
Tales of Xibalbá

Hello everyone, I am the narrator, we are going to embark on a journey together; first of all we are going to describe the world where our stories will take place; but for that you must know a key word of our universe. Plasma.... A substance that for many only represents about 50% of the composition of the blood in our bodies, but here in Xibalba it represents... everything. There are 4 different types of Plasma with which any living being can be born and from this, if you are blessed, you can become an incomparable existence in the world but if you are cursed you can lose your humanity. Depending on the Plasma with which you are born you could develop certain abilities that allow you to manifest certain skills, the division is: Physical or Body Plasma: It allows you to change certain properties of your body, either form, composition or both but all this happens inside your body or on the surface. Who knows, you could be born with an intelligence never seen before... Or be able to transform into a dragon or maybe your only ability is to grow your toenails. Energy Plasma: Allows you to interact, control and even create certain forms of energy, so to speak is magic but at the same time is not limited by spells (Or maybe yes). You could control the 5 elements, you could manage some space-time or maybe you can just make your body glow in the dark. Organic Plasma: This is a special type of plasma that allows you to interact and influence other living entities. Maybe you can summon the dead, you could be a natural born beast tamer. merge with a dragon? Piece of cake.... if you are born with the ability. Otherwise you might only be able to talk to flies. Mutant Plasma: A certain type of plasma with mysterious properties, many of Xibalba's most legendary existences have this type of plasma... Will it be as incredible as the stories tell? Let's find out together. Did you think that's all? It's not that simple my friend, remember that all living beings in the world have plasma... Rare plants? nightmarish creatures? endless wars for incredible treasures? When they say imagination is the limit they surely mean our adventure. Did you think that's all? Since the living entities of our world will be so strong.... Why not give them a big and challenging enough world? Danger zones with impossible and extreme climates? Done heavenly minerals, natural wonders you've only seen in your dreams, unexplored areas so dangerous that no one knows what's inside? Done. Hidden dimensions and passages to other worlds? Done. References to mythologies, legends and ancient tales? Done

Salgado_R_Axel · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Mysterious mechanism

The inside of the large building of the Adventurers Guild gave the impression of being a bank since everything inside the building seemed quite fortified and besides that there were many guards who were dressed in combat suits composed mainly by a chain mail that covered most of their bodies.

Those meshes seemed to be of some extremely resistant material but at the same time flexible since it did not seem to affect their movements at all when walking. All the guards wore three things that made them stand out from other people, the first was obviously wearing the ring armor all over their body, the second was that they were exactly in groups of 3 people and finally they had a stern look on their faces as if they were guarding a valuable cargo.

Raiko watched the round of guards carefully along the extensive corridor that made up the landscape in front of him. Inside the extensive corridor was a large door that led to a separate hall, each one representing a different rank of adventurer since above them was the corresponding symbol. Each time a person was going to enter a new hall he had to verify his identity as an adventurer of the respective rank or higher to be allowed to enter, many people showed that they already seemed to know the procedure so they simply left their symbol somewhere visible on their body and entered without the need for the assigned guards to intervene.

Quickly the boy with distinguishable crimson eyes in the distance of the hall corresponded to his current rank, Epsilon, which was also one of the busiest. Giving a quick glance at the large amount of movement since compared to other halls, the stronger the requirement to enter a hall, the less people would there be and the Beta areas and beyond that seemed quite desolate because of that fact.

There was no inconvenience upon entering the guild since Raiko followed the examples of the more experienced adventurers. He then pulled out the token given to him by Sasuachin and to his surprise, inside the door were 4 more doors each having a large sign above them which consisted of Trade and Auctions, Adventurer Registration, Missions, Coliseum.

Apparently the seemingly simple external structure of the building on the inside was actually quite complex and there were a lot of adventurers of all types and sizes going in and out of all the doors. As Raiko walked towards the door that says "Adventurer Registration", you could hear the adventurers passing by him saying things like, "I hope that the wind attribute ore is still available" or "I will finally complete my 10 Epsilon rank missions and I can apply to raise my rank."

"I almost got killed in the colosseum yesterday if it hadn't been for me giving up in time..."

"I heard that another group of low rank adventurers will try the direct promotion mission again and with that there are already more than 100 that tried and only 2 people returning..."

