
Taming my naughty little girlfriend

"I have a girlfriend,Nike".Nike dismissed her comment with a scoff. "You must be trying to pull a trick on me dear Trina.You love Aiden so dearly you can't cheat on him". Haven't you heard of the word disloyalty?".Her brows rose in question. "Do you think I will fall for such jokes".He snickers."Prove it". He dared her to it and she kissed an unknown stranger. He had said that day ."Don't go around kissing strangers".He bit her ear gently that made her blush harder. MEET Katrina Owens the only child of a millionaire,the only heiress, pampered and showered with love all her life. But one day her father died and her life turns a different course. Three years later,she came back to only meet her fiance engaged to her cousin with the approval of her family,her inheritance and properties was passed to her cousin. And now she's determined to get back what was taken from her. MEET Asher Lee,a narcissist jerk known for his high intelligence, etiquettes manners and the youngest richest millionaire in the world. Two opposite attraction crosses paths again as something magical drew them to each other. Watch the sparks fly....... Filled with love, romantic tensions, comedy, families conflicts,envy,sad past that can tear them apart and characters one will love to hate and one you love to love. Trina has to make a choice... Leave her past behind and love the one man she can't have Or Never love again. A choice that can make her or break her....

Krisstal_99 · Teenager
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73 Chs


Avery walks out of her room and met Cynthia at the hallway grinning.

"You're dressed to kill,where you going dear?"

"To visit my late husband and visit some people who wishes me dead"Avery lips pulls up into a sly smile.

"Let me guess your twin?".

Avery gave her a slight nods."After what my daughter went through in their hands....if not Keane who told me,I doubt Rina would've told me".

"What do you want to do now?,come dear let's talk before we go our different places to spend Thanksgiving".Cynthia leads her into the garden and sat her down as a maid walk in with two cups of coffee.

She place each one before them and left."What are your plans,Avery?".

"Avenge".She pick up her teacup and sip from it."After her so called Cousin took her inheritance,our house and caused her pain especially my sister, do you think I would stand by and do anything huh?".She asked" My daughter have been fighting alone,now is time she step back and I took a step forward...I'll take back everything they stole from us".She mutter through gritted teeth.

Asher hand was placed on Trina's shoulder as he led her into Seventh Heaven restaurant.

They pad their feets across VIP area where,Cynthia, Kim and Selena who sat with a bored expression written all over face.

Suddenly their faces lits up on seeing Asher and Trina.

"Hey,future in law".She got to her feet and swept Trina into her arms."I missed you".

"What is she doing here?".Kim said grimly.

'Has his plan really failed?Were they back together for real' .He clutch his fist in rage.

"We're having Thanksgiving with family and she's also part of us but something keeps bothering me" .He drew out a chair for Trina to sit."What you doing here?cause last time I checked you aren't part of our family".He deadpanned and sat next to her.

Underneath the table,Asher took Trina's hand into his and squeezes it gently.

Kim frowns on hearing this but quickly brushed off with a crooked smile.

"Guess who I brought as my date?".

"We don't give a fuck Dad".Selena snaps.

"Come on in".He said,staring behind him as everyone follows, their eyes widens in shock.

"ALEXIA" .They all called.

Alexia smiled.

"Hi guy".She waved.She smiled shyly at Asher who looked irritated by her presence.

"What the heck is she doing here?".Cynthia demanded for an answer.

"She came back home after so many years....is this how to welcome your fiance,huh Asher?".Kim asked grinning.

Suddenly a click sound echoes and was heard ,silencing everyone and they diverted their attention to Trina whose glass had slipped from her hand and landed on the floor, breaking into pieces.

Alexia eyes widens in shock on seeing Trina who she didn't noticed.

Trina's lips slowly pathed to speak.


Vera and her mother sat alone on the dinner table with plate full of rich varieties food.

