
Taming A Billionaire

[Completed] "When am I getting a new mom? " Maya choked and sputtered on her drink getting herself into a coughing fit while I was quite startled but showed no other reaction other than that. I was expecting it anyway  Maya got herself after some moments "You! " She bellowed "That's no way to tal-"  I dismissed Maya with a wave of my hand fixing my attention on my dear daughter  . "Why? " I asked exuding an authoritative aura with an arrogant smile tugging at a corner of my lips  Isabelle smiled back at me, a fierce determination to win this battle evident on her face "I need a motherly figure " "And? " "Girls just want their mom sometimes " "And? " "Need someone to talk boys stuff with" "You can always discuss it with me" I blurted out without even realizing it and the reply I got was an awkward cough from Maya and a death stare from my daughter. "Well, we can always compromise on that " I tried minimizing the damage done. Why does it all go south when it comes to boy's stuff? Isabelle stood up abruptly and banged her hand hard against the table almost knocking some dishes over in the process "Just admit it!What makes you think you can be able to handle me in my rebellious teenage years? " I  wanted to reply when I heard Maya murmur beneath her breath "As if you aren't rebellious enough now? " I smirked,she was definitely the perfect match for Isabella and I had the perfect plan in mind.  "So let's say I agree, who do you want for a mother? "I said throwing the ball in her court and hoping she'll make the right choice "Tina? or.....? " Isabelle stared at me skeptically, obviously wondering if I was sincere or playing around. So I focused my intense and get down to business gaze on her and in a few moment, her lips twitch upward in a smirk , as if we were communicating telepathically, she said "I want her" Isabelle announced pointing at an absent minded female entertaining herself with a grilled chicken and quite oblivious to what  was going on. I smiled, Isabelle was surely my blood  "Fine by me "I agreed  knowing just how much Isabelle values promises " I have to keep my own part of the deal then " I excused myself before turning to discover the horror on Maya's face but that didn't stop me, instead I added more fuel to the fire "let's get married" ~~~~ Maya was never special especially not like her sister Kim who seem to have everything. Nik Spencer a world known professional player, a chronic heartbreaker and the only man immune to love. But fate seems to play a lot of twists as they both cross paths and she ends up being his daughter's Nanny. Will she end up as one of the many women on his bed ? Is Niklaus really immune to love? Well, read to find out. Second book in its installation- "Taken By The Mafia Lord," You can check out my other works: THE SHE-DEVIL AND HER ALPHAS When Death Does Us Apart Get Him Off Me Fate I Isekaid Into A Vampire World Cover picture doesn't belong to me, all credits goes to the creator

Glimmy · Urban
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786 Chs

Chapter Eleven : War

Maya's POV

I groaned as I lifted myself off the bed, very soft comfy bed. My eyes shot up at once, where was I?

Then I remembered, the party tarried long and we had no choice than to sleep over since everyone was so tired to drive home. I never knew how rich Nik's father was until I saw the number of guestrooms  he had, it was literally enough to house half the population of my province.

Everyone was entitled to pick a room of his or her choice and I had to choose this room cause of it's colour.

Nik choosed his own bedroom and his girlfriend Tina, agreed sharing his room to staying in the guestroom and trust me when I say I'm not in the least bothered by it, not even the slightest.

I'm just saying it out loud so you know, nothing else. No jealousy at all.

The walls were painted a bright yellow, the colour of sunshine and a blue fitted carpet graced the floor.I had a knack for bright colours since dull ones makes me depressed.

There's a single bed at the far end of the room with a nightstand beside it.There's also a bureau with a built-in wardrobe a few metres away from it which I had no use for since I'll be leaving today.

I stretched my stiff bones and dragged myself off the bed while shielding my face from the sun rays coming through the window with my hands.

It was a bright and good morning full of opportunities and adventures but I still can't believe I'm Izzy's nanny and get to receive twenty freaking million dollars as my salary!

 What could get better than that?

When I tried to speak, my throat felt so dry so I decided to go get a cup of water from the fridge.I was mentally pleased with myself when I found the fridge without the servants help, not that I met any on my way truth be told.

I opened the fridge and gasped at the sight, the fridge was filled to the brim with energy drinks and I had to rummage through the contents until I found the water I needed.

Just when I opened the cap of the drink and stuffed my mouth with water, I heard some noise and turned to discover who was disturbing my peace but I got the surprise of my life.

I sputtered my  drink from shock while my eyes bulged.

Lo, Nik stood in his underwear nothing else and I drooled over the sight. God knows I've never being confronted by such good looks and sex appeal in my entire life.

