
Tamer Thena Morr

Thena Morr was abandoned by human being, but redeemed by demons. Her golden egg was robbed, Phoenix bone was dug out, and herself was thrown into abyss Morr, Thena Morr got relentless trained by Morr demons in abyss Morr, that obtained better cultivation. As her cultivation getting higher, Thena Morr found a cruel fact-this world was actually not a complete one, then she went to her adventure journey for truth...... On her way, she met something strange, something new, and evil corpse which came from the other planet. Meanwhile she made many friends. She was willing to protect all lifes from evil corpse or other planet creatures, then Broker protects her.

Daoist2UcU47 · Teenager
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32 Chs

Chapter 7 Caterpillar or zerg

Phyllis did not move and her eyes were gloomy. York family? Was that one? why was Mt.Beaten rioting again? It was that man waking up? Many problems in a mess!

Thena came home, on her bed, a small black egg was trembling, Thena's heart beat quickly, it was her spiritual animal was going to come out.

"Click", the black top of eggshell opened a gap, a black tail from the inside out, not waiting Thena to step forward, the tail curled the piece of eggshell back.

The next moment, there was the sound of egg-shell chomping inside.

"Baby? Thena tentatively stepped forward.

Before she came nearer, a circle of black light suddenly enveloped the egg, and a powerful energy swept down. If there was no seal in abyss Morr, the powerful energy would have raised straight to the sky.

"Thena, it seems be a divine beast!"

The monsters crowded around watching.

"What kind of animal do you want?" "Asked the creature.

Thena took a deep breath, "Any kind, my cub I like all."

The energy lasted for a long time, and everyone stared at the light with their eyes out of anticipation.

As the time went by, the light faded away, a little black furry creature emerged from inside.

It had two tentacles on its head, softly shaking, feeling so much attention, the little animal embarrassed, rolled up his belly and immediately shrank into a ball.

The monsters looked stunned. "Bug? caterpillar?"

Of all the spiritual beasts, the caterpillar was the most hopeless and worthless!

"Thena, how did you awaken a little coward?"

Demons here were advocating the most powerful creatures, they were disappointed when they saw such little caterpillar beast.

But it had none of the nausea of the other caterpillar. It had a round head, a pair of golden eyes like gemstones, and a furry body.

He recognized his master at once, and seemed to be a little hurt by the mockery of the demons.

The caterpillar rolled into a ball rolling to Thena's feet, delicately rubbing against her ankles, his eyes were watery, as if to cry.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Thena quickly picked up, and hugged, next moment, the small caterpillar suddenly turned into a three-year-old boy with a very beautiful appearance.

"My master." He put his head on Thena's shoulder, his flesh very soft in her arms and smelled of milk.

"What for!"

"Get off from our Thena!"

"You are spiritual animal of Thena, and you have to protect her, but you look so weak!" Said the monsters to him.

His eyes went red, he clenched his fist. "I'll protect my master, i promise!"

Thena patted its head, "It doesn't matter, i will protect you!"

"That's very kind of you, Master." His cute fleshy face leaned on Thena's shoulder, and then avoided Thena's eyes, toward a group of demons behind provocatively raised eyebrows.

He raised his eyebrows?

Monsters: "... !" This little guy seemed to have two different faces?

"Shall I give you a name?" Asked Thena.

"I had one already." The child grabbed her finger and replied, "My name is Changable."

He looked at Thena aggrieved, as if he was going to cry again: "The others here didn't like Changable, because i am quite weak?"

Monsters: "!!"

"No." Thena coaxed her cute cub, "it is no problem for you to be not strong now, your master- I will protect you!"

Changable nodded softly, "um!"

Looking at her cute cub quietly, Thena could not help thinking of the other golden egg had been robbed by the empress.

She did not know if her other cub was hatched, if it was maltreated.

Thinking of that, Thena felt like the heart was hollowed out.

She subconsciously gritted her teeth, and went out for Phyllis with Changable in her arms.

Phyllis, like a thin black statue, sat quietly on the rock, staring at the entrance to the abyss Morr, as if trapped in some kind of memory, seemingly surrounded by sadness.

"Mother!" Said Thena, walked forward.

Two years ago, she had been saved by Phyllis, given a name she would have never forgotten, they had bickered every day, but in her heart, she had considered Phyllis Morr as her benefactor, teacher, her second mother.

"What's the matter, little creep?" Phyllis asked, eyes felling on Changable.

Phyllis narrowed her eyes, with a sharp sight shooting through Changable.

She was not as the same as those low-level demons here, she knew much more.

After a while, Phyllis smiled mysteriously, "This little thing... interesting."

Changable felt much pressure from the terrible woman in front of him. He closed his mouth cleverly because he knew the woman must have had seen its real nature not a caterpillar!

"Mother, he is my cub called Changable, the soul switch pill you talked about last time, done?" Questioned Thena, a sense of urgency appeared on her face.

Soul switch pill was unique for Morr tribe, because it didn't affect the Morrs, only the humans.

If one got a suitable body, this one then could switch one's soul through the soul switch pill, its the best was the original energy was not affected, for example, original one was ninth level of dual body, it would be same after switch.

but it was very difficult to make, there were not enough medicine materials on hand, it took hundreds of years to collect.

"I'm not making that stuff." Phyllis chuckled, "The old bad is refining, found a suitable body?"

"Yeah." Thena also showed a smile, "that body is absolutely safe, I can't wait any longer, I have to go out to find my other egg, and my revenge also can't wait!"

"Yes." Unexpectedly Phyllis agreed.

She thought Phyllis would stop her.

Because Phyllis had said she would not be allowed out until she broke through to the senior Lynn body.

Thena Morr was stunned for a while.

"But I want two things from you." Phyllis eyes were full of murderous intent. "First, when you're out, I want you to find a way that can break the seal of the abyss Morr."

"Second, you must kill the person in charge in family York and take his head to me!" Phyllis gritted her teeth, as she told.

"York family?" Thena thought of the disgusting man beside the Luria Bair, "yes!"

She agreed without hesitate.

"What about the body you prepared? You can't use the dead. It has to be alive." Said Phyllis, a trace of worry appeared in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I found a stupid girl, she will roll and crawl to Beaten Mountain to meet me in three days" Replied Thena, a strange smile appeared on her face.

It was convenient for her to use Luria's body to go back palace for troubles making.