It was noticeable that all kinds of verbiage that could be or could not be useful could be heard, depending on the type of information you want to hear. Finally, Raiko arrived in front of the doors of the "Adventurer Registration", in front of him were more than 10 guards watching, which was quite strange since the other areas did not seem so strict. But just as Raiko was a few steps away from his destination, one of the guards, a tall dark skinned young man who seemed quite strongly strict stopped him.

"Stop, show your symbol and declare your intentions"

All the guards threw a cold look at Raiko who became quite nervous since it seemed that any false move would bring him misfortune, he slowly reached for the small bag he was carrying and again took out his symbol and said with a calm voice.

"I have just been promoted to the Epsilon rank and I would like to register as an independent adventurer".

And with this the guard slowly approached Raiko and with a rude manner tooked out of his hand the symbol that was representing his identity. On the wall next to the door was a small slot that had a circular shape and size, and Raiko's symbol was placed in that slot then a small portion of the wall was illuminated, showing Raiko's information.

Name: Raiko

Title: -

Age: Approximately 17

Sex: Male

Plasma type: Mutant

Concentration: 10%

Mission Record: Official record missing.

Affiliation: None.

Merits: None.

Sponsor: Sasuachin Extrihes Von Riitemberg Calim Usher Usher Maximial El Cuarto.

In addition to this, an image of him appeared as if it were a photograph of him. Raiko looked stupefied at his information since when have it been engraved on his symbol and how had he not realized it had this function?

"The information matches his description, let him pass."

All the guards in the place nodded in unison as if they were perfectly synchronized, the one who looked like the leader of the group pulled the object out of the slot, making the information disappear and handed it back to the boy with mutant plasma.

"Since your sponsor is the great Sasuachin Extrihes Von Riitemberg Calim Usher Usher Maximial The Fourth let me offer an apology for my earlier attitude but it is a protocol that all new adventurers must be kept under heavy guard before moving into the registration area"

After saying that he bowed slightly in a sign that he was indeed sorry and even his once stern tone had become a bit more amenable and with that Raiko could only say, "No problem".

Although he was actually thinking how that eccentric dwarf have this much influence? Is it really necessary for them to say his whole name? What kind of figure is really that guy?

But all those thoughts were interrupted by a series of gear sounds, as if a gigantic mechanism was in motion behind the doors which until now had remained motionless just a minute ago and after the sounds started, the doors began to open up but unlike others that separates, they simply instead began to sink down the ground slowly as if they were very heavy structures.

Finally, Raiko could see what was on the other side, to which he was surprised since he noticed that other similar structures were moving the same way but some only did it to the right, others upwards and some to the left as well, it appeared as if it were a vault with many defense mechanisms opening and revealing a long corridor of more than 10 meters that was quite simple with extending white walls and a fairly simple wooden door at the end of it, painted the same color like the room. And as if it didn't want to stand out to the world, you could clearly see that only one person could enter at a time, yet still if you looked closely there were two rather unique things that stood out, one of them was the black colored knob and above that door was a sort of circular red light blinking slowly.

"Now you can come in, please wait in front of the door until the light turns green and enter."

Raiko nodded and began to walk down the hallway that had been formed and from a closer look he could tell that it was an exquisite construction since there was no trace that it was like a giant vault that had many thick doors coming out of the walls and can seal the place at any time.

At the end of the hall was a seemingly perfect entrance that no imperfection could be seen even if you tried to look closely. Then the sound of the gears rumbled again, this time louder as it was on the other side and like how all the machinery opens, the long corridors also closed and before he knew it, he was locked in a small room of no more than 3x3 meters where the only thing that illuminates was a flickering light.

Raiko waited a few minutes but suddenly felt a strong stabbing pain in his head, it was so unexpected and painful that he could not avoid falling to the ground while writhing from the torment he was receiving. 10 seconds passed by and the pain went away as suddenly as it came and slowly the boy with red eyes, now covered with sweat and a little wobbly, got up quite dizzy. He calmed himself down a bit before he could realize that at some point the light was finally green, and with a shocked face, decided not to stay in that place anymore and quickly opened the door. A dazzling glow momentarily blinded him before recovering his sight then an involuntary phrase came out of his mouth.

"I have died and I am seeing an ángel…"

Hello everyone I have been looking for a job since I recently finished my studies (Yeii me) and yesterday I had several job interviews, in fact these days I have a lot of things related to that so maybe it will be 1 chapter every two days but I will try to post daily and I will make an effort.

Don't forget to do if review is very important for the novel to be more known and again I thank all those who have donated their stones.

Salgado_R_Axelcreators' thoughts