
Tamer Thena Morr

Thena Morr was abandoned by human being, but redeemed by demons. Her golden egg was robbed, Phoenix bone was dug out, and herself was thrown into abyss Morr, Thena Morr got relentless trained by Morr demons in abyss Morr, that obtained better cultivation. As her cultivation getting higher, Thena Morr found a cruel fact-this world was actually not a complete one, then she went to her adventure journey for truth...... On her way, she met something strange, something new, and evil corpse which came from the other planet. Meanwhile she made many friends. She was willing to protect all lifes from evil corpse or other planet creatures, then Broker protects her.

Daoist2UcU47 · Teenager
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32 Chs

The battle between the Kylin and the Zerg

They waited nervously for a long time, but nothing happened again.

"Seems quiet?" The leader from Lintanly school of Witchcraft and Wizardry moved his ears and said.

"I guess some fierce monsters has broken there by chance. Come on, don't scare ourselves.

As he said so, and the crowd relaxed soon.

"What are you doing? You just applauded? It's a provocation! it's not the good time to provoke now! We still have to show the respect to the empress anyway." When The old leader of House Bair came back to himself, he grasped Thena and said. Since he did not think that Thena could defeat Sophie.

She did so was asking for a shame.

"I know, I will provoke again later." As she replied, Thena shrugged indifferently.

Thena's heart trembled with anger, she had to cover it through smile.

Hot was not angry, along with the applause she spotted Thena Morr.

When she was looking at her, Hot got a very strange feeling, her beast core in her body was warming, like being soaked in warm water, very comfortable, Hot waved subconsciously to Thena Morr.

Was she the real master? She must be!!

Everyone present startled when they witnessed the spiritual animal of princess waved friendly to "Luria Bair".

Seeing Hot's behavior, Thena Morr felt love and suffered, as if the little girl was one part of her heart that had been torn from her.

It was her animal, and even so, the cub would havel recognized her.

But soon Hot was forcibly taken away by Sophie, the stage was empty again just like her heart.

Her eyes were wet and the tears seemed to fall. She raised her head and tried to force them back, for the occasion was not right.

She took several deep breathes, tried to calm herself down.

She would bring back her pups, and everything she had taken, she would get back soon.

Contest was one after another, the great powers was not stirred by those flat competition, just their own families cheered.

"It is really a boring competition, I want to fall asleep." Snow Wolfster flipped her fan open, as she complained. Then she stretched, her soft waist showing through, but no one dared to look.

"Aren't we going?" Snow could not wait, looking at the elder of the family and asked.

"We will leave after her contest." As the elder shook his head, pointed to the direction of Thena Morr.

"Her?" She followed his finger to Bair's room, saw nothing but a curtain.

"Compared with phoenix bone, everyone is nothing here!" Snow Wolfster curled her lips, as she talked.

"Next one, Luria Bair, against Idler Height, both from the Lands of Beasts"

As if to verify words of Snow Wolfster, the judge suddenly called the name of Thena Morr.

Thena took the stage first, followed lazily by Changable.

It's lazy appearance got the House Bair nervous suddenly.

"Oh no! I forget her blazing hound. Even if her talent was improved, the blazing hound was still the same!" The old leader widened his eyes, as he muttered, his heart was full of regret, since it was impossible to improve the hound's qualities.

"I should let the princess come, Luria literally was an my impulse." The old man clenched his hands regretfully, as he continued.

Thena looked at the man walking on the stage, his skin has a ill pale, a pair of eyes are gentle, the young, tall but thin man smilling to her.

"Changable" As Thena Morr called, Changable lazily walked to her.

"Where is your spiritual animal?" As Thena questioned, a smile crept on her face too.

"He's shy, and doesn't like to follow me all the time. I'll call him out right now."

As soon as he finished his reply he began to recite the incantation. "Jijirululingkirentinglingqianlaizhuzhengcoming".

"Hahaha..., he must be embarrassed to bring out the spiritual beast." Someone laughted when they saw that the Idler closed his eyes and Hands clasped, pointing up, mouth whispering.

Thena Morr frowned at these.

Never looked down on any strange opponent, that's what the demons had always told her. For it had been contempt for their opponents that had led them to be sealed which a lesson had been learned in blood.

Idler Height did not pay any attention to them, drew a Rune in the air after mantra, a summoning space slowly emerging in the air, and then a powerful burst of energy of spread with a roar, suddenly a colorful light enveloped the whole fighting field. From the summoning space, a huge and colorful spiritual beast stepped out.

It was enormous, looke like a rainbow hill, Its head and tail looked like a golden dragon, its body and limbs like a pegasus, and was covered in hard rainbow-colored scales that glistened in the sunlight.

The audience was dumbstruck.

"Am I blind?"

"Is that a Kylin?"

"Yeah, the ill man awakened a holy beast " The crowd was talking again.

Kylin was not an attack spiritual beast, but its ranking wasn't low, only under the god beast, if the cultivation was good, or may be able to fight with the god one.

All the members in House Bair felt a buzz in their heads.

"It's over, Holy Kylin The House Bair is over... " The elder turned around in a hurry.

If the real Luria Bair was here, then they should have been over without doubt, but standing here was Thena Morr.