
Tamer Thena Morr

Thena Morr was abandoned by human being, but redeemed by demons. Her golden egg was robbed, Phoenix bone was dug out, and herself was thrown into abyss Morr, Thena Morr got relentless trained by Morr demons in abyss Morr, that obtained better cultivation. As her cultivation getting higher, Thena Morr found a cruel fact-this world was actually not a complete one, then she went to her adventure journey for truth...... On her way, she met something strange, something new, and evil corpse which came from the other planet. Meanwhile she made many friends. She was willing to protect all lifes from evil corpse or other planet creatures, then Broker protects her.

Daoist2UcU47 · Teenager
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32 Chs

Ask a little interests for Phyllis

"But you can never think about him." Ceria Bair sneered as she said.

"The man is for princess! You are nothing." Ceria warned to Thena before she went to door.

The York family in five continents? the object the old witch gnashed her teeth in hate?

That's great, she was afraid it would be difficult to find him who unexpectedly was in front of her.

Thena was looking forward to the following days.

"Changable, can you shift into Luria Bair?

Thena questioned him when everyone left.

"Sure, but i need a drop of your heartblood, and it can last for only three hours."

Said Changable, and turned into a little boy.

"You're great, baby!" Thena gave him a kiss on his cheek, made the little boy dizzy.

"Are you going out at night, Master? Are you going for fighting?" he questioned excitedly.

" I wish I could go with you." Changable looked at his master expectantly.

"Sweetie, i really need you to role play of Luria Bair here, when I get the other cub back we can go out together." Thena fondled his head, as she said to him.

"Well~" Changable agreed unwillingly with his lips pursed.

"Am I still master's favorite cub when you found the other one?" Changable stared at her with his lovely eyes, as he questioned.

"You two both are my favorite cubs." Thena can't help but kiss him on his head again.

Every time when she was talking with Changable, she couldn't help thinking of her another cub, her heart ached as if it was torn.

In the middle of the night, Changable turned into Luria lying on bed.

Thena took out an element craft that can cover her breath and scent, the one Phyllis had given her for doing evil things ... not! important things.

She dressed in black, put on a mask, covered her whole face, on it was a woman face with long narrow eyes and bloody red lips, just like a siren.

Thena knew imperial palace so well that she easily eluded the patrol.

She found no trail of her cub after walking around.

"All that's left is the queen's bedchamber or dungeon. But she can't go there or else will be caught by the queen.

Nor did she want to give up, was it the only way for her to wait until Beast Fighting Contest tomorrow?"

Thena bit her lip, laid half-prone on the dark roof in thought.

Just when she was about to leave, Kevin come out alone with no slaves followed.

Thena stopped her steps at once.

"York family and a genius "

An odd smile crept onto her face, taught for 2 years by many great demons, her character was more like them.

"Never back with empty-handed!" It was their consistent principle.

"Old witch, i gonna ask a little interests for you today!"

Then she ran over to Kevin.

"I am wondering if the woman in Mount. Beaten is still alive, too kind, that is stupid ..."

"What a pity!"

"That woman looks really like a mysterious flower, who is rather attractive."

As Kevin was muttering to himself, looking up at the moon, much pity emerged in his eyes.

All of a sudden, a hit of Lynn energy coming to him.

Unprepared Kevin dodged to side instinctively, but followed by a long leg swept over to his face!

Thena was angry when she heard Kevin mentioned Mount. Beaten or kind woman or something? Instantly she could't help sending a Lynn energy attack.

Was the stupid fucking man insulting her?!

Thena tried her best to give a hit and hit again, numerous Lynn elements flow into her body.

She must have ended the fight early, since the patrol would have gotten here soon.

"Who are you?" Kevin ducked awkwardly, as he questioned.

He was shocked this person was even stronger than he was, the fluctuation of Lynn energy almost reached to senior Lynn body!

Thena replied with a constant attack to his most vulnerable spot.

Kevin was frightened out of a cold sweat.

"Damn!" It was a repeated chanllenge for a pride genius, he flew into a great rage, instantly took out a Lynn element craft.

"Do you think you are the only one has element craft?" As Thena said, she gave a sneer, and threw out three inferior element crafts in one time, then snapped a finger.

"Bang!" Her red lips dilated slightly.

'Bang bang...'

Three loud explosion sounded, rolled Kevin whole person into it.

He immediately activated his defensive element craft, but was still exploded black and blue!

"Tell me who are you?"

No any respond for his question!

"Hiding like a rat!"

Kevin's whole body trembled in anger, as he saw his craft was blown to pieces.

Thena did non-stop, took out another three inferior crafts.

"Again? No!" A cracking sign appeared on Kevin's face.

"Let you see the rat way!" Thena took out more element crafts, as she sneered.

"Kevin York!" The patrol was running to him.

"See you later~" As Thena was ready to leave, another five medium crafts appeared in her hands.

"Get out of the way!" Kevin's face suddenly changed to panic as he shouted at the patrol.

His shouting were swallowed by the sudden explosion in the air.

A massive boom went up into the sky.

Thena was throwing out Morr element crafts, as she was running outside.

Boom one by one!