
Tamer Thena Morr

Thena Morr was abandoned by human being, but redeemed by demons. Her golden egg was robbed, Phoenix bone was dug out, and herself was thrown into abyss Morr, Thena Morr got relentless trained by Morr demons in abyss Morr, that obtained better cultivation. As her cultivation getting higher, Thena Morr found a cruel fact-this world was actually not a complete one, then she went to her adventure journey for truth...... On her way, she met something strange, something new, and evil corpse which came from the other planet. Meanwhile she made many friends. She was willing to protect all lifes from evil corpse or other planet creatures, then Broker protects her.

Daoist2UcU47 · Teenager
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32 Chs

Phoenix bone

"That must the power of the phoenix bone!" All the people in the Colosseum began to murmur, especially the great men, whose eyes were full of interest.

While everyone was attracted by Sophie, only the family Bair was anxious all the time.

"Where is Luria Bair? Why doesn't she come? Anything wrong with her?"

The leader of the clan had a anxious look on his face, as he questioned to a maid.

Speak of the devil and he comes!

At this time, the sky edge suddenly came a burst of excited horse hiss, each sound louder than the last.

Bair family stunned, wasn't it the Pegasus that the elders had been taking care of like a baby? Why were they screaming so excitedly in midair?

Suddenly interrupted by the horse's whinny, Sophie looked up at the source and was shocked to see that it was the Pegasus which was of family Bair.

Her mother had asked for them to take her entering the opening for Beasts Fight Contest, but the house Bair hadn't agreed!

"Look, who's that on pegasus' back?"

"Isn't it common sense that Pegasus doesn't allow to be sat on its back? Have you got it wrong?" The crowd began to talk.

Everyone rubbed their eyes and watched again!

That's right. There's a man sitting on the back of pegasus!

When Thena was closing to Colosseo, she felt the fluctuations of the Phoenix bone, which let her heart beat faster and faster. Because it was hers to born with.

Almost out of control, her nirvana bone seemed to be provoked, and a layer of energy spread directly from her. No, she couldn't be exposed here!

Thena suddenly frightened into a cold sweat.

A piece of element craft on her waist immediately shielded from the energy.

That was close. She patted her chest and breathed.

But influence on the spiritual beast was still there.

All of a sudden, they found that the animals who had bowed their heads toward Sophie were abruptly agitated.

They all raised their heads to look up at Thena with the eager.

They held their tails high behind them, out of control, start swinging from side to side! Like a dog!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, the owners also quickly pull their own spiritual animals back, literally awkward~

Former force from Sophie Grey.

After seduce from Thena Morr.

Were they still masters in the eyes of their spiritual beasts?

They were too angry to say anything.

"Is this man of your family or not?" The man sitting next to the elder of Bair could not help asking.

The elder of Bair startled for a while and said;"yes, she is"

He barely hid the smile on his face, suddenly thought of something, and shouting;"Luria, throw token into altar!"

Thena listened and dropped the token subconsciously, then the token shotted into the altar of the House Bair and bursted into sparks with a bang. The flame burned and condensed into a letter B.

Pegasus carried her slowly down beside Sophie. Compared with her full dress,Thena was clothed with more simple one.

"Luria, well done! made a show ah!"

As she smiled gently at Thena, Sophie's hand, hidden in sleeve, was clenched fist tightly, and her fingernails dug deep into her skin.

"Thank you!" As she replied, Thena showed a defiant smile to her, then she turned to the position of the House Bair, walked over.

The elder of Bair looked at her with warm joy when she came.

But only Thena herself could tell the people who had bullied her most had been from the House Bair in her childhood.

The family Bair had involved in her mother's death, and when Eveline Bair and the rest of the Bair's had insulted her mother, her coward father had been completely silent, simply because he had been an emperor in need of the support of the family Bair.

As for her, maybe they had found it had been more interesting to torture her than her death.

There was a bitter blood feud between them!

She had to bear it until she could defeat them. She lowered her head and took a deep breath. When she looked up again, she smiled.

"Sorry, I am late, because flying horses were a little rough at first." Said Thena.

Looking at the Pegasus trailing behind her like puppies, they looked at each other and became suspicious.

Was that what you called disobedience? Did that make them less than human to Pegasus? They suddenly began to doubt their lives.

"Did you retest your the affinity?" Asked the old leader.

"The empress has not cared about me, the princess is not very happy to see me. I dare not to mention it." Thena shook her head, and her eyes looked down as she told.

"You have shown such amazing talent. Didn't the empress care about you?"

The elder's face darkened as he questioned.

The empress Eveline Bair was the nominal owner of the House Bair which was getting worse and worse, she must have thought that the house Bair was weak, could no longer brought her support! Hum!

Sensed their unhappy mood, Thena turned around, and curled her lips in disdain.

To topple the empress, the first thing was to topple the House Bair who had backed her.

It was very difficult to uproot a powerful family, why didn't just keep them apart?

A rift grew slowly, then eventually became a big rift in a relationship that couldn't be healed.

The empress was not happy either!

Sophie was still making a loud noise.