
Tamer Thena Morr

Thena Morr was abandoned by human being, but redeemed by demons. Her golden egg was robbed, Phoenix bone was dug out, and herself was thrown into abyss Morr, Thena Morr got relentless trained by Morr demons in abyss Morr, that obtained better cultivation. As her cultivation getting higher, Thena Morr found a cruel fact-this world was actually not a complete one, then she went to her adventure journey for truth...... On her way, she met something strange, something new, and evil corpse which came from the other planet. Meanwhile she made many friends. She was willing to protect all lifes from evil corpse or other planet creatures, then Broker protects her.

Daoist2UcU47 · Teenager
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32 Chs

Beaten Mountain

Phyllis's dwelling was also a cave, though not as large as hers, but much more elaborate, and entering it she found that it had been developed into a square. All the furniture in the room was black, with black brick walls, black beds, tables and chairs. The only bright color was the flaming tea set on the table, The ceiling of the cave was inlaid with several pearls as big as footballs, which gave off a soft and bright light, making the surroundings as bright as day.

"Congratulations on reaching the third level of Morr body!" Here's a bell for you.

It was a delicate little silver bell, tied to a thin red string, and when it was shaken, it rang brightly, and she liked it at once. "Is this really for me?" She asked somewhat uncertainly, having never received a present.

"Take this, this is a element craft, can let you out of the abyss Morr for an hour, if you figure out the way to ascend third level of Lynn body, you take this out, find a hidden place nearby, an hour to level 3 should be no problem, I see you only took about half an hour to third level of Morr body." explained Phyllis, in a cold voice. She then walked out and motioned for Thena to follow.

"Thank you, mom" Thena said with a twang. She wanted to cry again. She blinked firmly and raised her head to push back the tears.

"What did you call me? Mom? It sounds good." Phyllis replied with same cold voice.

But for some reason, Thena sensed a glimmer of joy in her cold voice.

When they reached the black river, Phyllis was the first to hit her with a third level of Morr energy, quick and accurate.

She was hit and flew straight into the river, before she was ready.

Thena crawled out of the river dripping wet and stood crestfallen. "Alas, I am too weak." Thought Thena.

"You're too weak. The enemy will never give you time to prepare, okay? Once again!"

Said Phyllis, very sternly, and before she could finish, she struck another blow, as fast as lightning.

Thena ducked in confusion.

"Too slow!"




Thena did not know how many times she had experienced "again". She could not even count it. She only felt that her head was echoing "again" when she walked back.

But the tough training was effective, and she got dodged better and better after.

Two years later

It was a black whip of some kind, and it glowed black light, and on its delicate silver handle was carved a small snake. It looked at her as if it were about to pounce on her.

"Try to activate it with Lynn energy." said Phyllis.

"Is it a Lynn element craft?" Asked Thena, watched it with widened eyes.

"Yes, it is a medium attack craft of Lynn element, and you have now reached both ninth level of Lynn and Morr body and are ready to use it" As she spoke, her eyes beckoned Thena to activate it.

As soon as she tried it, the whip turned into a black snake, sizzling, with its head raised ready to fight.

When she took away her Lynn energy, the Black Snake turned into a black whip and returned to Thena.

"If you don't want anyone else to activate it, it's best to drop the blood lock, so only you can use it." Reminded Phyllis.

"Yes sir, my dearest mom" She saluted Phyllis with smile. Phyllis's face was always cold, she knew, but her heart was warm.

In the palace of the Land of Beasts, Sophie screamed and threw the golden egg on the ground, repeatedly stepping on it.

"Why! why didn't this egg hatch into phoenix?" Her face looked pale and mad: "how much heart blood must i water and feed it?"

The queen came up as she heard her mad voice; "what are you fooling about! It is a divinity creature!"

"It had been two years but she still didn't come out !" Sophie Grey gritted her teeth, "how long should i hide myself? Those humble people would laugh at me if they knew i was a princess who could not hatch a phoenix." Sophie said angrily, her patience was worn out in two years; "The House York, one of the most powerful families in the five continents, whose Kevin York had been waiting for my phoenix here for months, if i did not hatch, i assumed he would cancel the engagement with me! " Sophie looked pale as she was complaining.

"Who dare! i will not allow that happen!" Said the Queen angrily, slapping her hand heavily on the table.

"Don't be ridiculous! Kevin should like you. Don't you hear that he went to Mountain Beaten with Luria to look for squama grass for you?" She looked at her daughter with care and concern.

"Squama grass! really?" Sophie grabbed the queen's hand, said happily: "Great! Squama grass is the best help for unhatched eggs, i must have it."

"Of course! you will get what you want, you are my apple, you deserve the best in our country, even in five continents, i promise!" Said the queen, looking at her daughter, who was not very sensible.

"Love you, Mom" Sophie finally relieved.

Meanwhile, In the Beaten Mountain, shrouded in thick fog all year round, a group of people was going deep carefully and each one carried a spiritual animal, at the head of the group were a young boy and a girl.

The boy whose name was Kevin York, twenty years old around, tall, strong, dressed in a blue knight suit, on the right side of his waist hung a bronze sword, a medium attack craft of Lynn element. On his left hand he wore a bronze ring inlaid a greenish-emeralds, a medium storage crfaft of Lynn element.

Handsome, rich, noble, well-connected, he was the kind of man that women liked at first sight. So did the girl next to, who was the girl of eighteen, named Luria Bair. She dressed in a bright yellow longuette, wore a silver chain around her forehead, at the connection of chain was a small silver dog's head, she had a pair of long and narrow eyes, now looking around.