I saw his chest broad and powerful, his abs lean and hard and I suddenly had a crazy urge to feel the hard swell of his muscle beneath my palms, which was totally impossible so I looked away , but I couldn't get the memory out of my head.

Snap out of it, Maya!  

I cautioned myself as my cheek began to heat up.What the hell was happening to me.

 For God's sake he has a girlfriend Maya and you're his daughter's nanny.

The last thing I'll ever do on earth was mixing business with pleasure. Back at home, we were trained strictly to keep business, business and pleasure , pleasure and that's what I'm going to do exactly, go by my parent's principle.

Only If that was easy, well said than done

Quickly, I gulped down my drink and turned to leave but something else caught my attention, Nik wasn't there. I stared at the cup of steaming coffee sitting on the kitchen counter with the drinker absent.

He was just  there a few minutes ago unless....

Suddenly, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge and I knew at once he was behind me.

I turned swiftly and as expected bumped into a chest. 

But atleast I know he did it intentionally and whatever he's planning, it wasn't going to end well

I pulled away from him with a jerk and decided to play ignorant. "Urm..sorry, I wasn't looking​​​ carefully" I said coming up with the most convincing innocent face i could muster.

Nik looked me over before smirking "Come on Maya" he murmured "I know you're not that sharp in the love department,  but I know you're smart and we both know I did this intentionally"

"W-what?" I sputtered

"Off  with the pretence " Nik commanded trailing his fingers down my cheek and my body reacted.

His touch made my breath stop in my throat and I swallowed, or at least I tried to - I was having a hard time breathing.

Neither could I think, I couldn't think of how to stop him from messing with my head.I just stood frozen.

Maya, he's messing with you

That was the only reminder I needed.I slapped his hand away not minding that my cheek was tingling with excitement and arching for his touch.I had to stop him now before things go further.

"What do you think you're doing ?" I retorted 

"What do you think I'm doing ? " he drawled seductively, his breath hitting my ear and I withheld a gasp. I shouldn't show I was excited from whatever he's doing to me.

"Trust me that's not going to work on me, Mr spencer" I said using my formal tone and he retreated.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and knew at once, Nik was dangerous.If he could set my body on flame with just a touch, then what more a kiss?

It gave me goosebumps just to think about how much influence his touch had over me.

No Maya , fight over this. You're more than this little temptation.

"Fine, I give up." He gave up raising his hands in surrender "I'm not going to tease you anyway since you passed my test " 

"Test? What test?" 

"I can't have you working for me if you're vulnerable to my charms"

I  frowned at once "What in the love of God are you talking about?" 

"If you aren't invulnerable to my charms, then you're likely to fall for Eden's charms and trust me when I say he's a manipulative jerk.....'

" So you're trying to say he'll seduce me into betraying you?"

He answered by nodding positively and i gasped, then chuckled, laughed afterwards before reality dawned on me.

"Suppose all you said is true, you really believe I'm going to betray you after what we went through today?"

Nik breathed "I trust you Maya but Eden can be very convincing ....."

"And manipulative?" I completed

"Just like I said" he smiled in return

Something snapped inside me and I didn't even realize when I blurted "Is this a family or a war front ? How can you all be so competitive for everything?" 

I saw Nik raise a brow at my outburst but he choose to remain silent. He allowed me to say and rave whatever was on my mind but if anything, he was amused.vAt my words or me? I don't know.

"I know my family isn't the best but atleast we didn't try to kill each other...."

"Mr Adams wants you all over for breakfast " One of the maids announced out of nowhere startling us, well me since Nik wasn't shaken at all.

"We'll be there" Nik replied charming the lady with one of his killer smiles and she blushed while I rolled my eyes and groaned out loud.

I couldn't imagine how he could date Tina and flirt with other girls while Tina's  practically a few rooms away from us.

Great, I almost forgot he's a player

"How can  you do that?" I asked once the blushing maid was out of sight .

"Do what?" Nik asked in pretence. He definitely knew what I was talking about.

"Be in a relationship and date other species of girls?"

"Good choice of words" Nik criticized but I didn't mind if that'll get my question answered. He simply stretched and stared me in the eye

"I don't know what you're talking , you're the one who said it all but anyway let's go prepare for war "

"War?" I frowned

"Haven't you figured it out?"

"Figure what out?"

"Breakfast is just a camouflage, Maya.The true meaning is....."

"War" I answered

" Thats my girl" Nik praised and for the first time in history I felt like I just achieved something big and I had a feeling I was going to achieve greater things from now . If the wars wouldn't swallow me whole.

For all those who was expecting Nik's pov, sorry but don't worry cause it'll be in the next chapter

Glimmycreators' thoughts