket off their bodies with her leg out of the bed.

He laughs and shook his head.

The next morning,Gowon found Trina over her body.

"Gross!".And she kicked her off her body and stood up.

It. felt like someone was banging her head with a metal bat.

Groggily,she hobble her way to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water,opens it and drank from it,making her way to the sitting room.

"Mom,am hungry....did you make hangover soup.....Ted!".She froze on seeing him having breakfast with her family.

"Hi".He laughs awkwardly.

"W....what you doing here first thing in the morning?".

"He slept over wanting to check if you're alright".Klaus answered her before Ted could.

"Er,er,since you're ok,I better get going".He stood up and left.

Gowon was shocked,did he just leave without explaining why the hell he was here?Wait a minute did they just say he slept over that means he came over yesterday.

Gowon shifted her gazed at her brother with a questioning look and he nods his head in confirmation to her unspoken question.

Immediately,she flew out of the house and chased after Ted.

"Hey!Idiot!".She yelled,instantly he stops and whirl back to see Gowon running towards him like a bull and she flee into his arms causing him to stagger back and a low laugh escape his lips."Gowon,the baby. ..you shouldn't run like that".

"You came yesterday".She said,ignoring his words."How can you leave like that after sleeping over to check if am ok!!".She yelled as tears started streaming down her cheek.

He laughs and gently pulled her away,he reached into his pocket and brought out his hanky and started wiping the tears off her cheek."I came to apologize,i was a complete idiot to say i wasn't,i don't care if i have achieve my dreams or not all that matters is you and our unborn child.I will care for you two,love and cherish you two".He promise.

A soft smile appeared on her pale lips and it widens. "Of course,I know you will".And she rested her head against his chest.