Vera heart felt empty sitting on the table without Aunt Chloe, father who made the atmosphere lively and she had to admit that Trina made it also fun but now she was sitting alone with her mother,while Father was out with his friends,Chloe was locked up in her room,Trina was probably with Asher,and Aiden,Aiden no longer hang out with her and she was certain he would soon cancel their engagement and have nothing to do with her.

"Happy Thanksgiving to us,mother".Vera and Franca clicks their glass of champagne in the air.

Franca pushed her chair backwards and stood up.

"Am going to bed darling".She yawns."Tell the maids to clear here up and eat the leftovers, goodnight" She planted a kiss on her forehead and retire to her room.

Vera ordered the maids to clear up the dinning table, after ordering she made her way into the sitting room when she caught sight of a slender woman with pale skin,short bronze hair with bangs.

She was dressed in an expensive sleeveless gown that reached down her ankle,a fur scarf wrapped around her neck,a white gloves covers her pale hands and an expensive jewel clasp to her neck.

"Ahhh!".Vera screams in fear"Thief!".She scrunt as the lady chuckled and took off her sunglasses. "C...Chloe, w..hat you doing snooping around!".She spoke coldly.

"Did I arrive so late,I missed Thanksgiving dinner, Oops!sorry".

"When did you get out from your room?And why you dressed to kill?".She eyed her expensive jewel."And wearing things that does not belong to you-".

"What happened?".Chloe and Franca both ran towards her.

"Aunt Chloe is.....".Her voice dies off on seeing Chloe behind her who was shocked looking at the so called Chloe.

Vera looked back at the so called Chloe confused. Her eyes widens,realising who was actually in front of her.

"Avery?".Franca was the one to speak since Chloe couldn't find her voice to speak.

Avery smiled and waved. "Hi Franca".She paused and looked at Chloe."And hi too,dear sister".She traced her fingertips on the items.

"What is Avery doing here, mom?I thought she's in coma-".

"Haven't you heard of the dead waking up from the their slumber ".Avery tilts her head and picked up a photo of her,Jason and little Trina in her arms."Wow!Am really shocked to see a picture of me is still present in this house".She chuckled. "Since you guys have been stealing what doesn't belong to you,I also thought you would''ve stolen this already".Avery couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably.

Vera was sure that Trina inherited her madness from her.They're mad,crazy,crazy.

She watched as Avery took off her gloves gingerly,one at a time."And your daughter Vera is calling me a thief when am the victim" .She looked at them in feign innocence.

"What you doing in my home,Avery?".Chloe speak in a husky tone,earning a scoff from her.

"Home?should I have to remind you,this is my home you darned thief!!,You took everything from me even took what belongs to my daughter and gave it to this Fucking piece of trash!".Avery glared at Vera."That remind me, shouldn't you be happy that your sister has returned?Is your heart really that cold for me!".

"Don't dare to blame me for taking your so called home you abandoned, you abandoned Jason and your so called Rina to take a nap,shouldn't you be thanking me I tried my best to take care of your ungrateful daughter-".

"Don't you speak of Rina that way!".Avery retorts back."Did you really took care of Rina,did you!you agreed to mother her cause you wanted My husband, Mine for yourself, you wanted his riches-".

"You took Jason from me,you took everything from me!!!".She yelled back.

"Are you going to keep fighting for a man that is long gone".Avery clicks her tongue. "Your still pathetic just like the way I left you"Chloe face nose flared up ."Mark my word little twin,am gonna take everything from you bit by bit,this house,Owens Company, every single thing you stole from Rina and me,am gonna send you all to the mud where you all belong, you shameful thieves".She chuckled,on seeing how affected they were by her threat.

She walked towards Vera and lean in."Don't worry you won't be completely homeless, you can stay at Rina's little apartment since she's moving out in a while".She whispered into her ear."Isn't Aunt Avery so nice,hmm".She pecked her cheek and laughed. "Bye for now".She giggled and walk out.

Chloe collapsed into franca's arms who kept asking if she was okay.

"Am not losing all this to the mother of that Bitch,NEVER!!!!".Vera roared and storm off to her room,slamming her door shut.