
Tamer Thena Morr

Thena Morr was abandoned by human being, but redeemed by demons. Her golden egg was robbed, Phoenix bone was dug out, and herself was thrown into abyss Morr, Thena Morr got relentless trained by Morr demons in abyss Morr, that obtained better cultivation. As her cultivation getting higher, Thena Morr found a cruel fact-this world was actually not a complete one, then she went to her adventure journey for truth...... On her way, she met something strange, something new, and evil corpse which came from the other planet. Meanwhile she made many friends. She was willing to protect all lifes from evil corpse or other planet creatures, then Broker protects her.

Daoist2UcU47 · Teenager
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32 Chs

Adventure for Luria

In the palace, Sophie Grey was excited to look at the white sword in front her.

She gently touched its delicate handle, the smooth blade was so sharp emiting waves of cold light, piercing like winter frost.

"Mother, do you really give me the Frost sword?"

"You are deserved, it was used when i was Lynn body and a very rare element craft in the world, which can also be activated by you!"

Sophie's face was full of joy, but soon darkened. "Hot... ?"

The queen raised her eyebrows, said confidently, "I am training it in the dungeon. Don't worry, I will give you an obedient phoenix in three days"

Sophie nodded, "I see, mother."

"The annual Beast Fight Competition is coming up. You must win this time, otherwise you can't legitimately lead the way into the Lost Land." Said the queen, looked at Sophie seriouly and continued; "It is said that the Lost Land is a piece of debris from another space, in which the key to another space can be found. The Lynn element of our world is getting less and less, and no way to progress again when we reach the god Lynn body. Only by going to another space can we have the chance to be promoted." With that, there was a serious, helpless look on her face.

Sophie Grey nodded solemnly.

Looking at the headstrong, ignorant daughter in front of her, the queen was worried about her future. By awakening the Lynn body, they gained much more life than the ordinary tamer. But they were in need of more and more Lynn elements, as the body levelled up. The Lynn element of this world was not increasing, but slowly decreasing. Where should it go in the future? The queen was lost in thought.

Meanwhile, Luria was cursing Thena.

"After I get recovery, I'll take part in the Beast Fight Contest!" Luria Bair thought, lying on the bed, scratching her face, gnashing her teeth, and shouted, "I'll kill that bitch!"

"My blazing hound is very fast, it is impossible for the bitch to catch up, if the bitch gonna kill me, the blazing hound will take me to run away, yeah, that's it!"

Thought so, Luria decided to meet Thena.

On the night, she quietly went to Mount Beaten.

At night the Beaten mountain looked particularly grim, dark and foggier than they had been in the daytime, and the surroundings were blurred like grotesque apparitions that wandered about.

"The bitch maybe died in that collapse? if yes, how's my antidote then?"

She was terrified walking on the mountain path, as she was scolding.

She looked around warily, the recovered blazing hound carried her carefully.

All of a sudden, the blazing hound made a menacing growl at one spot.

"Coming? Right on time!" Thena's voice broke out.

She was leaning on a old tree, Changable was sitting the branch next to her, a pair of short legs followed by shake, half-smiling at her.

Luria took two steps back, kept a long distance from her. "Bi... "

She saw a black snake hovering around Thena's arm, hissing at her before she finished her speaking.

"Where is the antidote?" Luria sipped her lips and questioned.

Glimmer flashed in Changable's golden eyes, and the blazing hound suddenly gave a cry, laid trembling on the ground with its tail retracted between its legs. Luria Bair was suddenly thrown down by her own hound, fell down.

"Want me to give you a cure?" Thena Morr's voice was full of irony, she looked down at Luria Bair, just like before what Luria did to her.

"Sure. Knee down to beg me!" Said Thena in a cold voice, her eyes were calm and murderous, and she released all of her Lynn energy.

Under the pressure of ninth level of Lynn body Luria Bair could not breathe. She tried her best to struggle against.

"Hum! Do you think you are deserved? "Said Luria Bair, fear, arrogance both appeared in her eyes.

But the best healer in the Land of Beasts were helpless for her poison. She did not want to die, nor disfigured. She closed her eyes in despair and took a deep breath, when she opened her eyes again, as if she had made a very important decision.

Luria slowly bowed her head, and knelt down before Thena Morr.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault, forgive me, please" She said with a very low voice.

It was so humiliating for her.

Thena looked down at Luria Bair. Two years ago, she was the one kneeling at her feet. She had been kneeling to these people for 16 years. Now, it's their turn!

Thena sneered, threw her a pill box, a soul switch pill inside.

"Swallow it."

Luria Bair was hesitant.

Thena smiled again, "Your death is not good for me. I still expect you to give me the status for the palace."

Luria Bair's eyes brightened. Yes! This woman could have killed her, but she kept her alive. There's got to be something she needed.

"Don't you believe me?" Thena laughed, took out another pill and threw it into mouth, "Don't worry, it won't kill you!"

Luria instantly believed it when she saw so, and then dropped the soul switch pill into her mouth.

The next moment, she was shuddering in a gut-wrenching pain.

"No!! "You're going to kill me!" she screamed. "You're going to kill me!"

Thena was also very uncomfortable, the sense of soul stripping made her very painful, but she still can stand.

Thena went to Luria, grasped Luria, "how did you think I would let you go?"


Next moment, Thena fell down, and then Changable moved her body on the soft grass.

Several minutes later, Luria moved, she opened her eyes, smiled to Changable.

"Master? Changable asked tentatively.

Thena touched the strange face, "It's me."

"Ow!" the blazing hound convulsed. Its master was died. As a spiritual animal, it was also doomed.

"Now the problem is how to get another blazing hound." Thena twisted across her leg, sunk in thought.

"Master, no need to worry." Said Changable: "I can shift into a blazing hound!"

Then, Changable turned into a blazing hound who exactly same as previous, licking her finger.

"Is this your natural power? Can talent be the same after shifting?" Asked Thena, in surprise.

"Of course, as long as it is not much stronger than me, the talent can be as same!" said Changable, a pride in his voice.

Thena took the real antidote, killed the venomous bug inside the body. Then she patted the ground three times, soon two Specters emerged from under the ground and ingratiating around her.

Specter was the only creature that could come out from abyss Morr freely because... It had no any power, and if it got caught, it was a pretty good remedy.

Just like a great walking ginseng.