
The Lives and Times

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, pretty much everything I wrote between 2018 and 2024. Categories and ratings vary.

Reza_Tannos · Video Games
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160 Chs

Forever on Your Side

Whether it was some kind of miracle or strength she never knew she had, Edinburgh didn't care—that she could carry the unconscious Belfast to safety was all that mattered.

Through broken glasses and bruised eyes, she could see the battle in the distance; it was still raging, leaving the night sky alight and plumes of smoke rising. She could still hear the faint sound of shells being fired and explosions.

Even as the pain from injuries ached through her body, Edinburgh smiled. Even if she had to trudge along the waters, they managed to distance themselves from the fighting.

Her progress had been slow, but she knew for sure it wasn't carrying Belfast around that slowed her down.

She was never a burden.

Silently wishing her comrades victory and safe return, Edinburgh turned around. She had managed to contact the fleet before, but it would take some time before they could rendezvous. She couldn't afford to waste any time.


Edinburgh didn't pause even if she was greatly relieved Belfast came to not long after they set off, breaking the dead silence. She knew Belfast had always been strong, but she couldn't entirely shake the feeling that her sister might not survive, no matter how small.

"Edi, what…what…" Belfast croaked again after everything became more apparent to her. That she was being carried; that crimson patches were staining her tattered uniform; that her riggings were gone—and finally, the acute pain.

"Shhh. Rest, Bel. We're about to reach the meeting point with the fleet. They will treat your wounds," Edinburgh whispered.

"But…you don't need to, I—" Belfast countered as she realized that Edinburgh was in no better condition.

"Bel, I think you nearly sank there. You wouldn't be able to sail right now."

Edinburgh's surprisingly firm tone left Belfast silent. Her sister had never spoken like that before, and she was honestly taken aback.

"I will carry you. After all, I'm your older sister."

Belfast couldn't see Edinburgh's face right now, but the way she spoke painted a clear picture of her conviction. 

"Thank you, Edi," Belfast whispered, and Edinburgh laughed.

"Thank me when we're safe."

Silence again filled the air as Edinburgh headed towards her destination. She knew the fleet was close by, as she could see the outline of its ships. But Belfast was writhing more frequently than ever, forcing her to slow down to keep her balance. 

Belfast definitely noticed the subtle change because she soon broke the silence again.

"Am I being a burden?"

"No," Edinburgh's tone was just as firm as before. "You are not a burden. You're my little sister."


"You know a funny thought I have? If we had a childhood, I'd definitely carry you on my back a lot. Take you to see places where we can laugh together. Not like this."

Belfast felt her eyes misting over. When was the last time she felt so touched? She quickly realized she couldn't tell. But Edinburgh's bittersweet-tinged words had her feeling like never before.

"Sadly, I could never do that. I mean, outside this kind of circumstance, a grown woman carrying another grown woman on her back would be weird anyway. So, yeah, that's just a weird dream of me being like an actual older sister," Edinburgh went on. She heard Belfast weakly sighing.

"It is sad indeed because I'd have enjoyed that," Belfast spoke, "but…"


"I'm happy to know you're always there for me, Edi—even though, at times, I allowed myself to forget that. But you'll always be my older sister, after all."

There was a sniffle before Edinburgh replied.

"Aww. You know...I'm glad you said that."

Belfast cracked a hopeful smile.

"...We'll always be together, won't we?"

Edinburgh had never expected to be asked such a meek request, much less from Belfast, of all people. But she knew the answer right away.

"Duh, of course. Because you'll always be my little sister."